Summer 2024 Online | ECTC

Summer 2024 Online

Gen Ed Courses - 6/3/24 to 7/28/24

Courses list prerequisites as well as classes that require students be at college level in reading and/or English.


Written Communication

  • ENG 101 Writing I
  • ENG 100 English Workshop
  • ENG 102 Writing II (ENG 101)

Oral Communications

  • COM 181 Basic Public Speaking (E, R)
  • COM 252 Intro to Interpersonal Communication (E, R)

Arts and Humanities


  • ART 100 Introduction to Art
  • ART 105 Ancient Through Medieval Art (E)
  • ART 106 Renaissance Through Modern Art History (E)
  • ENG 161 Introduction to Literature
  • HUM 120 Introduction to the Humanities
  • MUS 100 Introduction to Music
  • MUS 222 History and Sociology of Rock Music
  • PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy


  • HIS 101 World Civilization I*
  • HIS 102 World Civilization II*
  • HIS 108 History of the US Through 1865
  • HIS 109 History of the US Since 1865
  • HIS 265 History of Women in America*

Natural Sciences

  • AST 101 Frontiers of Astronomy (E)
  • BIO 112 Introduction to Biology
    • BIO 113 Introduction to Biology Lab
  • BIO 120 Human Ecology
  • BIO 135 Basic Anatomy and Physiology with Lab
  • BIO 137 Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Laboratory
  • BIO 139 Human Anatomy and Physiology II with Laboratory
  • CHE 120 Chemistry in Society (QR)
    • CHE 125 Chemistry in Society Lab
  • CHE 130 Introductory General and Biological Chemistry
    • CHE 135 Introductory General and Biological Chemistry Lab
  • CHE 140 Introductory General Chemistry
    • CHE 145 Introductory General Chemistry Lab
  • CHE 170 General College Chemistry I
    • CHE 175 General College Chemistry Lab I
  • CHE 180 General College Chemistry II
    • CHE 185 General College Chemistry Lab II
  • CHE 270 Organic Chemistry I
  • CHE 280 Organic Chemistry II
  • GEO 130 Earth’s Physical Environment
    • GEO 131 Earth’s Physical Environment Lab
  • SCI 110 Science and Society

Quantitative Reasoning

  • MAT 141 Liberal Arts Mathematics
  • MAT 150 College Algebra
  • MAT 100 College Algebra Workshop
  • MAT 155 Trigonometry
  • MAT 170 Brief Calculus (MAT 150)
  • MAT 206 Math for Elementary and Middle School Teachers II
  • STA 220 Statistics (MAT 150 or MAT 141)

Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • ANT 220 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology*
  • ANT 240 Introduction to Archaeology
  • ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • PSY 110 General Psychology
  • PSY 223 Lifespan Psychology (PSY 110)
  • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology*
  • SOC 152 Modern Social Problems
  • SOC 230 Deviant Behavior
  • SWK 275 The Family

Foreign Languages

  • SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I*
  • SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II* (SPA 101)


*Cultural Competency classes

updated 3/12/24