Procedures for Awarding Transfer Credit
Upon receipt of official transcript for currently enrolled degree-seeking students, course equivalencies for those classes with passing grades from regionally accredited institutions are recorded. Students are instructed by email on how to access transfer credit in the PeopleSoft System. Transfer credit is not loaded for non-degree students.
*Every effort is made to complete an unofficial review of transfer credit prior to the beginning of each semester. Advisors have access to the unofficial transfer credit posting for advising purposes during registration. However, credit is not officially awarded until the student enrolls at ECTC.
Admissions Office Staff
Once enrollment has been established, new and returning student files are merged into the vault. Those with prior coursework are pulled out and given to the Records Office staff.
Records Office Staff
If transferring in with a degree,
- Official transcript is evaluated for credit.
- Student's program/plan is noted.
- Individual courses that apply to program/plan are entered line-by-line with course equivalencies.
- Hours that will not fulfill program/plan requirements are loaded as a block of hours.
- Degree(s) earned is (are) noted in the education panel for CPE reporting purposes.
- Notification is sent to the student email address with instructions on how to access transfer credit in the PeopleSoft system.
- Merge files into the vault.
If transferring in without a degree,
- Official transcript is evaluated for credit.
- Student's program/plan is noted.
- All coursework is entered line-by-line with course equivalencies.
- Notification is sent to the student email address with instructions on how to access transfer credit in the PeopleSoft system.
- Merge files into the vault.
If previous coursework is not accredited by a regional accrediting agency,
- Official transcript is held for evaluation upon completion of twelve hours of college level coursework. Student can then petition for acceptance of credit or take a bypass exam.
- Merge files into the vault.
Related Policy(ies)/Procedure(s): Senate Rules VI 1.6; VI Appendix D; IV 1.1.3, 2.1
Effective/Revised Date: 05/16/08