Math Placement | ECTC

Math Placement


NOTE: KCTCS Placement for these courses is ACT 18, KMATH 18 and HS GPA 2.8, so anyone scoring lower will need an override b/c PS doesn't recognize local placement.

Course ACT Score KMATH Score HS GPA Score

MAT 105 Business Mathematics
MAT 110 Applied Mathematics
MAT 116 Technical Mathematics

≥ 14 ≥ 6 ≥ 1.0
Skills U   0-5 <1.0

Students can prepare for Math/Algebra KYOTE Placement Test.

College Algebra Pathway

MAT 150 College Algebra OR
MAT 155 Trigonometry
≥ 3.2 ≥ 22   ≥ 14 CIT, EET, Allied
Health, Transfer
(e.g. Social Work,
Business, STEM)
MAT 150 College Algebra with
MAT 100 College Algebra Workshop
3.0-3.199 19-21   7-13 CIT, EET, Allied
Health, Transfer
(e.g. Social Work,
Business, STEM)
MAT 141 Liberal Arts Mathematics ≥ 3.0 ≥ 19 ≥ 22 ≥ 7 AA/AS/AAS
MAT 141 Liberal Arts Mathematics with
MAT 141S Co-requisite
1.0-2.999 14-18 6-21   AA/AS/AAS
MAT 61 Foundations of College Algebra 1.0-2.999 0-18 6-21   Next—MAT 150 with MAT 100
Skills U < 1.0   0-5    

Pre-Cal & Calculus Placement

Courses ACT
MAT 159, 160, 171 23
MAT 170, 174, 175 27

Math Sequence

Returning Students in a Quantitative Reasoning Sequence:

Course Passed Course Options depending on pathway
MAT 055
  • MAT 141 with MAT 141S (QR Liberal Arts Math pathway)
  • MAT 105 or MAT 116 (QR Technical pathway)
  • MAT 061 → MAT 150 with MAT 100 (College Algebra pathway)
  • MAT 061 → MAT 150 with MAT 100 and MAT 155 → MAT 174 (Calculus pathway)
MAT 065
  • MAT 141 (QR Liberal Arts Math pathway)
  • MAT 105 or MAT 116 (QR Technical pathway)
  • MAT 150 with MAT 100 (College Algebra pathway)
  • MAT 085 → MAT 171 → MAT 174 (Calculus pathway)
MAT 085
  • MAT 141 (QR Liberal Arts Math pathway)
  • MAT 105 or MAT 116 (QR Technical pathway)
  • MAT 150 (College Algebra pathway)
  • MAT 171 → MAT 174 (Calculus pathway)
Course Failed Course Options depending on pathway
MAT 055
  • Use placement scores for pathway course
MAT 065
  • MAT 061 or Liberal Arts/Technical pathway course
MAT 085
  • MAT 085 (Calculus pathway)
  • MAT 150 with MAT 100 (College Algebra pathway)

Compass hasn’t been used in awhile so a student would need to re-test if only Compass Scores.

MAT 55, 65, and 85 are no longer taught, but students may have them on a transcript and/or transfer developmental work may be brought in as this… because MAT 61 is a 4-credit hour course, transfer developmental work has to be brought in as MAT 55, 65, or 85 (3 credit hour courses)

Students whose scores or progression indicate they need MAT 141S or MAT 100 as a corequisite to their math classes and who take online sections of MAT 141 and MAT 150 do not have a lab option. They should be enrolled in an online section without a lab.

Students who complete MAT 141 or 146 cannot automatically be enrolled in MAT 150. Please use placement scores for enrollment. Most will likely need MAT 150 with MAT 100.

Students who fail MAT 150 and pass MAT 100 must be reenrolled in MAT 100 along with MAT 150.

Applicable Fall 2022 to present