Informal Complaint Form | ECTC

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Informal Complaint Form

Do you have an issue or complaint with an individual or department at ECTC that you are not able to resolve? ECTC is committed to finding appropriate resolutions of complaints as efficiently and effectively as possible. We believe providing a mechanism for complaints to be heard gives us the opportunity to improve our services. Therefore, the College has a person, called the Ombudsperson, to address all student complaints.

The Office of the Ombudsperson provides a safe, and comfortable environment to discuss complaints, concerns or problems confidentially. The Office of the Ombudsperson shall explain policies and procedures, answer questions, and offer options to the student. The responses of the Office of the Ombudsperson are based on individual situations and the student’s concerns. The Office of the Ombudsperson will listen, make informal inquiries, review matters received, offer resolution options, make referrals and mediate disputes independently and impartially. When appropriate, the office will initiate an informal intervention with the goal of facilitating a resolution that is acceptable to all parties involved. The ombudsperson acts as an independent, impartial resource.

The Office of the Ombudsperson is used for reporting violations of academic rights, appealing a penalty for academic dishonesty or misconduct, reporting student harassment or discrimination, and reporting non-academic violations of the Code of Student Conduct. The Office of the Ombudsperson supplements, but does not replace, the College’s formal channels, such as the grievance policy.

Contact the Office of the Ombudsperson as a first step, or as a last resort, or anywhere along the way. Come and share your concerns, evaluate your situation, and plan your next step—if you want to take a next step.

The Office of the Ombudsperson is located in Room 109 JSO. You may also complete the form below to initiate a request for assistance. You may also call 270-706-8431 or send an email to

For more information on these procedures, please click Know Your Student Rights.

Informal Student COmplaint Form