Volunteers needed for Family Scholar House at ECTC | ECTC

Volunteers needed for Family Scholar House at ECTC

Published on Aug 23, 2023

Michele Zimmer by hangers with clothes

For decades students at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) have had the opportunity to earn degrees, diplomas and certificates that open doors to exciting careers and advanced educational credentials. ECTC students are a diverse community that has always relied on the college’s system of support for advising, counseling, tutoring, financial assistance, career exploration, and more to achieve success.

Now, Family Scholar House (FSH) has become an integral part of the system that helps to eliminate barriers that might impede a student’s success.

“Sometimes a student just needs support to overcome a potential challenge that might derail their academic plans,” said Lynnette Kennedy, FSH Regional Coordinator. “We are here to help with non-academic barriers like food insecurity, transportation, childcare, housing, technology and more.”

Michele Zimmer has volunteered at Family Scholar House since it opened at ECTC in 2022. She regularly maintains the clothes closet and helps with special events.

“I’ve chosen to volunteer with Family Scholar House because the last few years have been very difficult for so many,” she said. “It’s rewarding to be a part of something that helps remove stress and lifts people up. Family Scholar House doesn't just help people in the moment, it gives them tools to move from where they are to a better place. I like being on a team that helps people overcome the obstacles they face.”

As ECTC begins a busy fall semester, FSH is working with students who need assistance to succeed in their classes. Volunteers provide important services for the organization, which frees up the FSH staff to work directly with students on the life issues that can be overwhelming.

FSH needs volunteers with a variety of skills and interests who can work either on a regular basis or for special events or projects. Scheduling is very flexible. Volunteer opportunities include:

● Assembling snack bags

● Stocking and managing the food pantry

● Organizing the clothes closet

● Hosting the Lunch Box

● Staffing the Pop-In popcorn activity

● Helping with special events like Mystery Day

● Writing encouragement notes

● Other projects as needed.

Any groups or individuals interested in volunteering for FSH can contact Community Engagement Coordinator Mary Jo King at Maryjo.king@kctcs.edu or 270-706-8835. Volunteers can also learn more about opportunities and sign up at https://signup.com/go/jigXgNf.