Campus Safety and Crisis Manual | ECTC

Campus Safety and Crisis Manual


Introduction and Acknowledgements

This manual has been a collaborative effort of the Safety Committee of Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) and various members of the Crisis Management Team.

Safety Committee Members

David Ramey - Chair

  • Sarah Berkshire
  • William Bland
  • Teresa Brown
  • Cindy Carman
  • Charles Cobb
  • Robert Douglas
  • Stu Fugate
  • Steve Gabehart
  • Carla Hammonds
  • Melissa Hodge
  • Brent Holsclaw
  • Jerianna LaPorte
  • Joe Mattingly
  • Mike Meanor
  • Revel Metzger
  • Sheila Musick
  • Terry Netherland
  • Glenn Raizor
  • Heather Reynolds
  • David Smith
  • Roberta Sosh
  • Marty Sutherland
  • Billy Watts
  • Ben Whitlock

Crisis Management Team Leadership

  • Sarah Berkshire
  • Tim Cordova
  • Carla Hammonds
  • Brent Holsclaw
  • Dr. Corina Langford
  • Joe Mattingly
  • Mike Meanor
  • Dr. Justin Pate
  • Darrin Powell
  • David Ramey
  • Dr. Telly Sellars
  • Dr. Megan Stith
  • Whitney Taylor

This manual is intended to provide the campus with safety policies and procedures and a crisis plan for the handling of emergency/crisis/disaster situations in accordance with Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) policy on the establishment of criteria for Emergency Response and Crisis Management Plans. The Safety Committee has strived to be as inclusive as possible with regard to various scenarios that might occur on campus and actions that should be taken by faculty, staff and students during those events. The Safety Committee is committed to the creation of a safe and healthy environment for employees, students, and the public. The Safety Committee, with assistance from various members of the Crisis Management Team, is responsible for evaluating, revising, maintaining and implementing the procedures in this manual on a periodic basis. Revised plans will be sent to the KCTCS System Office for review and certification. We appreciate and ask your assistance in making our campus a safe place to work and learn.


Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) is committed to the welfare of its community - students, faculty, staff and visitors, and to preserving the institution. The College strives to become disaster resistant. Disaster resistance is achieved through recognition and analysis of the risks of natural and man-made hazards, mitigation of the human and economic impact of disasters, and comprehensive planning for resumption of College functions. This Safety and Crisis Manual contains emergency plans that provide the framework from which the college will minimize the danger to life and property resulting from natural and man-made disasters.

The procedures contained in this plan apply to all personnel, on and off campus buildings and grounds owned by ECTC. This is to clarify the actions, roles, and responsibilities that are to be taken by individuals and departments in the event of a crisis or emergency that has a major impact on the ECTC community. Team work and preparedness through planning and education will help to reduce confusion, injury, and the loss of life during a disaster.

Part I. Emergency Plan Guidelines and Coordination

  1. The major emergency procedures outlined in this manual are designed to aid in the protection of lives and property through effective use of available campus resources. Whenever an emergency affecting the campus reaches proportions that cannot be handled by routine measures, the president or designee may declare a state of emergency and implement these guidelines.

  2. The president or designee serves as overall emergency director during any major emergency disaster. The following definitions of an emergency are provided as guidelines to assist ECTC employees in determining the appropriate response.

    1. Minor Emergency: Any incident that will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of the college. Report immediately to campus Security at 270-268-0610 or 270-706-8703.

    2. Major Emergency: Any incident that affects an entire building or buildings, which will disrupt the overall operation of the college. In this case, outside emergency services will be required, as well as major resource efforts from campus support services. Call 911 and Campus Security.

    3. Disaster: Any event that seriously impairs or halts the operations of the college. In some cases mass personnel casualties and severe property damage may be sustained. A coordinated effort of all campus-wide resources is required to control the situation. Outside emergency services will be essential. In all cases of disaster, an emergency control center will be activated and the appropriate support and operational plans will be executed. Call 911 and/or Campus Safety Officer.

  3. The president or designee will make the determination, if a state of emergency is to be declared and the type. During a campus emergency, the Security Supervisor will place into effect the necessary measures to secure campus personnel and property. Only authorized persons will be allowed on the campus during the declared state of emergency. The Crisis Management Team, and others as designated by the president as essential, will comprise authorized personnel.
  1. For police, fire, Department of Emergency Services (DES), or ambulance: dial 911.

  2. To report an incident, dial Security at 270-268-0610 or 270-706-8703. Stay calm; carefully explain the situation.

  3. Immediately notify your supervisor.

    Off-Campus Resources of Assistance

    Generally, Security is responsible for coordinating outside emergency assistance. The following numbers are only for information and advance planning:

    • For police, fire, DES, or ambulance: 911
    • E-town Water & Gas 270-765-6121, after hours E-town Police Department 270-765-4125
    • Electric - Kentucky Utilities 800-981-0600

The telephone system is the primary means of emergency notification. During an emergency, the system should be limited to transmission of specific information regarding the emergency. Initial contact with team members should be made through the telephone system. If the phone system is not operational, the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) department maintains a walkie-talkie radio system that can be used. It should be noted however that during a bomb threat no cell phone, pager or 2-way radio is to be used.

All designated persons and their backups should immediately turn on their 2-way radios should the tornado sirens be activated – 2-way radios should be taken with those persons to a safe shelter. Listen for further instructions from the M&O Department and the Facilities Manager before returning to your office or classroom. Do not go outside your building while the tornado sirens are activated.

  1. Definitions

    1. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Manager - The President or designee shall direct all emergency operations. In the absence of the President, an assigned administrator shall assume operational control of the emergency.

    2. Emergency Coordinator - The Vice President (VP) of Finance & Facilities shall be the Emergency Coordinator and shall coordinate all operations of the Crisis Management Team during the emergency.

    3. Emergency Command Post - An emergency command post will be set up. At least one member of the Crisis Management Team is to staff the command post at all times until the emergency situation ends.

    4. Pressroom - A pressroom will be set up by the President, or designee, at a location away from the above areas.

    5. Crisis Management Team - The Crisis Management Team shall consist of the President, Provost/VP of Academics Officer, VP of Finance & Facilities, VP of Student Affairs, Dean of Business Affairs, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, VP of Human Resources, Director of Student Accessibility, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Director of Maintenance & Operation (M&O) Facilities, Safety Officer, VP of Workforce Development, VP of Institutional Advancement, and Director of Information Technology Support Services (ITSS) and other members as deemed necessary. While the emergency command post is being established, the EOC Manager shall immediately begin contacting the other members of the Crisis Management Team. The members of the team will contact those employees under their supervision deemed essential for the emergency.
      Name and Title Telephone Office

      Dr. Justin Pate,

      270-706-8410 200 RPC
      Dr. Telly Sellars,
      VP of Academics
      270-706-8406 111 JSO
      Dr. Corina Langford,
      VP of Student Affairs
      270-706-8444 100A RPC
      Brent Holsclaw,
      VP of Finance & Facilities
      270-706-8427 109H OTB
      Sarah Edwards,
      Director of Institutional Effectiveness
      270-706-8447 112 LRC
      Joe Mattingly,
      Director of Finance
      270-706-8412 107B RPC
      Whitney Taylor,
      VP of Human Resources
      270-706-8604 206B RPC
      Dr. Megan Stith,
      VP of Institutional Advancement
      270-706-8721 200E RPC
      Sarah Berkshire,
      Director of Marketing & Public Relations
      270-706-8836 109 RPC
      Charles Cobb,
      Director of M&O Facilities
      270-706-8566 115 LRC
      David Ramey,
      EHS Specialist

      Terry Netherland,
      Campus Security

      Billy Watts,
      Campus Security-Glendale


      107 LRC

      165 RPC

      102 GTC
      Darrin Powell,
      VP of  Workforce Development
      270-706-8686 107F OTB
      Mike Meanor,
      Director of ITSS
      270-706-8659 109E OTB
      Carla Hammonds,
      Facilities Management Coordinator
      270-706-8606 204 OTB
      Teresa Brown,
      Director of Student Accessibility
      270-706-8455 129A RPC
  2. Responsibilities

    1. EOC Manager/President

      1. Provides overall direction of the campus emergency response.

      2. Works with the Emergency Coordinator in assessing the emergency and preparing the college’s specific response.

      3. Declares and cancels the campus state of emergency.

      4. Notifies and conducts liaison activities with KCTCS.

      5. Approves media communication.

    2. Emergency Coordinator/VP of Finance & Facilities

      1. Oversees coordination of the college’s emergency response.

      2. Determines, with input from Crisis Management Team members, the type and magnitude of the emergency and establishes the command post.

      3. Informs the Emergency Director of situation.

      4. Initiates immediate contact with Crisis Management Team and begins assessment of the college’s condition.

      5. Initiates notification of the campus through appropriate Crisis Management Team members.

      6. Prepares, in conjunction with other members of the Crisis Management Team, a report and submits it to the President appraising the outcome of the emergency. Conducts a post-crisis evaluation of the College’s performance during crisis response and recovery efforts and recommends changes to management.

    3. Director of Public Relations

      1. Puts into effect the Crisis Communication Plan, if necessary, and initiates plan for media contact.

      2. Maintains contact with the President for handling communications and public information and internal information.

      3. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in contacting employees on campus regarding pertinent information.

    4. Facilities Manager/Maintenance and Operations Supervisor/Environmental Health & Safety Specialist

      1. Assists the Emergency Coordinator during emergencies. Provides equipment and personnel to perform shutdown procedures, hazardous area control, barricades, damage assessment, debris clearance, emergency repairs and equipment protection.

      2. Provides vehicles to transport personnel and/or equipment.

      3. Obtains the assistance of utility companies as required.

      4. Surveys habitable space and relocates essential functions.

      5. Provides emergency power as needed.

      6. Maintains emergency equipment in a state of readiness.

      7. Provides personnel to ensure the sanitation of shelter areas and provides for the personal hygiene needs of shelter occupants.

      8. Provides security for campus.

    5. Director of Information Technology

      1. Provides equipment and personnel to maintain computer capability.

      2. Works with the M&O Supervisor/EHS Specialist in establishing needs for power.

    6. Director of Finance

      1. Provides expertise to maintain budgetary procedures and meet necessary immediate needs during an emergency.

    7. VP of Academics, Director of Student Services and Director of Student Accessibility

      1. Aids in directing students and faculty to safe areas and ensures accountability of students.

      2. Provides directional assistance where needed.

    8. VP of Human Resources

      1. Coordinates information with employee family members.

  3. Training and Drills

    Training programs and drills will be carried out at periodic intervals during the year. Evacuation (fire) drills are mandatory. Other less extensive drills or rehearsals involving fewer employees will be practiced, as well.

  4. Major Loss

    In the event of a major loss, the College has access to KCTCS System Office, as well as other KCTCS colleges in the region to provide and assist in recovery and restoration efforts. The College has budgeted contingency funding in its annual budget.

MINOR EMERGENCY - Any incident that will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of the college. Report immediately to campus Security at 270-268-0610 or 270-706-8703.

STEP #1:  Notify Security (270-268-0610; 270-706-8703); VP of Finance & Facilities; Notify College President.

STEP #2: Notify your immediate supervisor.

MAJOR EMERGENCY OR DISASTER - Any incident that affects an entire building or buildings, which will disrupt the overall operation of the college. In this case, outside emergency services will be required, as well as major resource efforts from campus support services.

In some cases, mass casualties and severe property damage may be sustained. A coordinated effort of all campus- wide resources is required to control the situation. In all cases of disaster, an emergency control center will be activated and the appropriate support and operational plans will be executed. Call 911 and report immediately to campus Security at 270-268-0610 or 270-706-8703.

STEP #1: Call 911.

STEP #2: Notify Security (270-268-0610; 270-706-8703) or Campus Operator ("0"); VP of Finance & Facilities; Notify College President.

STEP #3: Notify your immediate supervisor.

Part II. Crisis Communication Plan

As a public institution, ECTC strives to be forthright and timely in communications. Decisions regarding communications during a crisis will be guided by the commitment to public disclosure and the public’s legitimate right to be informed, balanced by a concern for the right of the individual for privacy and personal security. Also to be considered is the effect that immediate public disclosure could have on impending investigations or legal actions.

This plan offers policies and procedures for the coordination of communication within the ECTC family and between ECTC and external audiences, including the news media.

  • To factually assess the crisis and to determine whether a communications response is warranted
  • To assemble a Crisis Communications Team that will determine appropriate messages and actions
  • To identify constituencies that should be informed; communicate facts about the crisis; minimize rumors; and restore order and confidence

A crisis may be defined as a significant disturbance in ECTC activities that result in extensive news coverage and public scrutiny. Such a crisis has the potential to damage the reputation of ECTC. A crisis may or may not constitute an emergency in which campus operations are disrupted. The nature of the crisis will determine appropriate responses.

Crisis communication is one component of overall crisis management, but communications are key to how ECTC handles a crisis. How ECTC communicates will have a lasting impact on its reputation with various constituencies, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, the community and the news media. An effective communications plan, coupled with the early involvement of communications professionals, will help limit the negative impact of the crisis and allow those charged with mitigating the crisis to fulfill their responsibilities.

When an ECTC employee identifies a crisis, his or her first responsibility is to determine whether emergency services – fire, police, ambulance, etc. – need to be summoned. If warranted, the ECTC employee who discovers a crisis should notify emergency services before taking steps to activate the Crisis Communications Plan.

- or as a first step in the absence of imminent danger to life or property – the employee should inform his or her supervisor of the crisis. In accordance with appropriate chain of command, the office of the ECTC President is notified. The President makes the decision on whether to appoint and activate the Crisis Communications Team.

At the System level, the Crisis Communications Team should include:

  • President
  • Vice President for internal affairs
  • Cabinet member(s) with responsibility over the affected function of KCTCS
  • The Director of Public Relations
  • Any other employee deemed necessary by the President

At the college level, the Crisis Communications Team should include:

  • President/Director
  • Vice Presidents, Deans or Directors with responsibility over functions affected by the crisis
  • Public Relations Coordinator
  • Any other employee deemed necessary by the President/Director

Once convened, the Crisis Communications Team assesses the situation and determines how to respond.

An important part of the communication at ECTC and its colleges is our employees. Our faculty and staff must be kept informed of the crisis and our response to maintain order and facilitate a quick recovery. It is important to remember that the words and actions of employees toward external audiences will make or break the reputation of ECTC.

Therefore, after emergency officials are notified of a crisis, employees may be the next target audience. Other key audiences that should be kept apprised of ECTC’s crisis response:

  • Parents and family members of affected students or employees
  • Board leadership (Board of Regents, Foundation, local Boards of Directors)
  • Political leadership (Governor’s Office, key legislators, CPE)
  • News media

State and federal laws affect dissemination of information about students. Crisis communications must consider applicable statutes and fundamental issues of fairness.

Different crises warrant different methods of communications with key constituencies. Some options you may consider:

  • One-on-one or small-group meetings with employees or students when possible
  • Larger assemblies of employees or students
  • Use of email groups
  • Use of voice mail messages/Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) System
  • Regular communication vehicles, such as newsletters
  • Personal letters from the CEO to employees, friends
  • Phone calls or visits to important external constituents, such as board members and political leadership
  • Information posted on the web
  • A telephone line established to provide assistance
  • Counseling of employees or students


The Crisis Communications Team should meet within two weeks of the crisis to review the actions taken to determine effectiveness and efficiency of the response. Information obtained during the critique should be incorporated into updates of the Crisis Communications Plan.

Campus Security and Crime Awareness

We encourage the prompt and accurate reporting of ALL criminal matters occurring on campus. These incidents should be reported to Security at 270-268-0610 who will then contact the local police. Incidences of on-campus crimes must be reported in compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. To obtain the security statistics for Elizabethtown Community and Technical College to the Federal Department of Education, you may go to the following Website: or you may go to the ECTC Website and click on Current Student, then Student Life, then click on Campus Safety & Security. A special crime report will be made to the campus when any crime reported to the campus security authority personnel presents a safety or security threat to students or employees. The special crime report will be made in a manner that will aid in the prevention of similar occurrences and will be made within 24 hours of the incident report to the campus security authority. A campus-wide email will be used, as well as posting flyers on each building’s bulletin board. Faculty will be asked to notify students in their classes as well.

A complete description of the following policy statements is available in the Office of the Dean of Student Services:

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Notice of Drug Related Conviction
  • Drug and Alcohol Education and Training Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Awareness Information

First Aid & Medical Emergency Procedures

First Aid Kits for minor injuries, scrapes, and bruises are available in every building on the ECTC campus. These kits are periodically checked and supplies replenished.

First Aid Kits are located in classrooms and offices around campus, as well as in public areas for emergency access. These kits are in the following locations:

Building Office/Location Room Number
Academic/Technical Math Suite & 1st Floor Lobby 255 & Outside 100
Collier Learning Center Circulation Desk Library & 104 LRC
Education Center Fort Knox  
James S. Owen Hallway Outside 112
Science Chemistry Lab Vending Area
RPC Shipping & Receiving Bay Security Office &
Outside 212
OTB 100, 200, 300 Each Classroom or Lab 200 Hallway
STC/University Center 204 Dining Area
Glendale Training Center Vending Area  
Fire Rescue Building Open Bay Area  
Springfield Campus Workroom 205
Leitchfield Campus Staff Office Suite 102 Hallway
Equipment Building, Room Number
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) & First Aid
  • ATB - 1st Floor Lobby
  • JSO - Room 112
  • LRC - Circulation Area & Learning Lab 107
  • OTB - 200 Wing Hallway
  • RPC - Outside 212 & inside Security - 165
  • SCI - Vending Area
  • STC - 204
  • GTC - Vending Area
  • Springfield - 1st Floor Hallway
  • Leitchfield - 102 Hallway/Staff Office
Eyewash/Emergency Shower
  • OTB 100 - 106
  • RPC - 164 & 166
Eyewash Only
  • JSO - 141 (M&O)
  • OTB 100 - 102, 103, 106, 108
  • OTB 200 - 206, 213
  • OTB 300 - 300, 302, 306, 308, 318
  • RPC - 147, 148, 151, 162, 231
  • Bldg 601 (M&O) - Shop
  • GTC - Work Bays
  • Springfield - First Floor Labs
  • Fire Rescue Bldg - Bay Area
  • Leitchfield 106 (lab)
General Showers
  • Springfield - 120
  • OTB 200 - Men's & Women's Restroom

* The shower located in the Chemistry Lab, ATB Rooms 204-205, is a safety shower.

Seizures can be as frightening to the observer as to the individual experiencing them. Seizures are a result of sudden excessive discharges from cerebral neurons involving either all of the brain or parts of it. Seizures usually come on suddenly, with no warning.

In many cases, during and for a short period after a seizure, memory loss occurs. During the seizure the victim is at risk for hypoxia, vomiting, and pulmonary aspiration.

The overall goal for the individual assisting a seizure victim is to prevent any possible physical injury from occurring, and to provide both physical and psychological support.

A student who self-discloses of their seizure disorder to the Director of Student Accessibility will have a completed self-disclosure form. The self-disclosure form gives the Director of Student Accessibility permission to inform the student’s instructors, and also provides a valid emergency point of contact. The EHS Specialist will be provided the student’s emergency point of contact information. The student is made aware that in the event of a seizure, 911 will be called, they will be transported to the hospital, and their point of contact will be notified.

It is critical that events prior to, during, and after the seizure be observed and recorded. Note and record any of the following:

  1. Circumstances before the attack, i.e., emotional or psychic disturbances, hyperventilation, etc.

  2. The first response by the victim to the seizure, i.e., jerking, stiffness, position of the eyes or head, etc.

  3. If possible, the size of the pupils of the eyes, i.e., dilated or constricted.

  4. Incontinence of either urine or stool.

  5. Duration of the seizure. Note the time the seizure began and the time it ended.

  6. Note the type of movement and the extremities involved. Be aware of any weakness or paralysis of limbs following the seizure.

  7. Ability to speak or mental confusion after the seizure.

  8. The victim's history of similar seizures.

During the seizure, take the following action:

  1. Never leave the victim alone. Designate a person to notify Security (270-268-0610) or Safety (270-706-8456) of the situation and its location. Security personnel should summon the necessary medical personnel, and also notify the College Administrator in charge.

  2. Provide the victim privacy and protection from all curious on-lookers. If in a classroom, you may need to ask students to wait in the hall while victim is being treated by emergency medical personnel.

  3. If the victim is seated, ease them gently to the floor, pushing aside any furniture that may block their free movement or present an additional hazard during the seizure.

  4. Prevent the victim's head from striking furniture or the floor by using any available articles of clothing, i.e., coats or sweaters.

  5. Loosen any constrictive clothing.

  6. Do not attempt to restrain the victim during the seizure.

  7. If possible, place the victim on his/her side with their head flexed forward. This will allow the tongue to fall forward, and facilitate drainage of both saliva and mucus. Make sure that you do not force their head to the side.

  8. Following the seizure, keep the victim on his/her side to prevent aspiration and to make sure the airway is not blocked.

  9. During the period immediately following a seizure, the victim is usually confused. You should remain calm and speak to the victim in a calm manner, reassuring them that they are going to be fine.

When someone is injured or falls ill, it is vital that Off-campus Emergency Response personnel are able to locate the individual as quickly as possible, and that necessary family members are properly notified.

Upon discovering the individual, an ECTC faculty or staff member shall take the following action:

  1. Ask the student if he/she knows what is wrong, and if there is any additional information that might help to determine the necessary response.

  2. If emergency medical personnel or vehicles are needed, they should be summoned immediately (Dial 911). Exact information concerning the illness/accident and the precise location of the victim should be given to the Emergency Response personnel in order for them to be prepared when they arrive on campus.

  3. Notify the college EHS Specialist (270-706-8456) of the incident, giving the EHS Specialist the following information:

    1. Location of the victim
    2. Name of the victim
    3. Person(s) to be notified

  4. The college EHS Specialist will verify this information as it is received and notify the College Administrator in charge.

  5. In addition, the EHS Specialist will record the date and time of the emergency, the name of the patient, and the name, numbers, and times of all relevant telephone calls.

Safety Policies and Procedures

Report all accidents to Campus Security. An Injury Accident Report Form (FM84) should be completed when a student, faculty, staff or visitor has an accident. This form needs to be completed fully with as much information from the student/employee/visitor as possible, and any witnesses and the supervisor’s description, if applicable. The FM84 form then needs to be sent to EHS Specialist, in LRC 107.

If the accident involves a college employee, even if the employee is a student worker, the employee must notify their supervisor immediately in order for a Workers Compensation First Report of Injury or Illness Form be completed by the employee’s supervisor – the law requires the supervisor to complete the form, not the employee. A medical waiver and consent form must also be completed. These forms must be completed within 3 working days after the injury occurs. Please contact the Human Resources Office at the college immediately when an employee accident occurs for assistance in completing these forms.

The possession of a firearm (or other lethal weapon, either concealed or brandished openly), personal assault or stalking shall immediately be reported by the victim, or any other person witnessing such act, to the President of the College, the College Administrator in charge or On-Campus Law Enforcement.

Any such offense committed by a student is punishable through disciplinary action as set forth in Article I, Section 1.2 of The Community College Code of Student Conduct and/or through police intervention as determined by the President of the College or the College Administrator in charge. In addition to the offenses described below, certain other disciplinary offenses involving conduct that is destructive of academic freedom, the rights of others, and the orderly operation of the college are set out in Section 5.2.

  1. Possessing a firearm or other lethal weapon(s) on school property without the authorization of the President of the College, or the College Administrator in charge.

  2. The threat or commission of physical violence against any person on school property.

  3. The threat or commission of physical violence against any school employee for the purpose of influencing the employee's official actions or responsibilities.

  4. Harassing anyone present on school property. A person is guilty of harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, they do one of the following:

    1. Strike, shove, kick, or otherwise subject another person to physical contact, or attempt or threaten to do the same.

    2. Follow a person into or about school property or at a public place or places.

    3. Engage in a course of conduct or repeatedly commit acts that serve no legitimate purpose other than to alarm or seriously annoy another person.

In most all cases, hostage situations are unpredictable and occur at times when we least expect, therefore it is difficult to prepare for such events. The following guidelines are offered to help school staff and students survive a hostage situation and is intended to inform and should not be used as a checklist during a hostage event. Common sense and your best judgment should be used in these situations. When faced with a person who is attempting to take a hostage, be patient and calm as much as possible, this is especially necessary in the early stages prior to first responders arriving. Try not to agitate the hostage taker, your main objective is to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

  1. If possible, call 911. Be certain they understand the severity of the situation. Give them as much information as possible, including the perpetrator's last known location. Stay on the line until officers arrive, or until instructed to do otherwise.

  2. Notify the College Administrator in charge at the time and On-Campus Law Enforcement, as well as all faculty. A SNAP notification will go out. Faculty members should hold all students in their classrooms or offices until further notice.

  3. Notify personnel in more public areas, i.e., lounges and break areas, as well as those outside, to report immediately to a safe classroom.

  4. Under no circumstances should anyone evacuate any building without the approval and/or assistance of the police.

  5. If the hostage-taker can be contained in one section of the building, all personnel should be
    moved from more exposed areas or classrooms near the perpetrator to a safer part of the building.

  6. When possible, approaching visitors to the building should be warned of the dangerous situation and directed away from campus.

  7. Assist police authorities as directed by the officer in charge.

  8. Assist in the safe movement of all disabled individuals.

Fire statistics show that each year 5,000 general office-building fires occur in the United States. Many of them could be prevented, with injuries and losses minimized, if employees followed these simple on-the-job fire safety practices and procedures:

Alarm/Sprinkler System Inspections. In order to ensure the continuous functioning of the fire alarm/sprinkler systems, the Maintenance Department will conduct a monthly test of each system.

Appliances. Any electrical equipment or appliances should be positioned in such a way that air can circulate around them. Combustible materials should be stored away from heat-producing equipment, such as copy machines and computer terminals. An employee should be designated to turn off or unplug all appliances at the end of each workday.

Fire Drills. A fire drill will be conducted within the first month of each semester. The fire alarm will be sounded approximately five minutes before the end of a class period to minimize the loss of instructional time. Each fire drill will be unannounced in order to simulate an actual emergency. However, the Director of Student Accessibility will be notified to help those in need.

Fire Extinguishers. All fire extinguishers will be inspected, tested, and recharged, if needed, on an annual basis by an independent safety contractor.

Make sure the fire extinguisher being used is designed for the particular type of fire you are facing:

  • Class A Fires are fires in easily combustible materials, such as paper, wood, fabric, and rubbish. They require cooling and smothering to extinguish them.

  • Class B Fires are fires in flammable liquids, such as gasoline, oil, paint, varnish, and alcohol. They require blanketing or a smothering effect to extinguish them.

  • Class C Fires are fires in live electrical equipment, such as motors, switchboards, generators, and circuits. They require the use of an extinguisher containing a non-conducting extinguisher agent.

Always be aware of the location of the nearest fire extinguisher!

Fire Safety Inspections. The KY Fire Marshal’s office will conduct inspections of campus facilities on a regular basis. Other local and state agencies may make unannounced inspections. In all instances, deficiencies will be reported to the VP of Finance & Facilities, and corrective action taken.

Housekeeping. All building exits, storage areas, and stairways should be kept free from wastepaper, empty boxes, dirty rags, and other fire hazards.

Parking. In order to ensure quick access to campus buildings by emergency personnel, all fire lanes should be kept open and free from personal vehicles.

Plan Ahead. In the event of fire, a safe and speedy response will depend upon how well employees are prepared for the emergency:

  1. Employees should count the doors or desks between their work areas and the nearest exit. During a fire, employees may have to find their way out of the building in the dark.

  2. Learn the location of alternate exits from all possible workstations, and the location of the nearest fire extinguisher.

  3. Be sure someone in authority knows about any disability that could delay a quick and safe escape.

Reporting a fire. Any person discovering a fire should alert the occupants of the building by shouting and using local fire alarms. These alarms notify 911.

  • If a fire occurs during normal business hours, notify the VP of Finance & Facilities. During other hours, dial 911. When the call is answered, give the exact location of the fire, your name, and any other pertinent information the fire dispatcher requests.

Responsibilities. The VP of Finance & Facilities acts as the Campus Fire Marshal. This position is responsible to the President of the College in the execution of all duties and responsibilities associated with fire safety and the campus fire prevention program.

The EHS Specialist is responsible for coordinating fire drills and inspecting fire alarm/sprinkler systems.

Smoking. ECTC is a smoke-free campus. Tobacco use of any kind, to include e-cigs, is prohibited in buildings, on the grounds or in parking areas.

Wiring. Extension cords should not be across doorways, or where they could be stepped-on. An extension cord should not be plugged into another extension cord, and no more than one extension cord should be plugged into a single outlet.

  1. Emergency exits are posted in each classroom and lab.

  2. At the sound of the fire alarm, students and staff are to leave workstations IMMEDIATELY, but
    orderly, through the pre-determined exit and go to the assigned area away from the building to allow fire control operations. The first student to exit will remain at and hold the door open, standing behind and outside the door until an instructor arrives.

  3. Students should remain in their assigned area and refrain from talking.

  4. Instructors must take roll when evacuating the building. When class has assembled at the assigned area, roll is called. Each student will answer promptly and orderly. All students must be accounted for. Anyone missing must be reported with his/her last known location to the fire department when they arrive.

  5. Do not throw any electrical switches when leaving.

  6. When in use, all doors are to be unlocked. Storage rooms are exempt if they are not occupied by a student or instructor.



Some employees or students, due to physical conditions or disabilities, may need assistance during the emergency evacuation of buildings. To ensure all persons, regardless of their physical limitations, are evacuated safely and in a timely manner, the following procedures should be followed:

  1. Each faculty member or supervisor should survey their classes or areas at the beginning of each semester, identifying any disabled persons who might need assistance if campus buildings need to be evacuated. If possible, those students should be seated near the classroom door.

  2. Elevators are not to be used in any building during an emergency evacuation due to fire. In the ATB, RPC, STC and SCI buildings only, any person on the second floor with a mobility issue or wheelchair who cannot use the stairs must be assisted away from the fire to the opposite end of the building as close to the exit as possible. Their location must be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities so they can be removed from the building by rescue personnel.

  3. Once outside, all persons must be at least 40 feet away from the buildings and fire lanes.

Holidays are a special time for everyone and decorating makes it even more special. Decorations can carry unsuspecting hazards with them along with their festive look.

  1. All decorations, including Christmas trees and other greenery, need to be artificial, and listed as non-combustible by the Underwriters Laboratory.

  2. Decorations cannot be placed in areas that would obstruct building or room exits, corridors or emergency lighting.

  3. Open flames from candles should never be used.

  4. All decorations in campus buildings should be removed and properly stored prior to holiday breaks.

The disposal of hazardous waste, bio-hazardous waste or chemicals should follow the specific procedures outlined by KCTCS. All hazardous materials will be appropriately collected and stored by ECTC personnel until it is picked up by a KCTCS-approved hazardous materials handler.

Laboratories are an important part of many educational programs. They provide unique learning experiences unavailable in the regular classroom setting. Unfortunately, laboratories also present unique safety hazards to students and employees.

At ECTC, there are various types of laboratories. Examples of these include, but are not limited to: physical sciences, including chemistry, and biological sciences, including biology and allied health.

Students and employees alike should respect the safety and health hazards associated with the equipment, chemicals, and specimens in a laboratory and always practice the following safety guidelines. These general safety policies and procedures apply to all science laboratories at the College, though some individual laboratories may have additional policies and procedures. If so, they will be posted in a prominent place in the specific laboratory.

Authorized Access. The laboratory supervisor must restrict access to laboratories. Children under the age 17 are not allowed in labs except as authorized by the Laboratory Supervisor for an officially sanctioned activity, e.g., class or open house. Service Animals are also prohibited from labs.

Containers. Periodically check the integrity of containers. If damaged or leaking, transfer the contents to an acceptable container, observing necessary compatibility of content and container.

Cylinders. Handcarts should be used to move all cylinders. Cylinders must be secured at all times. Always consider cylinders to be full and handle them with proper care.

Disposal of Waste. It is important to segregate waste matter. The disposal of hazardous waste, bio-hazardous waste, or chemicals should follow the specific procedures outlined by KCTCS Facilities Management.

Equipment. Only use proper equipment in good working condition. Never use chipped or cracked glassware. Take care of the equipment you use, being careful to avoid bumping or dropping it.

Food, Drink and Cosmetics. Eating, drinking and the application of cosmetics by anyone in a laboratory are forbidden, particularly in areas where hazardous materials are used. Such activities are to be done in only designated non-chemical areas. Food and drinks should never be stored in the same refrigerator with chemicals or biohazards.

Glass Tubing. When inserting glass tubing into stoppers, lubricate it in order to help protect the hands from being cut should the tubing break or slip.

Hazardous Materials. Hazardous materials should not be used on open laboratory benches.

Horseplay. Horseplay, practical jokes or other inappropriate and unprofessional behavior is forbidden in the laboratory. Care should be taken so as to avoid startling or distracting other workers.

Housekeeping. All exits, aisles and safety equipment must be accessible at all times. They should never be obstructed in any way by furniture, equipment, etc. Corridors are not for storage, no matter how temporary the placement of items might be.

Labels. All materials must be properly marked. All labels must be legible, in English, and include all pertinent information, such as chemical or product name and other information related to relevant hazards. Chemical formulas alone are not acceptable. Labels on all incoming containers must not be removed or defaced. Materials that may become unstable over time should be dated as to when they are to be tested or disposed of.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS). The laboratory supervisor will maintain SDS files. These files will be available for reference in case of any emergency involving chemicals. Copies are also located in the Facilities Manager's Office.

Smoking. ECTC policy does not allow smoking on campus, in any facility, to include e-cigs.

Unattended Experiments. Many times, experiments and other laboratory operations are carried out continuously, or overnight. For experiments involving any hazardous operations, it is essential to plan for interruptions in utility services such as electricity and water. Operations are to be safe and plans made to avoid hazards in the event of any type of unavoidable interruption. If necessary, arrangements for routine inspection of the operation are to be made, and, in all cases, the laboratory lights should be left on and an appropriate sign posted on the door.

Working Alone. Working alone in any science laboratory is not advised. When working with a hazardous material, an additional person should be present, or at a minimum, maintain surveillance through telephone contact.

Personal hygiene and personal protection are two fundamental aspects of laboratory safety. Wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and practicing good personal hygiene as described below will minimize exposures to hazardous elements during both routine work and in the event of an accident.

Attire. Wear a lab coat or apron. Cover your legs and feet. Do not wear open-toed shoes or sandals. Confine both loose clothing and long hair.

Gloves. Gloves are essential when working with hazardous substances. Proper gloves will prevent skin absorption, infection, or chemical burns. Since all glove material is not equally effective, make sure the gloves you wear are appropriate for your use.

Eye Protection. Appropriate safety glasses must be worn by all persons in the laboratory at all times. Goggles are recommended for situations in which chemical splashes are possible.

Face Shields. Full-face shields must be worn when conducting a procedure that may generate an aerosol, or when splashing is a potential. Full-face shields with bottom caps to protect under the chin are preferred due to the natural tendency to raise the chin when a splash occurs.

Personal Hygiene. Hands should be washed frequently throughout the day, before entering and leaving a lab, following any contact with any hazardous materials, and before eating.

Safety Shower/Eyewash. Safety showers and/or eyewashes are required in areas where corrosive chemicals are used. Both eyewashes and safety showers should be tested on a monthly basis by laboratory personnel. Any operational failures should be reported immediately to the building maintenance supervisor.


These guidelines have been developed to assist the college to:

  1. Protect individual rights of confidentiality and freedom from discrimination

  2. Foster an on-going educational program that provides current, accurate information to the ECTC students, faculty, and staff

  3. Actively promote behaviors that reduce the risk of acquiring Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)/Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infections.


HIV/HBV are not easily transmitted. They are not spread through casual contact; therefore, employees and students who are HIV/HBV positive do not pose an undue health risk to other members of the college. HIV/HBV are transmitted via blood or body fluids that contain blood: (a) during intimate sexual activities, (b) by transfusion of infected blood or blood products, (c) from infected mothers to infants, (d) by sharing used needles contaminated by infected intravenous drug users, and (e) by attending to an injury of another person who is infected when the transfer of blood or body fluids is possible.

  1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards of universal precautions and the institution’s exposure control plan must be followed when handling blood, body fluids, used needles and equipment or surfaces that are contaminated with blood or body fluids.

  2. Guidelines concerning the handling of confidential medical information about students or employees with positive HIV/HBV status will follow the general standards for confidentiality as established by the amendment to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. (The duty of health care providers to protect the confidentiality of information is superseded by the necessity to protect others only in a very specific, threatening circumstance.)

  3. Admission of students or employment decisions for those applying to attend or work at ECTC will not include consideration of the existence of HIV/HBV.

  4. Individual requests for reasonable accommodations as a result of the various stages of HIV/HBV infection will be handled in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For more information, see the Director of Student Accessibility in RPC 129.

  5. Medical care is not provided by ECTC. In the case of an emergency, the services of Hardin County Ambulance Service will be requested through the Hardin County 911 center. A student’s use of this service rests between the student and the ambulance service provider. Employees will be subject to Kentucky “Workers Compensation Laws”. Some employees have been trained in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). The use of these skills, however, is voluntary and not part of anyone’s job description. Therefore, any First Aid or CPR administered by an employee would be regulated by the “Good Samaritan” law. If employees choose to render First Aid or CPR on a voluntary basis, they are required to use Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “Universal Precautions” as outlined in the First Aid/CPR Training. First Aid Supply is under Location of Other Safety and Emergency Equipment.

Exposure to bloodborne pathogens presents a real danger to health care workers today, including the faculty and staff in the Allied Health Program at ECTC. Bloodborne pathogens include HBV and HIV.

OSHA has identified two exposure categories:

Category I: Performing tasks that involve exposure to blood, body fluids, or tissue. ECTC employees included in this category would include nursing faculty and nursing instructional specialists.

Category II: Performing tasks that may involve exposure to blood, body fluids, or tissue. Employees included in this category would include janitorial staff and maintenance and operations staff.

The procedures that follow should minimize all exposure to bloodborne pathogens by instituting safe work practices and by training all persons as to preventive measures to be taken.

  1. Puncture-proof containers will be available at each bedside and on each medication cart in the Nursing Laboratory for the proper disposal of all needles and other sharp instruments. Bent, clipped, or recapped needles will not be used.

  2. Waste receptacles are designated for the disposal of materials containing blood, body fluids, or tissue, as well as waste receptacles that could be used for such materials, will be equipped with plastic liners. Liners will be removed, rather than emptied.

  3. All soiled laundry will be treated as contaminated and will be handled as such.

  4. Gloves will be provided for all employees who are required to handle items or containers where blood, body fluids, or tissue may be present.

  5. Warning labels will be affixed to all containers of regulated waste and to all containers used to store, transport, or discard blood or other potentially infectious materials.

  6. Labels will also be affixed to refrigerators and freezers containing blood or other potentially infectious materials.

  7. No food or drink will be stored in the same refrigerator or freezer as infectious materials.

  8. Eating and drinking is prohibited in all areas where exposure to blood and body fluids is occurring.

  9. Signs will be prominently placed in restrooms and at other hand washing facilities to remind and to encourage employees and others to frequently wash their hands. Frequent hand washing is essential in the prevention of transmitting diseases.

  10. Refuse from restroom waste receptacles should be regarded as contaminated. Waste receptacles will be equipped with plastic liners, and should be removed, rather than emptied.

Any necessary clean-up of potentially contaminated fluids is to be done wearing gloves and with a disinfectant detergent.

Many facilities in communities around the country have received anthrax threat letters or have found unknown, unidentified foreign substances in unlikely locations. Most letters were empty envelopes; some have contained powdery substances. The purpose of these guidelines is to recommend procedures for handling such incidents, however they may occur.

  1. Anthrax organisms can cause infection in the skin, gastrointestinal system, or the lungs. To do so, the organism must be rubbed into abraded skin, swallowed, or inhaled as a fine, aerosolized mist. Disease can be prevented after exposure to the anthrax spores by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics. Anthrax is not spread from one person to another person.

  2. For anthrax to be effective as a covert agent, it must be aerosolized into very small particles. This is difficult to do and requires a great deal of technical skill and special equipment. If these small particles are inhaled, life-threatening lung infection can occur, but prompt recognition and treatment are effective.

Some characteristics of suspicious packages and letters include the following…

  • Excessive postage
  • Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
  • Incorrect titles
  • Title, but no name
  • Misspellings of common words
  • Oily stains, discolorations or odor
  • No return address
  • Excessive weight
  • Lopsided or uneven envelope
  • Excessive security material such as masking tape, string, etc.
  • Visual distractions
  • Ticking sound
  • Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as “Personal” or “Confidential”
  • Shows a city or state in the postmark that does not match the return address
  1. Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspicious envelope or package.

  2. PLACE the envelope or package in a plastic bag or some other type of container to prevent leakage of contents.

  3. If you do not have any container, then COVER the envelope, package or material with anything (e.g., clothing, paper, trash can, etc.) and do not remove this cover.

  4. Then LEAVE the room and CLOSE the door, or section off the area to prevent others from entering (i.e., keep others away).

  5. WASH your hands with soap and water to prevent spreading any powder to your face.

  6. What to do next…

    • If you are at HOME, then report the incident to local police.

    • If you are at WORK, notify the VP of Finance & Facilities or his/her backup, who will then report the incident to local police according to law enforcement procedures.

LIST all people who were in the room or area when this suspicious letter or package was recognized. Give this list to both the local public health authorities and law enforcement officials for follow-up investigations and advice.

  1. DO NOT try to CLEAN UP the substance. COVER the spilled contents immediately with anything (e.g., clothing, paper, trash can, etc.) and do not remove this cover!

  2. Remain in the room and CLOSE the door, or section off the area to prevent others from entering or exiting (i.e., keep others away). Contact Maintenance and Operations (M&O) to shutdown the HVAC system.

  3. WASH your hands with soap and water to prevent spreading any powder to your face.

  4. What to do next…

    • If you are at HOME, then report the incident to local police.

    • If you are at WORK, notify the VP of Finance & Facilities, or his/her backup, who will then report the incident to local police according to law enforcement procedures.

  5. REMOVE heavily contaminated clothing as soon as possible and place in a plastic bag, or some other container that can be sealed. This clothing bag should be given to the emergency responders for proper handling.

  6. SHOWER with soap and water as soon as possible. Do Not Use Bleach Or Other Disinfectant On Your Skin.

  7. If possible, list all people who were in the room or area, especially those who had actual contact with the substance. Give this list to both the local public health authorities so that proper instructions can be given for medical follow-up, and to law enforcement officials for
    further investigation.

For example: small device triggered, warning that air handling system is contaminated, or warning that a biological agent released in a public space.

  1. Turn off local fans or ventilation units in the area.

  2. LEAVE area immediately.

  3. CLOSE the door, or section off the area to prevent others from entering (i.e., keep others away).

    • Dial “911” to report the incident and notify Security, VP of Finance & Facilities or Facilities Manager who will report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement agencies according to procedures.

  4. SHUT down air handling system in the building, if possible.

  5. If possible, list all people who were in the room or area. Give this list to both the local public health authorities so proper instructions can be given for medical follow-up, and to law enforcement officials for further investigation.

Bomb threats are a serious crime, and should be treated as such. Every person with a phone on campus should have a “Bomb Threat Checklist” sheet easily accessible if a bomb threat is phoned in. It will act as a guide for questions and observations. Do not use two-way radios or cellular phones because radio signals have the potential to detonate a bomb. If possible, use a landline telephone.

Procedures for person receiving bomb threat phone call

  • Note the time of the call on the Bomb Threat Checklist.

  • Listen for any unusual sounds and background noises. Observe characteristics of the caller’s voice, as suggested by the checklist.

  • Ask the location of the alleged bomb and the time of detonation.

  • If an immediate threat is perceived, call 911; then dial Security at 270-268-0610 OR VP of Finance & Facilities at 270-706-8427 OR Facilities Director at 270-706-8606.

Procedures for receiving bomb threat by e-mail

  • If an immediate threat is perceived from the email, call 911; then contact Security at 270-268-0610 OR VP of Finance & Facilities at 270-706-8427.

  • Forward e-mail to Security and VP of Finance & Facilities

**Anytime you receive any information regarding a bomb threat, please contact the above-mentioned individuals immediately**

Procedures for College Authorities

  • The VP of Finance & Facilities or the President will notify the local police and fire departments of the bomb threat. Evacuation will begin immediately if there is evidence a bomb exists, otherwise.

  • College Crisis Management Team will convene immediately to decide if evacuation of buildings is warranted based on information available.

  • If evacuation is determined to be the course of action, faculty, staff and students will leave the building and be asked to take all personal items with them.

  • Faculty and staff who work in affected areas should observe their surroundings and report to
    the VP of Finance & Facilities or law enforcement officials any suspicious items or changes in the environment.

  • If no suspicious items or packages are found, college authorities must decide, based on all available information, employee searches and observation, common sense and good judgment, when to allow people back into the buildings.

  • College Administration will communicate the situation, response, and results to the appropriate leadership at ECTC in a timely and appropriate manner.

Procedures involving Emergency Personnel

  • The police department will have immediate jurisdiction whether a bomb is discovered, since the affected area is now a crime scene.

  • The fire department will take action to save lives, or if a suspicious item is found, or if a bomb has been detonated.

  • NEITHER POLICE DEPARTMENT NOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL WILL SEARCH BUILDINGS FOR BOMBS ~ if a suspicious item or package is found, the Fort Knox bomb squad will be called for further investigation.

  • The person who took the threatening phone call must be available to share information with law enforcement personnel.

Because earthquakes strike without warning, life-protecting actions must be taken immediately at the first indication of ground shaking. There will not be time to think through what to do. In case of a major earthquake, there will not be much time to react. As the ground shaking grows stronger, danger increases. For example:

  • Freestanding cabinets and bookshelves are likely to topple. Wall-mounted objects (such as clocks and audiovisual screens) may shake loose and fly across the room.

  • Suspended ceiling components may pop out, bringing light fixtures, mechanical diffusers, sprinkler heads, and other components down with them.

  • Door frames may be bent by moving walls and may jam the doors shut. Moving walls may bend window frames, causing glass to shatter and sending dangerous shards into the room.

During a major or moderate earthquake, the greatest immediate hazard to people in or near a building is the danger of being hit by falling objects. During the ground shaking, the college population is safest finding immediate shelter under desks, tables, or counters.


  • Stay inside. Move away from windows, shelves, and heavy objects and furniture that may fall. Take cover under a table or desk, or in a strong doorway.

  • In halls, stairways, or other areas where no cover is available, move to an interior wall. Turn away from windows, kneel alongside the wall, bend head close to knees, cover sides of head with elbows, and clasp hands firmly behind neck.

  • In laboratories, kitchens, and shops, all burners should be extinguished (if possible) before taking cover. Stay clear of hazardous chemicals that may spill.


  • Move to an open space away from buildings and overhead power lines. Lie down or crouch low to the ground (legs will not be steady). Keep looking around to be aware of dangers that may demand movement.

The following earthquake procedure will be used as the standard response to take at ECTC. The complete earthquake procedure includes post-earthquake building evacuation to a safe, open-space area. Building evacuation takes place after the ground stops shaking.

During an earthquake at the first sign of ground shaking...

Students should:





Following the teacher’s command, students will:

  • Immediately TAKE COVER under desks or tables, and TURN AWAY from windows.

  • Remain in sheltered position for at least 60 seconds.

  • Be silent and listen to instructions.

During the earthquake, teachers will:

  • Take cover.

  • Talk calmly to students.

  • Review the procedure for evacuating the classroom.

  • Evacuate to the designated location upon notification from administrators.


SEARCH AND RESCUE: Safety and Security personnel and appropriate staff. All teachers serving on search and rescue must have a pre-designated person assigned to their students before they report to communication/information for assignments.

BUILDING SECURITY: Maintenance and Operations Supervisor, custodial staff, EHS Specialist and Security Officer(s)

  • EHS Specialist: In case of an actual earthquake, bring first aid kits, flashlights, and two way radios to the evacuation area.

  • FIRST AID: First Aid kits are located in each program area and each department.

A major earthquake will cause widespread damage and may trigger other dangers such as fires and the release of hazardous materials from on-site or in-transit containers. Local emergency personnel will be severely overtaxed. It may be several hours before they are able to respond to every call within the affected community.

The staff’s responsibility to ensure the care and safety of students during the immediate aftermath of an earthquake is especially critical. First aid must be provided. The whereabouts of every student must be known. Small fires must be abated before they get out of hand, and utility systems must be secured.

There is no guarantee emergency medical or fire personnel will be able to respond to ECTC during the first “critical” hours following a major earthquake.

Because earthquakes occur without warning, there will not be time to read through a plan before designating roles and responsibilities. The following is a checklist with which all ECTC personnel are to be familiar:

  • Are all students and staff familiar with the “drop-and-cover” procedure?

  • Have all students demonstrated their ability to take immediate and correct actions?

  • Have teachers evaluated their classrooms/labs and identified locations that provide the best protection?

  • Do teachers take cover with students during drills?

  • Are all first aid kits adequately stocked?

  • Is there sufficient shelter space under tables, desks and counters for all students?

  • Do all students know how to protect themselves if no shelter is available?

  • Are teachers and students prepared to remain in quake-safe positions for up to 60 seconds?

  • Are students encouraged to be silent during drills?

  • Are teachers prepared to maintain relative calm and reassure their students?

  • Are students evacuated from classrooms to a safe outdoor area following a simulated earthquake?

  • Do teachers remember to take class roster and response checklists to outdoor assembly area during earthquake drills?

  • Do all maintenance staff and supervisors know the location and proper procedure to cut off utilities (natural gas, water, electricity)?

  • Are all students and staff accounted for?

  • Do teachers keep records of students before they are scheduled to leave campus?

When it is necessary to evacuate campus buildings, the following procedures should be followed:

  1. When an alarm sounds, faculty and staff need to assume a leadership role in directing students to the nearest exit, after confirming hallway is safe. Use the emergency exit diagrams posted on the walls of each room. Faculty members should make students aware of evacuation plans at the beginning of each semester, pointing out the evacuation route that applies to that location.

  2. Don't run. Walk at a steady pace, in a single file, on each side of the aisle or hallway. Proceed immediately to the exit door designated for your location. Do NOT use the elevator.

  3. The faculty member should be the last person to leave a classroom, turning off the lights and closing the door behind them, when time permits. However, your safety is the first priority.

  4. Faculty and staff located in offices at the time of the emergency should close the door behind the last person to leave the office. Do not lock the door as it may impede proper search and rescue efforts.

  5. All building occupants, including employees, are to leave buildings during any emergency or fire drill.

  6. Once outside, faculty and staff should make sure entrances and fire lanes are clear. All persons must be at least 40 feet away from the buildings and fire lanes.

  7. No-one should re-enter any building until college and/or fire department officials have cleared the buildings and have turned off the alarm. Faculty and staff should assume responsibility in this respect.

Some employees or students, due to physical conditions or disabilities, may need assistance during the emergency evacuation of buildings. To ensure all persons, regardless of their physical limitations, are evacuated safely and in a timely manner, the following procedures should be followed:

  1. Each faculty member or supervisor should survey their classes or areas at the beginning of each semester, identifying any disabled persons who might need assistance if campus buildings need to be evacuated. If possible, those students should be seated near the classroom door.

  2. Elevators are not to be used in any building during an emergency evacuation due to fire. In the ATB, RPC, STC and SCI buildings only, any person on the second floor with a mobility issue or wheelchair who cannot use the stairs must be assisted away from the fire to the opposite end of the building as close to the exit as possible. Their location must be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities so they can be removed from the building by rescue personnel.

  3. Once outside, all persons must be at least 40 feet away from the buildings and fire lanes.

Lock-out procedures are necessary to ensure both employees and equipment are safe and away from danger when service or maintenance is being performed. This is especially critical where the unexpected start-up of the equipment could cause personal injury, fire, or equipment damage.

All employees working in the maintenance area will be properly trained in the importance of equipment lock-out procedures; however, only the following employees will be authorized to lock-out equipment:

  • Full-time utility workers
  • Director of Maintenance & Operations (M&O)

The following procedures establish the minimum requirements to be followed for the lock-out of equipment:

  1. Take a physical survey to locate and to identify all energy isolating devices to be certain which switch(es), valve(s), or other energy isolating control is to be locked-out. Use caution to be certain no energy source is overlooked. Remember, more than one energy source may be involved.

  2. Notify all affected employees that equipment lock-out procedures are going in effect, and the reasons why. The employee authorizing the lock-out must know the type and magnitude of the energy the equipment uses, and must understand the hazards which accompany it.

  3. If the machine or equipment is currently operating, it should be shut down by following the normal shut-down procedures. (In the case of HVAC equipment, the normal pump-down procedure must be followed, or serious damage to the compressor or other components may occur.)

  4. Operate all switches, valves, or other energy isolating devices to ensure that the equipment is completely isolated from its energy source(s). Also consider stored energy sources. Stored energy includes, but is not limited to, springs, elevated machine members, rotating flywheels, hydraulic systems, and air, gas, steam, or water pressure, must be dissipated, or restrained by methods such as blocking, repositioning, or bleeding down. In no case, should stored energy be ignored!

  5. If more than one person is involved in the work, lock-out the energy isolating devices with individual locks as described below:

    1. Each employee will be issued a numbered, color-coded lock, individually keyed for use during lock-out.

    2. Each employee working on the equipment will then apply his or her individual lock. When an energy-isolating device cannot accept more than one lock, a multiple lock-out device will be supplied.

    3. The Director of M&O, or his designee, will retain a control lock. This control lock is the first lock to be applied to the device, and the last lock to be removed.

  6. The Director of M&O will maintain a log, indicating the date, time, and equipment worked on during the lock-out procedure.

  7. After ensuring no personnel are exposed, the Director of M&O should check that all energy sources have been locked-out by operating the control button, or other normal operating control. Make certain controls are returned to their neutral or OFF position following this test.

  8. After the service or maintenance has been performed, and the equipment is ready to return to normal operation, check the area around the machine to ensure no employee is exposed. Remove all tools and reinstall all guards.

  9. Remove lock-out devices, starting with the individual employee locks. The control lock placed by the Supervisor should be the last lock to be removed.

  10. Restore energy to the equipment or machinery.

A confined space is defined by KCTCS as a space large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter and perform assigned work. It has limited or restricted means for entry and exit, and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. Additionally, the space may contain a potentially hazardous atmosphere, limited oxygen, or mechanical or electrical equipment, which, upon contact or activation, may trap, crush, or electrocute the person in the space. Examples of confined spaces at ECTC include, but are not limited to, ducts, utility vaults, storage bins, and tunnels beneath the James S. Owen Building and Science Building.

Due to the danger inherent in such areas, should any confined space need to be entered for work or other repair, ECTC personnel will call the City of Elizabethtown to provide assistance using their trained personnel with appropriate safety equipment. No employee of ECTC should ever enter any confined space without appropriate safety equipment and assistance from authorities.

In the event of an explosion, or the threat of an explosion, such as those caused by a gas leak within a building, the following procedures are to be followed:

  1. The fire alarm should be sounded.

  2. All personnel should immediately evacuate the building, following the fire evacuation routes posted throughout the building.

  3. All personnel should be moved to an area of safety far away from the building. No one should be allowed to congregate on sidewalks close to the building. Assist in the safe movement of all disabled individuals.

  4. The College Administrator in charge at the time of the situation should notify the following:

    1. The fire department
    2. The utility company

  5. Buildings should remain evacuated until cleared by the authorities, at which time personnel can re-enter the facility.

In the event ECTC will have to close for a day, or dismiss early, due to bad weather, one of the following messages will be displayed on campus digital signage, shared on social media, and delivered through SNAP. The information will also be available through the college switchboard answering system, 270-769-2371 and the ECTC web site.

  • ECTC - CLOSED (The college is closed for the entire day.)
  • ECTC Virtual Learning Day on all campuses. Only virtual classes and services are provided.
  • ECTC - CLOSING at TBD, due to diminishing road conditions

Extended campus classes, (Fort Knox, Glendale, Leitchfield, Springfield, Western Kentucky University, etc.), may or may not be affected by adverse weather at the main campus in Elizabethtown. Be aware of SNAP messages and social media information for more information on off-campus classes. A SNAP message will be sent out for any change in the regular calendar.

It is obvious that weather and/or road conditions may vary in the geographic areas served by the colleges. Students are urged to use their personal discretion and judgment in making the decision to travel to classes during inclement weather. Students unable to attend classes due to inclement weather will not be penalized for such absences and will be afforded the opportunity to make up any missed work.

  • Severe weather shelter areas are posted in each classroom and lab.

  • When the college president or designated person becomes aware of threatening weather conditions near the college, he/she will have a SNAP message delivered that we are in a SEVERE WEATHER WARNING CONDITION. PLEASE GO TO YOUR DESIGNATED AREAS.

  • When the severe weather warning is announced, all students and staff will go to their closest designated severe weather shelter area and remain there until the designated person gives an ALL CLEAR over the public address system. Students should then return to their classroom.

Tornadoes can occur any place in the United States, but occur most frequently in the mid-western, southern, and central states from March through September.

Tornadoes are usually observed as funnel-shaped clouds spinning rapidly and extending toward the earth from a thundercloud. When close by, tornadoes sound like the roar of an airplane or an approaching train.

In most cases, tornadoes move from a westerly direction, usually from the southwest, at from 40 to 254 miles per hour. The length of its path is from 10 to 40 miles, but they may move as far as 300 miles. The width of the path is about 400 yards. Wind speed has been measured as high as 500 miles per hour.

When a tornado approaches, your immediate action may mean the difference between life and death.

  • Seek inside shelter immediately, preferably in a steel frame or reinforced concrete building.

  • Stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls.

  • Assume a crouched position.

  • Always avoid auditoriums and gymnasiums with large, poorly supported roofs. The interior corridors on the lowest floor of a building may provide some protection in ordinary constructed buildings.

  • In homes, the corner of the basement towards the tornado usually offers the greatest safety.

  • In open country move at right angles to the tornado's path. If there is not time to escape, lie flat in the nearest depression, such as a ditch or gully.

If a tornado warning is issued while you are on campus, go to the following locations immediately:

Building Location
Academic/Technical Building Central halls/Interior walls
Learning Resource Center Central halls/Interior walls
James S. Owen Building Central halls/Interior walls
Science Building Central halls/Interior walls
Student Center Basement
Occupational Technical Building Designated areas
RPC Building Designated areas
Glendale Training Center Main Hallway
Springfield Campus 1st floor / Central halls/Interior walls / Room 120
Leitchfield Campus Central halls/Interior walls

Be prepared for such events by making yourself aware of your location choices should a tornado warning be issued.

REMEMBER: In an emergency, always call 911 first.

Critical situations in which members of the campus community would be exposed to greater risk or harm if they did not remain inside may result in a campus lockdown.

A soft lockdown or hard lockdown may be initiated by the president or a designee of the college cabinet.

The campus community will be notified via Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP). The alert is delivered by text, by email and to campus landlines. Employees and students enrolled in an in-person class are auto-enrolled in SNAP. SNAP is available to anyone. Sign up or confirm your preferences at

Soft Lockdown:



A soft lockdown rapidly enhances the level of security at the college. It means a dangerous situation exists near the campus area that warrants staff and students to remain inside. All exterior doors will be locked so only an emergency exit is allowed. All faculty, staff, students, and visitors will remain inside until the all clear is given. No one will be allowed to move from building to building. This type of lockdown does, however, allow faculty, staff and students to continue with classes within each building.

Possible Soft Lockdown Situations

  • Shots fired at a nearby off-campus location

  • Police pursuit in the vicinity

  • Suspect at large with connection to campus community

  • Investigation of a threat against the campus community

Procedures for Soft Lockdown

  1. The Crisis Management Communications Team will alert faculty and staff a soft lockdown is in effect via SNAP. As secondary communications, alerts will be posted to the college website, campus monitors and social media.

    Sample SNAP primary message:
    KCTCS SNAP Alert Elizabethtown - Elizabethtown Campus
    Soft lockdown. Get indoors and wait for all clear. Exterior doors will be locked. If off campus, remain off campus until all clear.

  2. Campus Safety and Security will communicate with Elizabethtown Police Department to ensure they are aware of the situation on campus.

  3. Exterior doors will be locked shortly after the SNAP message is distributed to allow the campus community time to get indoors safely. Crisis Management Operations Team members will verify all exterior doors have been secured. A second SNAP alert will be sent when confirmed information is available.

    Sample SNAP secondary message:
    KCTCS SNAP Alert Elizabethtown - Elizabethtown Campus
    Normal activity may continue but remain indoors. Shots fired near a location. Any other critical, verified information.

  4. If it is safe to do so, security and college lockdown coordinators will immediately conduct a check of the campus to ensure all faculty, staff, students, and visitors go and remain inside.

    • Safety and Security Team - will monitor the exterior of campus and guide employees, students, and visitors to a safe location.

    • Soft Lockdown Coordinators – Will be assigned to a specific building or location and will be responsible for internally checking hallways, posting signage on doors, and providing guidance to people at doors at the beginning of the soft lockdown. They may continue to monitor halls until the soft lockdown has ended.

    • Signage – ECTC is on a Soft Lockdown. No access to building until “all clear” is given via SNAP. Get Safe.

  5. If it is safe to do so, signage will be posted at major entrances by designated employees.

  6. Operations team members will continue to monitor buildings to ensure all are adhering to the lockdown procedures. Security will continue to monitor the campus.

  7. All communication lines will remain open until the situation is resolved. Be prepared to escalate to a hard lockdown if the situation requires it. Limit calls and texts to Crisis Management Team leadership as appropriate.

  8. Once the situation is resolved and the president or designee has deemed the situation safe, the all clear message will be sent via SNAP. All campus activities may resume.

    Sample SNAP primary message:
    KCTCS SNAP Alert Elizabethtown - Elizabethtown Campus
    The emergency incident has ended. All clear. You may resume normal activities.


If you are indoors when a soft lockdown is initiated:

  • Classes and other normal activities may continue. Classes will not be dismissed.

  • Inside a building is the safest place. Do not stand in front of windows or glass doors. Anyone who insists on leaving a building should be advised the doors are locked, and they will not be able to re-enter.

  • Do not move from building to building.

  • Do not let people in the building. Security will be monitoring campus and will provide assistance.

If you are outdoors when a soft lockdown is initiated:

  • Get inside the nearest building as quickly as possible. Doors will be locked shortly after a soft lockdown is initiated.

  • If you are closer to your vehicle, or doors are already locked, return to your vehicle. You may leave campus for a safe location, but keep in mind schools and other locations may be on a lockdown.

  • Campus safety and security will be monitoring campus. Follow their instructions.

  • If you are off campus, stay off campus until the all clear message is sent.

  • Absences resulting from a soft lockdown will be excused.

Hard Lockdown:



A hard lockdown is a response to an actual emergency situation on the campus. It means an armed intruder or hostage type situation exists on the campus and the potential for great harm is imminent for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. This type of lockdown is used to rapidly enhance the level of security and response on the campus. This type of lockdown further requires all staff and students to immediately seek safety from the potential threat in a secure and locked classroom or office.

Possible Hard Lockdown Situations

  • Active shooter on campus

  • Armed person on campus

  • Hostage situation on campus

Procedures for Hard Lockdown

  1. Campus safety and security will communicate with Elizabethtown Police Department.

  2. The Crisis Management Communications Team will alert faculty and staff a hard lockdown is in effect via SNAP. If appropriate, the SNAP “active threat” alert will be sent. As secondary communications, alerts will be posted to the college website, campus monitors and social media.

    Active Threat SNAP message:
    KCTCS SNAP Alert Elizabethtown
    Active threat on Elizabethtown Campus. Get safe! Go to a secure location and wait for an all clear.

  3. Exterior doors will be locked immediately. This may happen before or as the SNAP alert is distributed, depending on the circumstances.

  4. All faculty, staff, students, and visitors will immediately seek safety in the nearest classroom or office.

    1. Close and lock all windows and doors.

    2. Turn off all lights.

    3. Silence cell phones.

    4. Get everyone on the ground.

    5. Remain calm, out of sight and quiet.

  5. Do not open the door for anyone claiming to be law enforcement or other emergency responder.

  6. Be aware, armed intruders have been known to activate fire alarms to get people to move from their secured areas. Use your best judgement and respond to fire alarms with caution.

  7. When it has been determined the potential threat is over and/or has been eliminated, the president or his/her designee may implement the all clear via SNAP. Downgrading to a soft lockdown is also possible.

  8. In some situations, your best option may be to run, hide, or fight. Use your judgment given the circumstances. Procedure should never override commonsense or experience.


If you are indoors when a hard lockdown is initiated:

  • Stop what you are doing and follow the procedures above if possible.

  • Use your best judgement given the information available to you.

  • Remain patient and follow instructions from college administrators and first responders.

If you are outdoors when a hard lockdown is initiated:

  • Get safe and find cover immediately – consider Run, Hide, Fight.

  • Use your best judgement given the information available to you.

  • If you are off campus, stay off campus until the all clear message is sent.

Other Safety Tip Considerations:

  1. Carry your cell phone, office and vehicle keys anytime you leave your building.

  2. If you are teaching in an area without a campus landline telephone, carry your cell phone with you and ensure your SNAP preferences are updated. This will ensure you receive SNAP messages immediately.

  3. Once classes begin, close and lock the door.

  4. Hard lockdown situations evolve quickly. Do not expect initial messages to include specific campus locations. A second shooter in a second location may be involved.

  5. Lockdown language will only be used in efforts to protect the campus community from violence or potential violence. Weather and environmental hazards will not trigger a lockdown. Rather, a “shelter in place” or similar order may be initiated in those situations.

  6. Review other campus safety and security procedures — including Run, Hide, Fight and what to expect from first responders — here:

An active shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area; in most cases active shooters use firearm(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, demanding immediate deployment of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to innocent victims. This provides guidance to faculty, staff, and students who may be caught in an active shooter situation, and describes what to expect from responding police officers.

We cannot predict the origin of the next threat; assailants in incidents across the nation have been students, staff, faculty, and others. In many cases, there were no obvious specific targets and the victims were unaware that they were a target until attacked. Being aware of your surroundings, taking common sense precautions, and heeding any warning information can help protect you and others on the campus.

Guidance to faculty, staff, and students:

In general, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter, bearing in mind there could be more than one shooter involved in the same situation. If you find yourself involved in an active shooter situation, try to remain calm and use these guidelines to help you plan a strategy for survival.

Active Shooter – Hard LockDown

If an active shooter is outside the building:

  • Proceed to a room that can be locked. Close and lock all the windows and doors, and turn off all the lights. If possible, get everyone down on the floor and ensure that no one is visible from outside the room. One person in the room should call 911. Silence cell phones.

  • Advise the 911 dispatcher of what is taking place and inform him/her of your location. Remain in place until the police or a campus administrator known to you, gives the “all clear” announcement. Unfamiliar voices may be the shooter attempting to lure victims from their safe space. Do not respond to any voice commands until you can verify with certainty they are being issued by a police officer.

If an active shooter is in the building:

  • Determine if the room you are in can be locked and if so, follow the same procedure described above.

  • If you cannot lock the room, determine if there is nearby location that you can reach safely and be secured, or if you can safely exit the building.

  • If you cannot safely exit the room or building, quickly move to the same wall as the interior door, as far away from the door as possible. Quietly put something (desks, file cabinets, chairs, etc.) between you and the shooter. If several individuals are in the room, space yourselves apart to avoid becoming a “group” target for the shooter.

  • Refrain from creating any loud noises and place your cell phone on silent mode so it does not ring audibly and reveal your location.

  • If you decide to move from your current location, follow the instructions outlined below.

If an active shooter enters your office or classroom:

Active shooter incidents are often unpredictable and evolve quickly. It is important to use your good judgment and common sense. Your first priority is take care of yourself and get as safe as possible. Below are guidelines to consider in the event you are faced with an active shooter.

Run- evacuate the room if you feel it is safe to flee your location and run to a safe area. Have an escape route in mind, when fleeing from the scene, be alert and be prepare to change direction if necessary. If you encounter law enforcement, keep your hands visible at all times and follow their commands. Do not try to remove injured people who are incapacitated, instead notify authorities of their location as soon as possible. If you do not feel it is safe to run, Hide in a safe location, turn off lights, silence cell phones, lock the door if possible and barricade the door with heavy furniture if available. If heavy furniture is not an option, use what is available to place/stack behind door. Do not respond to a voice on the other side of the door unless you are certain it is not the shooter, otherwise wait for help. If possible, quietly call 911 to report your location, but only if it is safe to make a call without revealing your hiding place to the shooter. If unable to run or hide, your last resort is to Fight. Use any object at your disposal to defend yourself.

What to expect from responding police officers:

Police officers responding to an active shooter are trained in “rapid deployment” procedures and proceed immediately to the area in which shots were last heard; their purpose is to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.

The first responding officers will normally be in teams of four (4); they may be dressed in regular patrol uniforms, or they may be wearing external bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets, and other tactical equipment.

The officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns, or handguns, and might be using pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation. Regardless of how they appear, remain calm, do as the officers tell you, and do not be afraid of them. Put down any bags or packages you may be carrying and keep your hands visible at all times. If you know where the shooter is, tell the officers. Be aware as you are attempting to exit the area. Responding officers may not recognize you and may need to confirm your identity before allowing you to proceed.

The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured people; rescue teams composed of other officers and emergency medical personnel will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat and remove injured persons. Keep in mind that even once you have escaped to a safer location, the entire area is still a crime scene. Police will usually not let anyone leave until the situation is fully under control and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Until you are released, remain at whatever assembly point authorities designate.