September 21, 2018 - Minutes - ECTC Board of Directors Meeting | ECTC


Board Meeting Minutes

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September 21, 2018 - BOD Minutes

ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting


  • Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
  • ECTC Main Campus
  • Friday, September 21, 2018, 9:30 a.m. EST


Attendees Status Attended
Mr. Tim Gossett Board Chair Yes
Mr. Paul Witten Board Vice Chair Yes
Mr. Steve Bratcher Board Secretary Yes
Dr. Steven Sargeant Board Member Yes
Mr. Bob Claycomb Board Member No
Ms. Carla Hornback Board Faculty Representative Yes
Ms. Judy Akers Board Staff Representative Yes
Mr. Brent Osterlink Board Student Representative Yes
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO Ex-Offico Yes
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder Assistant Secretary to the Board Yes


Chair Gossett called the regular board meeting to order at 9:28 a.m. EST.


Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

  • Chair Gossett welcomed everyone to the ECTC main campus.
  • Judge Harry Berry swore in new board members.

Approval of Minutes

May 11, 2018:
  • MOTION: Mr. Paul Witten made the motion to approve the May 11, 2018 minutes as presented and Dr. Steven Sargeant seconded the motion.
  • VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

Old Business

  • Board members reviewed the self-evaluation and no additional revisions were requested.

New Business

SACS Requirements:
  • On October 15-18, 2018 a team of ten people, one a VP from SACSCOC, the other nine will be colleagues from institutions similar to ours, will visit our campus for our ten year reaffirmation on-site visit. Two handouts were distributed, one a tentative agenda for the four day visit and the other a SACSCOC On-Site Visit FAQ. The SACSCOC team will meet with faculty, staff, and students during the four day visit.
Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP):
  • Carla Hornback, QEP Director, distributed a FAQ handout for the Quality Enhancement Plan.
  • Question: Is SACSCOC the only accrediting agency?
  • Answer: Yes, for our region. Without SACSCOC accreditation ECTC would not have access to federal funding, financial aid, and credits earned would not transfer to other SACSCOC accredited institutions. SACSCOC accredits the institution as a whole, not individual programs.


Chief Finance and Facilities Officer Report:

Mr. Brent Holsclaw shared the Chief Finance and Facilities Officer's Report:


  • The Budget Development Process that was created in May of 2018 was used to create the FY19 budget.
  • The 2018-19 budget was developed based on a 3% growth in enrollment. Despite lower than projected enrollment, we are well poised to off-set the lack of funding acquired thus far. Contingency plans are in place, expenses are being monitored, and we have not hired all positions budgeted for the 2018-19 fiscal year.


  • Energy Savings Performance Project - We are approximately 80% complete and are guaranteed $300,000 in savings each year that will be placed in the general fund. The majority of the savings will come from electric use, though some will come from gas. There is approximately $49,000 remaining in the contingency fund for this project, these funds will go towards upgrading two boilers to newer, more efficient units.
  • JSO Project - Upgrades and renovations have been made to the original 1964 Administration building, now James S. Owen building. The punch list will be complete by September 28, 2018. A ribbon cutting has been scheduled for October 25, 2018 at 12:30 p.m.
  • Signage Project - The new logo will be incorporated into the signage project which will include new exterior directional signage, pedestrian wayfinding kiosks, and eventually a digital marquee near the 31 bypass.
  • Parking Lot Project - Work will begin later today to repair and patch several parking lots on campus.
  • OTB 300 Project - The roof will be partially replaced on the OTB 300 building.

Dean of Institutional Advancement Report:

Ms. Megan Stith shared her report with the Board members:

  • Ms. Stith distributed the Institutional Advancement Scorecard: July-September 2018.
  • What is Advancement?
    • Fundraising
    • Gifts and Capital Campaign
    • Alumni Relations
    • Scholarships
    • Corporate Partnerships
    • Grant Management
  • Priorities:
    • Major Gift Campaigns
    • Internal Systems
    • Alumni Engagement
  • University Center - Ms. Stith distributed the University Center Partners handout. This is a $4.3 million project, nearly half of the funds needed to complete this project have been raised. University partnerships are in process, campaign materials are in production, and planning meetings are in progress.
  • Ms. Stith will provide a "Wish List" to the board of items/funding needed by ECTC.
  • 15 to Finish - Dr. Pate posed this scholarship as a project to the board as a whole. The 15 to Finish Scholarship awards $500 to each student who enrolls in 15 credit hours, completes 15 hours, and re-enrolls in another 15 hours. Essentially, the last three credit hours will be paid for by this scholarship. ECTC estimates $40-$100K will be needed for one semester's worth of scholarship funds for the 15 to Finish Scholarship. The board has requested a special meeting to further discuss the 15 to Finish Scholarship. Ms. Stith will provide a "tool-kit'' for scholarships to board members to help open the door for various asks to assist in the funding/endowment of this scholarship.

President's Report:

Dr. Juston Pate shared the President's report, Dean of Student Affairs Report, and the Interim Provost/CAO Report with the board:

Interim Provost/CAO Report:
  • Mr. Darrin Powell is currently serving as Interim Provost/CAO while Dr. Tiffany Evans is serving as Interim President at Henderson Community College.
  • New Offerings:
    • Powertrain for Construction - This will be an agriculture certificate, training students to operate large farm equipment.
    • Information Security Specialist Certificate - This certificate is in response to local organizations seeking individuals with this certificate as a job requirement.
    • Phlebotomy - We are currently in the process of obtaining approval to offer this as an option in our Health Sciences Technology degree.
Dean of Student Affairs Report:
  • The fall 2018 Progress handout was distributed.
  • Credential seeking student numbers are down 177 students from last year.
  • Sophomore numbers are down due in part to our freshman numbers were down last year.
  • First-time freshman and freshman numbers are up.
  • Full-time number combined with credential seeking students (FTE) will give us the best indication of our revenue.
  • The $7 tuition increase will help off-set the decline in numbers.
President's Report:
  • Workforce Solutions Audit - An external consultant was hired to complete an audit of our Workforce Solutions program and the industry needs in our service region. As a result, we will be restructuring our Workforce Solutions program to match the recommendations of the consultant. Workforce Solutions will be renamed Business and Industry Services. The top three goals of this program will be to save companies money on training, reduce turnover rates within companies, and to be the number one choice for businesses and industries when it comes to training employees. We are exploring the possibility of developing a mobile training lab that can be stationed at each company and will provide training in a more efficient and cost effective manner.
  • ECTC is focused on becoming more proactive rather than reactive, this is vital to the success of our students, faculty and staff.


  • Ms. Judy Akers made a motion to enter into Closed Session and Dr. Steven Sargeant seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  • The board entered into Closed Session to discuss property acquisition.
  • Mr. Paul Witten made a motion to adjourn Closed Session and Mr. Brent Osterlink seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Mr. Brent Osterlink made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Dr. Steven Sargeant seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. EST.


The next board meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 9, 2018, at the ECTC Springfield campus.


Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Signature of Emily Allen, Recorder Emily Allen, Recorder Signature of Steve Bratcher, Secretary Steve Bratcher, Secretary

FAQ Quality Enhancement Plan

Developing Essential Skills Through Active Learning - Professionalism, Communication, Critical Thinking, Organization

Personal and Professional Success in the Classroom and Beyond!

For the next five years Elizabethtown Community and Technical College will focus energy on its Quality Enhancement Plan. The information below will help you understand exactly what this means for each student enrolled at our college.

  • Exactly what is a Quality Enhancement Plan? 
    A Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a five-year plan focused on improving student learning or the environment surrounding student learning. It defines a course of action for institutional improvement. This is a requirement and a great opportunity to focus on student learning as a college.

  • Who requires that the college develop this plan? 
    Our accrediting body. “Accreditation in the United States is a voluntary and self-regulatory mechanism of the higher education community. It plays a significant role in fostering public confidence in the educational enterprise, maintaining standards, enhancing institutional effectiveness, and improving higher education by establishing a common set of requirements with which accredited institutions must comply.” Source: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

  • Who is SACSCOC?
    SACSCOC stands for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. This is our regional accrediting body. Every ten years our college must prepare a report that outlines how we meet the standards set forth from our accrediting body. In addition to speaking to what we have been doing, the QEP is an opportunity to look forward to the future.

  • What does this mean for me as a student?
    As a student of Elizabethtown Community and Technical College you will be immersed in a classroom environment that allows you to develop essential skills to prepare for success in your future. Often Essential Skills are referred to as soft skills. Our college is focusing on the development of four essential skills: Professionalism, Communication, Critical and Integrative Thinking, and Organization. These four skills are in the top ten skills that employers look for in new employees and when they look to promote employees. Students will experience over the next five years a significant change in the classroom environment. Our classrooms will become much more interactive, exciting, and in some ways more challenging.

SACSCOC will be on our campus October 15 -18; should someone stop you and ask you what our QEP is, hopefully you can now answer him or her with confidence.

Back to Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) under New Business

Institutional Advancement Scorecard: July-September 2018

Celebrating Success

KEY METRICS Fiscal Year to Date
# Opportunities Shared 17
# Proposals in Development 4
# Proposals Submitted 8
# Proposals Awarded 3
$ Requested $77,500
$ Awarded $5,750
% to Goal - University Center 46%
# New Community Partnership 3

Project Highlights

Major Gift Campaigns, Internal Systems, Alumni Engagement

  • University Center campaign planning, lead gifts
  • Pilot Flying J CDL donation
  • Lunch Box refrigerator, Feeding America partnership
  • TACK partnership, Project Go matching funds
  • Distinguished Alumni selection
  • Profiles in Excellence planning
  • Hosted Fundraising Lunch & Learn
  • Represented ECTC at 20 events

Grants being drafted: KCTCS Innovation grant, Veterans United Foundation, support for DOL Apprenticeship grant

Goal 1:  Develop internal fundraising systems that provide a foundation for growth

Tactic Measurable Timeframe Status
Develop database of corporate giving history and prospects Spreadsheet reviewed with key leadership for accuracy, maintained by IA August 2018, Ongoing In process
Host fundraising workshops for ECTC staff and faculty 3 workshops held/year September 7th, January, April Held 1st workshop
Increase number of sponsorship and grant requests submitted $1,000,000 in requests made for year Weekly review of grant opportunities In process, grant approval process developed


Tactic Measurable Timeframe Status
Present IA achievements to Cabinet monthly At least 12 Cabinet reports distributed Monthly Reporting monthly
Distribute IA news to all staff and faculty At least 6 newsletters distributed Monthly Featured in Council Newsletter
Develop Grant Rapid Response Team to undertake proactive planning once proposals are awarded Identify potential members, first meeting held November Identifying prospective members


Goal 2:  Increase Alumni Engagement

Tactic Measurable Timeframe Status
Review all $1,000+ individual donors and Distinguished Alumni and ask for meetings Number of meetings tracked, reported monthly October 41,000 alumni records received, in review
Identify and ask 15 volunteers to participate on Alumni Advisory Committee Volunteer position description developed and shared with 20 prospects October Chair reviewing prospect list
Identify and ask Chair to lead group First meeting held October Chair confirmed
Annual engagement plan developed for committee Plan created with input of committee, presented to key leadership November Will determine with Advisory Committee


Tactic Measurable Timeframe Status
Work with Marketing to incorporate Alumni features into communications plan Alumni are featured in at least 6 publications by ECTC and/or media outlets September Alumni for first feature contacted
Celebrate alumni accomplishments through Distinguished Alumni program Increase attendance at Profiles in Excellence July-Nov. 2018 Nominees in review
Develop and launch Alumni mentoring program to provide value to students and keep Alumni involved First class of matches made Announce in November Researched platform options, developing plan


Tactic Measurable Timeframe Status
Alumni/prospects contacted at least twice per year with success story Communications calendar complete. At least 2 communications sent per year. TBD Will determine with Advisory Committee
Alumni/prospects contacted at least annually with giving opportunity Giving campaign raises at least $AMT– set with committee guidance TBD Will determine with Advisory Committee


Goal 3:  Organize & Execute Major Giving Campaigns

Tactic Measurable Timeframe Status
Create calendar mapping out all solicitations, plus major marketing needs Calendar complete, reviewed with key leadership October In progress
Compile database of prospects and match to most likely campaigns Prospect list complete, reviewed with key leadership September Complete, being maintained
Develop communications materials for each campaign Pitch sheets, pledge forms created October UC materials In progress
Assign relationships to leads and report on progress Report on progress monthly TBD Will determine with Campaign Committee


Tactic Measurable Timeframe Status
Organize prospecting, communications, proposals Report on progress monthly TBD In progress
Campaign Chairs identified Public campaign kickoff with chair TBD ID-ing Chair
Pledges requested and tracked University Center Fully Funded by November 2019 TBD  


Back to Dean of Institutional Advancement Report

University Center Partners

DRAFT: agreements as of 9/19/2018

University Bachelor Degrees Master Degrees

Bellevue University
(Note: Currently Online Only)

  • Business Analytics
  • Child Protections & Juvenile Justice
  • Communication
  • Communication Studies
  • Cybersecurity
  • Emergency Management
  • Graphic Design
  • Healthcare Management
  • Information Technology
  • Intelligence & Security Studies
  • IT Operations Management
  • Leadership
  • Non-Profit Management
  • Project Management
  • Public Health Education
  • Software Development
  • Supply Chain & Logistics Management
  • Supply Chain, Transportation & Logistics Management
  • Systems & Network Administration
  • Web Development

Campbellsville University

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

Eastern Kentucky University

  • Aviation
  • Criminal Justice

McKendree University

  • Business Administration in Accounting 
  • Business Administration in Marketing
  • Business Administration in Human Resources Management
  • Business Administration in Sport Management
  • Sociology in Criminal Justice

Morehead State University

  • Pending

Murray State University

  • Agriculture

Northwood University
(Note: Currently Online Only)

  • Applied Management (targets AAS students, not AA/AS students)

Spalding University

  • Education - Secondary/High School Teacher Education (Pending)
  • Nursing – BSN and RN to BSN

University of Kentucky

  • Pending (Engineering)

Western Kentucky University

  • Computer Information Technology
  • Criminology
  • Elementary Education
  • Health Sciences
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Middle Level Education in Social Studies & Language Arts
  • Paralegal Studies (we teach the WKU lower division courses)
  • Psychology
  • SkyTeach Mathematics Education
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • Systems Management
  • Organizational Leadership

Back to Dean of Institutional Advancement Report