Local and Statewide Plan and Policy | ECTC

Local and Statewide Plan and Policy

ECTC is responsible for the development and implementation of an institutional-wide equity plan. In 2016 each of the 16 KCTCS colleges engaged their respective communities using the Appreciative Inquiry model to develop ECTC’s Diversity Plan. Our local plan aligns with the new Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education (CPE) Policy for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the 2016-2022 ECTC Strategic Goals, and the ECTC Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan. ECTC also engages in annual formative and outcome evaluations of the plan to improve the effectiveness of the strategies and assess the progress toward the established goals. CPE scores each Institution on the following elements: Fidelity, Effectiveness, and Lessons Learned. The Institution is scored qualitatively and quantitively upon specific yearly benchmarks and percentages set by CPE.

Here you will find the Statewide Policy:

A PDF version of ECTC’s local plan, annual scores/responses to CPE (The Council for Post Secondary Education) may be obtained by emailing a request to the Director of Cultural Diversity, Jerisia Lamons@ jerisia.lamons@kctcs.edu.