Faculty Credentialing Manual
Accreditation Principles
Elizabethtown Community & Technical College is committed to providing excellence in teaching and learning, fostering a welcoming and supportive environment built on integrity, respect, and collaboration. The core of this teaching rests on the faculty of ECTC, which leads the college’s academic pursuits. As a member of the Kentucky Community & Technical College System, ECTC follows KCTCS policy and practice regarding faculty credentialing. It is especially important that ECTC hire faculty who meet teaching credentials recommended in the principles established by our accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures offer the following faculty credentialing guidance:
The title Instructor designates a person whose services are primarily teaching or other teaching-related duties (e.g. research, academic administration, librarians, counselors), advising, community service, professional development, and institutional service based on the planning document agreement.
The title Lecturer designates a person whose services are for specific teaching or other teaching-related duties (e.g. instructional design, online teaching and/or facilitation, laboratory or clinical facilitation). Other academic duties and service may be considered and will be based upon the planning document agreement.
In occupational/technical programs where an academic degree is not available, two (2) years of occupational experience, professional preparation in the field, or registration or certification by a recognized agency may be presented in lieu of educational attainment.
The minimum academic degree for faculty teaching in professional, occupational and technical degree areas must be at the same level at which the faculty member is teaching.
The typical combination is a baccalaureate degree with appropriate work experience. In the pre-baccalaureate program, faculty must meet the credential qualifications as stated in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Principles of Accreditation.
Principles of Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement, 2018 Edition, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
2. For each of it's educational programs, the institution
- justifies and documents the qualifications of its faculty members.
(Faculty qualifications)
When an institution defines faculty qualifications using faculty credentials, institutions should use the following as credential guidelines:
- Faculty teaching general education courses at the undergraduate level: doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
- Faculty teaching associate degree courses designed for transfer to a baccalaureate degree: doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
- Faculty teaching associate degree courses not designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree: bachelor’s degree in the teaching discipline, or associate’s degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.
- Faculty teaching baccalaureate courses: doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
- Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate course work: earned doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.
- Graduate teaching assistants: master’s in the teaching discipline or 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline, direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline, regular in-service training, and planned and periodic evaluations.
More stringent credentialing requirements may be recommended or required for programs under the oversight of external accrediting bodies and regulatory agencies.
The Certificate for Teachers and Other Professional School Personnel issued by the
Commonwealth of Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board may also be considered
in the employment of faculty teaching occupational based career and technical education
courses. Complete information on the requirements for this certification may be found
Faculty teaching developmental education courses: master’s or bachelor’s degree in
the teaching
discipline, or related discipline.
Faculty teaching orientation and academic success courses (such as First Year Experience) must be full-time ECTC employees and credentialed in at least one teaching discipline.
ECTC Process for Credentialing Faculty
- With an application for employment, potential faculty must submit an official academic
transcript for the highest degree earned in the teaching discipline, ad/or results
of evaluation of foreign credentials, and/or a portfolio for credentialing by exception.
- An official transcript is only official if it is forwarded directly from the regionally accredited college/university that awarded the credits or degrees to the ECTC Provost/CAO in a sealed envelope or its electronic equivalent. For some institutions, if a student requests a transcript, it is automatically stamped “issued to student.” Therefore, official transcripts that are marked “issued to student” may be accepted provided that the transcript is mailed directly to the ECTC Provost/CAO and the ECTC recipient certifies on the transcript that he/she opened it.
- Foreign credentials must be evaluated by a foreign credentials evaluating service for terms of U.S. equivalency and the results of those evaluations must be sent to the ECTC Provost/CAO. See Foreign Credentials, below.
- Under special circumstances, Division Chairs may request that an applicant submit a portfolio for credentialing by exception. In this case, the applicant should document experiences that will directly impact student learning outcomes and that could be considered instead of academic transcripts showing college credit or degrees. See Credentialing by Exception (Applicant Portfolio), below.
- The appropriate Division Chair completes the Elizabethtown Community & Technical College
Instructor Approval Form, which notes the applicant’s credentials and/or experience
appropriate to the teaching position, through review of the transcript and/or
teaching portfolio. The Instructor Approval Form is then signed by the Division Chair. - The applicant’s file and Instructor Approval Form are then reviewed by the Provost/CAO.
- If the individual does not meet the credentialing criteria as determined by the Division Chair and the Provost/CAO, then the applicant is notified of their lack of sufficient credentials and the review ends with the Provost/CAO.
- If the Division Chair approves of the applicant’s credentials, but the Provost/CAO does not, more information may be asked from the applicant before a final decision is made.
The ECTC Instructor Approval Form
The Instructor Approval Form will include the following information for faculty teaching transfer courses:
- Verification of a master’s degree awarded in the applicant’s assigned discipline OR verification of a master’s degree awarded, plus an additional 18 graduate credit hours earned in the applicant’s assigned discipline.
- Verification of 18 graduate credit hours earned in any additional discipline that the applicant is qualified to teach.
- Verification that any necessary supporting documentation has been evaluated and is
attached to the forms. Examples of supporting documentation include the following:
- Letters from officials of foreign institutions of higher education verifying the academic credentials of the candidate.
- Official documentation from former employer(s) or former academic contacts (e.g. deans, chairpersons) in support of exceptional qualifications or experience.
Note: Effective summer 2018, ECTC will not accept graduate courses with a grade of “D” or lower to be counted toward the required number of graduate credit hours. Waivers of this requirement may only be granted by the ECTC Provost/CAO.
The Instructor Approval Form will include the following information for faculty teaching nontransfer, including developmental courses:
- For faculty teaching certificate, diploma, or Associate of Applied Science degree courses, verification of an Associate of Applied Science or higher or equivalent in the faculty member’s assigned discipline, unless the applicant is credentialed through exception.
- For faculty teaching developmental education classes, verification of a master’s degree or bachelor’s degree in the applicant’s teaching discipline or a related discipline.
- Verification that any necessary supporting documentation has been evaluated and is
attached to the forms. Examples of supporting documentation include the following:
- Letters from official foreign institutions of higher education verifying the academic credentials of the candidate.
- Official documentation from former employer(s) or former academic contacts (e.g. deans, chairpersons) in support of exceptional qualifications or experience.
- Letters of support from former employer(s) on business stationary verifying that the applicant has credit-relevant, directly related non-teaching experience in technical or vocational fields, in business, or in the armed services. Relevant, directly related non-teaching experience includes work experience as a journeyman, technician engineer, or trained employee level in the occupational field for which the applicant is hired.
- Certificate or licenses.
Credentialing by Exception (Applicant Portfolio)
In special cases, applicants may have experience that clearly contributes to student learning outcomes and that may be considered instead of a formal academic degree. In these cases, the Division Chair may request that an applicant present a portfolio that documents the experience. The applicant’s portfolio may include some or all of the following documentation:
- If the applicant’s experience includes coursework that is related or equivalent to
coursework in the applicant’s teaching discipline, the applicant must document that
coursework by supplying an official transcript. The Division Chair will review the
related/equivalent coursework and evaluate whether or not it is equivalent to coursework
in the teaching discipline.
- The applicant may need to supply course descriptions and/or syllabi of related/relevant coursework to demonstrate its equivalency.
- If the applicant’s experience concerns professional experience, documentation of that
experience includes items such as licensures, certificates, awards, appearance on
programs, and other evidence that an applicant has been recognized as a professional
his or her field. - Professional letters of support on business letterhead.
- Other documentation may be provided by the applicant and additional documentation may be requested by the Division Chair, Provost/CAO, or President/CEO.
The portfolio will be reviewed the council of all ECTC Division Chairs. A majority vote of approval from the Chairs is required to make a recommendation of the applicant to the Provost/CAO. The Chairs may make the following recommendations:
- Upon recommendations for approval, the portfolio will be submitted to the Provost/CAO to be maintained as part of the faculty member’s file.
- If the individual does not meet the portfolio criteria as determined by the Division Chair and the Provost/CAO, then the applicant is notified of their lack of sufficient experience and the review ends with the Provost/CAO.
- If the Division Chairs approve of the applicant’s experience portfolio, but the Provost/CAO does not, more information may be asked from the applicant before a final decision is made.
Foreign Credential Evaluation Services and Helpful Websites
Elizabethtown Community & Technical College accepts foreign transcript evaluations only from the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services.
The website cso.collegesource.com provides accreditation information on colleges. The website www.sacscoc.org has links to the other accrediting agencies, and it provides a .pdf document of the SACS-COC member institutions.