Our Strategic Plan Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) provides accessible and comprehensive technical and transfer education designed to facilitate student success, develop the region's workforce, and engage the community in learning.
ECTC is a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
Mission Accomplished by providing:
- Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree programs which provide students with the opportunity to complete the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.
- Associate in Applied Science degree, diploma and certificate programs as well as courses to prepare individuals to excel in a complex workforce.
- Continuing and life-long education, short-term customized training for business and industry designed to strengthen the workforce and expand the life skills, knowledge, and the cultural enrichment of the community.
- Flexible scheduling options to meet the various needs of students.
- Associated services that support student development and success such as academic advising, library services, learning labs, assessment, career counseling, and cultural enrichment activities, among others.
Vision Statement
ECTC will be the transformative educational community of choice for transfer students, technical training, workforce education, and lifelong learning to advance the region.
ECTC ASPIRES in every way to be the leading institution for student and industry choice and success.
We value:
- Academic Excellence
- Student Success
- Partnership
- Integrity
- Responsiveness
- Equity
2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Goal 1: Increase Learner Opportunity
- ECTC Outcome 1.1: Increase the enrollment of learners to provide them with opportunities to achieve their career and lifelong learning goals.
Goal 2: Increase Learner Success
- ECTC Outcome 2.1: Increase learner persistence through credential pathway completion or four-year institution enrollment.
- ECTC Outcome 2.2: Increase technical education completion to ensure skilled talent to meet employer and economic development needs.
- ECTC Outcome 2.3: Increase workforce training completion to ensure skilled talent to meet employer and economic development needs.
- ECTC Outcome 2.4: Increase employment and transfer opportunities to ensure a skilled talent pipeline to grow Kentucky's economy.
Goal 3: Increase Organization Success
- ECTC 3.1: Invest in human, physical, and operational infrastructure to promote sustainability.
- ECTC 3.2: Expand recognition of the value of ECTC.