February 8, 2019 - Minutes - ECTC Board of Directors Meeting | ECTC

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Jan. 6 and 7 are Virtual Learning Days. While classes do not begin until Jan. 13, services will be provided virtually Jan. 6 and 7, including the scheduled Express Enrollment


Board Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2021
September 10, 2021
May 14, 2021 February 12, 2021
November 13, 2020
September 11, 2020
May 8, 2020
February 14, 2020
November 9, 2018
September 21, 2018
May 11, 2018
February 16, 2018


February 8, 2019 - BOD Minutes

ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting


  • Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
  • ECTC Leitchfield Campus
  • Friday, February 8, 2019, 9:30 a.m. CST


Attendees Status Attended
Mr. Tim Gossett Board Chair No
Mr. Bob Claycomb Board Secretary No
Dr. Steven Sargeant Board Member No
Mr. Paul Witten Board Vice Chair Yes
Ms. Dorothy Johnson Board Member Yes
Ms. Carla Hornback Board Faculty Representative Yes
Ms. Judy Akers Board Staff Representative Yes
Mr. Brent Osterlink Board Student Representative No
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO Ex-Offico Yes
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder Assistant Secretary to the Board Yes


Vice Chair Witten called the regular board meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. CST.


Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

  • Vice Chair Witten welcomed everyone to the ECTC Leitchfield campus.

Approval of Minutes

November 9, 2018:
  • MOTION: Ms. Carla Hornback made the motion to approve the November 9, 2018 minutes as presented and Ms. Judy Akers seconded the motion.
  • VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

Old Business

  • There was no old business to discuss.

New Business

Election of Secretary:
  • A quorum was not present; therefore, the board was unable to elect a new secretary.
6-Year Plan:
  • Each biennium ECTC updates the Strategic Needs Analysis (SNA). The SNA or 6-year plan consists of all projects exceeding $1 million dollars.
  • 1st biennium (2021-2022) projects consist of a $25 million upgrade to the Occupational Technical Building, the creation of a Transportation Logistics Center (TLC) that will house our automotive/diesel program, and the creation of an Entrepreneurial Center.
  • 2nd biennium (2023-2024) projects consist of a renovation to the Science building, the Academic Technical Building, and the Learning Resource Center.
  • 3rd biennium (2025-2026) projects consist of upgrades to the Leitchfield and Springfield campuses.
  • It is important to note, none of these projects have been approved by the Board of Directors, in order for these projects to occur they must first be included in our SNA plan.
15 to Finish Scholarship:
  • Steve Bratcher served as our Board of Directors liaison for the 15 to Finish fundraising. Steve is now an ECTC employee and serves as the Workforce Solutions External Technical Skills Training Director.
  • The 15 to Finish Scholarship awards students $500 after they have successfully completed 15 hours and have enrolled for an additional 15 hours.
  • ECTC will award $47,000 to 94 students for fall 2018.
  • It is estimated that ECTC will award approximately $100,000 to students each academic year.
  • The Raymond Smith Scholarship Fund has been established to help fund this scholarship, $90,000 has been endowed, $10,000 has been gifted to the college to help fund the fall 2018 15 to Finish Scholarship awards.


Provost/CAO Report:

Darrin Powell presented the Provost's report:

  • Adjunct Faculty Evaluations - ECTC has implemented a more robust evaluation process for our adjunct faculty members and it involves observation, review of meeting deadlines, participation in departmental meetings, proper use of instructional materials, responsiveness to students and any other relevant performance factors.
  • Advance Registration - A retention effort during fall 2018 led to an 11% increase in the number of students who took advantage of advanced registration. This was accomplished by providing advisors with weekly updates on their advisees and highlighting the percentage of their advisees who had registered.
  • Updated Assessment and Placement Policies - CPE and KDE will initiate a new placement policy in which specific guidelines are provided for enrollment into general education courses and alternative guidelines are outlined for enrollment into technical education courses.
  • Certificate Approvals - The Board of Regents will approve two new certificates during the March 2019 meeting. The two certificates are Farm to Table from the Culinary Arts program and CAD Technician from the Engineering and Electronics Technology program.
  • Holocaust Murals - ECTC has collaborated with the Central Kentucky Community Foundation, WKU, and Hardin County Schools to bring the "Never Again: The Murals of the Holocaust" exhibit to the Morrison Gallery from February 25 to April 5. A public event where a Holocaust survivor will speak is scheduled for March 25 at 6:00 p.m.

Chief Finance and Facilities Officer Report:

Brent Holsclaw presented the CFFO report:

  • Budget Development Process - Each department is in the process of drafting their budget requests for the upcoming academic year. All budgets will be reviewed by Cabinet members and sent to the Business Office.
  • Fast Path - ECTC now has an additional security feature on campus. ECTC has up to date maps of all building on campus. In the event of an emergency situation, dispatch will be able to inform first responders of the exact location of the emergency/active shooter situation. This will in turn reduce the response time during emergency situations.
  • Signage - New exterior signage will be installed late spring 2019. The exterior signage will include two main campus entry signs, two secondary entrance signs, six directional signs, 17 building identification signs, and 10 campus map kiosk signs.

Dean of Institutional Advancement Report:

Megan Stith shared her report with the Board members:

  • MOA's are in progress for the University Center.
  • ECTC has received a $100,000 grant for a mobile training unit.
  • Faculty and staff were surveyed during fall 2018 and were asked their preferred ways of giving back to the college.
  • ECTC has consolidated all of its scholarship offerings through an online portal called "Scholarship Central," this is maintained by the Central Kentucky Community Foundation.
  • The ECTC Alumni Network will kick-off this spring 2019. Alumni will be given the opportunity to stay connected with our college, current activities, and resources.

Dean of Student Affairs Report & President's Report:

Dr. Juston Pate shared the Dean of Student Affairs and the President's report with the board:

  • A Board of Directors workshop will be held on March 1, 2019 in Versailles, KY. New board members are strongly encouraged to attend, all board members are invited.
  • We have restructured our Workforce Solutions department and are now fully staffed.
  • Enrollment is down from last fall and spring, particularly credential seeking enrollment. Our revenue is up from last year due to the tuition increase.
  • Safety and Security - We now have two trained security officers on our main campus and we are currently exploring options for an officer for the Springfield/Leitchfield campuses.
  • Infrastructure - We have invested in new technology. Currently, 66% of employee computers have been replaced with new computers. Labs/classrooms have been updated. The parking lots on the east and south side of the campus have been repaved.
  • We have added nine new programs over the last year. We have plans to offer more class times and additional methods of delivery.
  • An Apprenticeship Summit is scheduled for April 10, 2019. KCTCS President, Dr. Jay Box, and Secretary Ramsey have been invited to attend.
  • Legislative Agenda - Dr. Pate asked board members to continue to voice support for Performance Funding when speaking with area legislators. Additionally, ECTC receives 1/3 tuition for dual credit courses, this is a financial hardship on the college. Dr. Pate encouraged board members to advocate for 1/2 tuition for dual credit courses when speaking with area legislators. Within the last year, we have tripled the amount of dual credit courses.


Ms. Dorothy Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Carla Hornback seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 10:43 a.m. CST.


The May 10, 2019 Board of Directors meeting will be held at the ECTC main campus at 9:30 a.m. EST.


Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Signature of Emily Allen, Recorder Emily Allen, Recorder Signature of Steven Sargeant, Secretary Steven Sargeant, Secretary