May 10, 2019 - BOD Minutes
ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting
- Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
- ECTC Main Campus
- Friday, May 10, 2019, 9:30 a.m. EST
Attendees | Status | Attended |
Mr. Tim Gossett | Board Chair | Yes |
Mr. Bob Claycomb | Board Member | Yes |
Dr. Steven Sargeant | Board Member | Yes |
Mr. Paul Witten | Board Member | No |
Ms Dorothy Johnson | Board Member | No |
Ms. Carla Hornback | Board Faculty Representative | Yes |
Ms. Judy Akers | Board Staff Representative | Yes |
Mr. Brent Osterlink | Board Student Representative | No |
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO | Ex-Offico | Yes |
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder | Assistant Secretary to the Board | Yes |
Chair Gossett called the regular board meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. EST.
Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements
- Chair Gossett welcomed everyone to the ECTC main campus.
Approval of Minutes
February 8, 2019:
- MOTION: Ms. Carla Hornback made the motion to approve the February 8, 2019 minutes as presented with one correction and Mr. Bob Claycomb seconded the motion.
- VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
Old Business
- Dr. Juston Pate briefly reviewed the Board of Director's Workshop held March 1, 2019 at the system office in Versailles, KY. Information packets were distributed to board members who were unable to attend the workshop.
New Business
Election of Secretary:
- Ms. Judy Akers made the motion to nominate Dr. Steven Sargeant as Secretary and Ms. Carla Hornback seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Strategic Needs Analysis:
- Each odd numbered year, state agencies submit information about their facilities and facility-related needs to the Capital Planning Advisory Board. This plan includes information about the mission and programs of the organization, facilities management and maintenance functions, and other capital related reports and planning. The plan provides the vehicle by which the organization makes known its capital needs over a six-year period in the areas of new construction, renovation, capital maintenance, equipment, and information technology.
Budget Approval:
Mr. Brent Holsclaw presented the board with the proposed budget for the 2020 fiscal year.
- ECTC's funding comes mainly from state appropriations and tuition revenue. ECTC receives 38% of its funding from state appropriations, the remaining funds come from tuition revenue and other sources.
- ECTC has reduced its pension liability from 72 employees to 41 over the last few years. New employees enter into a 403B retirement plan.
- There are four new positions factored into the proposed FY20 budget.
- A motion was made by Mr. Bob Claycomb and seconded by Dr. Steven Sargeant to approve the proposed FY20 budget. Motion carried.
Mission Statement:
Dr. Tiffany Evans presented the revised mission statement, copies were distributed to board members.
- A survey was distributed to community members, faculty, staff, and students requesting feedback, comments, and suggestions for the revision of our mission statement. Once the feedback was gathered, a committee was formed to revise and fine tune the mission statement.
- The revised mission statement was distributed to employees and students for additional feedback. Once all feedback was gathered, the revised mission statement was approved by College Council and the Cabinet.
- A motion was made by Ms. Carla Hornback and seconded by Dr. Steven Sargeant to approve the revised mission statement as presented, with one revision of a typo, changing "lift" to "life." Motion carried.
Chief Finance and Facilities Officer Report:
Mr. Brent Holsclaw presented the Finance and Facilities report:
- The exterior signage project will begin Monday, May 13, 2019, and will be complete by August 1, 2019.
Provost/CAO Report:
Dr. Tiffany Evans presented the Provost/CAO report:
- The fall schedule has been reworked in a way that does not expand the course load while resulting in a savings of $67,000.
- The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) final report has been submitted.
- The Farm to Table certificate has been approved.
- Student, Joshua Johnson, had the highest score in the nation on the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) exam, an Advanced Manufacturing test, making him the first person in the United States to score a level 2 certification.
Dean of Institutional Advancement Report:
Ms. Megan Stith shared her report with the Board members:
- A video created by WDRB regarding the University Center was shared with board members. As a result of the press coverage from this news segment ECTC's social media shares and posts have increased.
- June 12, 2019 is when the University Center public fund raising campaign will kick-off at the Hardin County Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
- University Center pledge forms were distributed to board members.
- Additional University Center support videos from local representatives in the community were shared with the board.
Dean of Student Affairs Report:
Dr. Dale Buckles shared his report with the Board members:
- This past year the ECTC "Dream Team" held 15 events at regional high schools. The "Dream Team" provides on site help with applications and registration. A total of 430 students were registered for Fall 2019 through this process.
- Commencement is Monday, May 13, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at Central Hardin High School. This year 1,880 degrees and diplomas and 2,200 certificates will be awarded.
- The men's Barons basketball team had a successful season, 22-5, and some players will go on to play at additional schools after graduation.
President's Report:
Dr. Juston Pate shared the President's report with the board:
- ECTC is initiating a partnership with Ft. Knox called the Career Skills Program. This designation with the U.S. Military would allow ECTC and Ft. Knox to be the manufacturing education provider for all soldiers/students in the US Army transitioning out.
- The Workforce Solutions department is now a fully staffed unit as of January 2019. This unit is highly functional and will continue to grow.
- The mobile training unit is set to arrive September of 2019.
- The GED Plus program provides a new avenue for students pursuing their GED to concurrently work towards earning a certificate.
- Summer campus projects include the renovation of the library, renovation to portions of the Academic Technical Building, exterior signage, installation of new technology in classrooms, and parking. These projects will be funded with excess revenue from FY19.
- ECTC should receive feedback within one month from SACS regarding our response to the SACS 10 year reaffirmation report from October 2018.
- ECTC is pursuing a reciprocity agreement with Harrison and Crawford Co. Indiana in order to provide in-state tuition for residents of these counties. The location of these counties make this agreement ideal for students interested in attending classes at the ECTC Meade Co. Area Technology center.
- One of Dr. Pate's personal goals during the upcoming fiscal year is to increase his internal presence on campus with faculty, staff, and students.
- This past fiscal year ECTC invested $200,000 in safety and security. From that money three armed county deputies were hired, new cameras were purchased, and Fast Path emergency first responder campus training is planned for later this summer.
Other Discussion
President/CEO Evaluation
- The board members present discussed Dr. Pate's evaluation and chair Gossett will present a summary to Dr. Jay Box.
A motion was made by Ms. Carla Hornback and seconded by Mr. Bob Claycomb to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. EST.
The September 13, 2019, board meeting will be held at the ECTC main campus.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Tuition and Mandatory Fees | $18,653,100 | $0 | $18,653,100 |
State Allocation | 11,673,800 | 0 | 11,673,800 |
Government Grants and Contracts - Federal | 0 | 12,884,300 | 12,884,300 |
Government Grants and Contracts - State | 0 | 3,304,800 | 3,304,800 |
Government Grants and Contracts - County | 0 | 67,200 | 67,200 |
Noncredit Tuition | 367,300 | 0 | 367,300 |
Private Funds | 0 | 1,076,500 | 1,076,500 |
Endowment Income | 0 | 27,500 | 27,500 |
Sales/Services Educational Activities | 1,351,500 | 0 | 1,351,500 |
Other Sources | 1,397,000 | 1,842,000 | $3,239,000 |
Budget Reserve "NR" | 788,800 | 0 | 788,800 |
System Services and Systemwide Contracts | (4,034,100) | 0 | ($4,034,100) |
TOTAL REVENUES | $30,197,400 | $19,202,300 | $49,399,700 |
Instruction | $14,013,100 | $726,000 | $14,739,100 |
Public Service | 45,300 | 41,500 | $86,800 |
Academic Support | 1,613,100 | 218,700 | $1,831,800 |
Libraries | 365,400 | 0 | 365,400 |
Student Services | 2,615,800 | 956,400 | $3,572,200 |
Institutional Support | 4,968,800 | 539,000 | $5,507,800 |
Operation and Maintenance | 2,977,100 | 2,183,000 | $5,160,100 |
Student Financial Aid | 2,810,000 | 14,537,700 | $17,347,700 |
Budget Reserve "NR" | 788,800 | 0 | $788,800 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | $30,197,400 | $19,202,300 | $49,399,700 |
Back to Budget Approval
That the KCTCS Board of Regents approve a revised mission statement for Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) as presented in the agenda materials.
- It is the policy of the KCTCS Board of Regents that each of the SACSCOC-accredited colleges under the jurisdiction of the KCTCS Board of Regents have a statement of purpose approved by the governing board and that the KCTCS Board of Regents periodically reviews and approves mission statements of each of the SACSCOC-accredited colleges.
- It is the policy of KCTCS that the college mission statement is reviewed annually and that the mission statement shall be submitted to the KCTCS Board of Regents for approval at least once every three years.
- ECTC sent a survey to faculty and staff (2/5/19), students (4/2/19) and community members (4/9/19) asking respondents to reflect on four questions about ECTC: Who is ECTC? What does ECTC do? Why does ECTC do it? For whom does ECTC do it?
- The qualitative survey produced 132 responses (56 faculty and staff, 45 students, and 31 community members).
- A Mission Writing Team was formed to review the responses from the survey and revise the ECTC mission. The team included the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, the Provost/CAO, the Arts and Humanities Division Chair, a member from Workforce Solutions, an Academic Counselor, a Technical Division faculty member, and a full-time student. The team met on April 15, 2019 and created a draft of a new mission.
- On April 18, 2019, another survey was sent to ECTC faculty and staff to review the draft and provide input; 88 faculty and staff responded.
- Using the input provided by faculty and staff, four additional versions of the mission were created and sent to the College community in a survey for voting and input in which 288 people responded (36 community members, 142 students, 49 staff, and 57 faculty).
- On April 24, 2019, the Mission Writing Team met to review the results of the survey and make any final adjustments to the mission statement receiving the most votes.
- On April 25, 2019, the final draft of the revised mission statement was sent to College Council for a Vote to Recommend to the President’s Cabinet for approval.
- On April 29, 2019, the revised mission was submitted to the President’s Cabinet for consideration and vote.
- On April 29, 2019, the President’s Cabinet approved the revised mission statement.
- On May 10, 2019, ECTC’s Board of Directors will review and vote on the revised mission statement.
- On May 10, 2019, ECTC’s Board of Directors reviewed and approved the revised mission statement.
The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) states that an institution must have “a clearly defined and published mission statement specific to the institution and appropriate to an institution of higher education, addressing teaching and learning and, where applicable, research and public service” and that “it must be approved by the governing board.”
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
Mission Statement
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) educates, empowers, and equips the diverse members of our region to compete in a complex workforce and improve their quality of life.
Mission Accomplished by providing:
- Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree programs which provide students with the opportunity to complete the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.
- Associate in Applied Science degree, diploma and certificate programs as well as courses to prepare individuals to excel in a complex workforce.
- Continuing and life-long education, short-term customized training for business and industry designed to strengthen the workforce and expand the life skills, knowledge, and the cultural enrichment of the community.
- Developmental Education courses to prepare individuals for success in transfer and technical courses.
- Associated services that support student development and success such as academic advising, library services, learning labs, assessment, career counseling, and cultural enrichment activities, among others.
4-30-99 | 6-10-16 | 12-5-03; 12-7-07; 12-10-10; 12-6-13; 6-10-16 |
Date Approved by KCTCS Board of Regents |
Date of Last Review | Date of Last Revision (Include all dates in chronological order) |
6-10-16 | 6-10-16 | ||
Chair, Board of Regents | Date | President, KCTCS | Date |
Back to Mission Statement