AOT Orientation Handout
Administrative Office Technology Orientation
The Administrative Office Technology program is an integrated curriculum, which prepares graduates at the certificate, diploma, and associate degree level. The AOT program prepares students to work in an office environment of people, process, and technologies. Job titles may include Administrative Assistant, Office Assistant, Office Manager, and Financial Assistant. These personnel use a variety of office technology and computer based applications (word processing, electronic mail, desktop publishing, graphics, database, and spreadsheet). They support and help facilitate accurate communication and information exchange to internal and external customers on a timely basis. Technical courses combined with general education courses prepare students for today’s workforce and provide a basis for lifelong learning, a necessity for the workforce of the future.
Students are assigned an advisor by Student Services. These advisors are located as follows:
Advisor | E-mail Addresses | Office |
Ms. Judy Hart | judy.hart@kctcs.edu | 151B ATB |
Ms. Revel Metzger | revel.metzger@kctcs.edu | 151A JSO |
Most on-campus AOT classes will be taught in Room 156 of the Academic Technical Building. Labs are open for students according to the schedule posted on the classroom door.
Curriculum is determined by a state-wide committee. Curriculum sheets that list the course requirements for each certificate, diploma, and degree are available from your advisor and the ECTC website.
The current KCTCS catalog (in the Academic Curricula section for Administrative Office Technology) states: “progression in the Administrative Office Technology program is contingent upon achievement of a grade of “C” or better in all OST courses.
Online Coursework
Although online courses are convenient and sometimes necessary due to scheduling conflicts, the instructors in this program recommend taking as many AOT courses on campus as possible. This gives us the opportunity to become acquainted with you and gives you the opportunity to network with us. This interaction may prove invaluable for students should they request letters of recommendation, etc. from faculty members.
We understand students are concerned about commuting expenses. By working with your advisor, you should be able to get a MW or TR schedule most semesters in order to complete your degree.
Credit for Previous Education and Work Experience
A student wishing to test out of a class (receive credit by passing a comprehensive exam) should do so prior to registration in order to register for the correct classes. A student must pass a special exam to test out of a class that is a prerequisite for an advanced class before enrolling in the advanced class. Discuss the possibility with your advisor. See the student handbook for details regarding taking special exams. For a specific schedule of test dates, see your program advisor or personnel in the Assessment Center.
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)
Phi Beta Lambda is a student organization that provides an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills and gain experience and knowledge about the business world. PBL gives students the opportunity to make job contacts, conduct meetings, and compete on the state and national levels with students from other technical colleges, community colleges, and universities. Membership dues are $20 per school year (National $10, State $7, and Chapter $3). All students are encouraged to become active members of PBL. For more information, see one of the PBL advisors (Revel Metzger or JoNell Henderson). NOTE: Any student who is not in good standing or whose absentee rate is higher than 10 percent will not be eligible to hold a PBL office or attend PBL conferences or participate in competitive events.
Students in the AOT program are expected to act in a professional manner at all times. Your instructors may be asked to provide references for you prior to employment. Part of becoming a professional involves developing and maintaining a good work ethic, which involves honesty. With the technology of the workplace, employees have more opportunities to access information that does not belong to them. In a work environment, an employee caught “cheating” or “stealing” would usually be dismissed. Students should view their school experience just as they would their job.
Students are expected to complete assignments on their own. Sharing work between students is strictly prohibited. If a student is suspected of cheating, the instructor will follow the procedure detailed in the Code of Student Conduct.
Netiquette (the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet—including Blackboard and email—is to be used while taking online courses.
In addition to technical knowledge/skills, employers will expect you to possess “soft skills.” These include the ability to communicate, the ability to get along with others, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, and the ability to make ethical decisions.
Equipment Usage/Computer Acceptable Use Policy
Equipment is for school business only. Computers and printers are not to be used for personal business. When using printers, please print efficiently to save paper; for example, when printing PowerPoints, print six (6) slides per page. The labs are available only to AOT students to complete specific course requirements. Friends and family members are not allowed to accompany students into the labs. Students must sign a log sheet when using a lab outside of class. Students are not to use computers for any purpose other than those activities directly related to AOT classes. Students must abide by the terms and conditions of the Computer Acceptable Use Policy for Elizabethtown Community and Technical College.
Email Addresses
Students are provided with a KCTCS email address. Students will be expected to check their email daily for messages from instructors and/or administrative offices, to include KCTCS. Students should also check their Student Self-Service daily. Examples of such information may include grades, schedule information, billings, etc. This address is now required in order to log on to any computer in the classrooms and labs. Personal email accounts should be used only for school business while in school computer labs. No student should check email during a scheduled class unless it is part of the instruction for that class meeting.
You may access your email account by clicking on the “Current Students” link at the top of the college website and choosing “MyPath” on the following page; or by visiting https://outlook.com/kctcs.edu. For more information about student email, go to the following website: https://kctcs.edu/email/.
Cellular Phones, Pagers, and Tape Recorders
Students are prohibited from bringing cellular phones or pagers that beep to class. If a pager is necessary, it should be one that vibrates. Students wishing to tape lectures should obtain permission from the instructor first and record in such a manner as not to be distracting to others.
Students who purchase books in advance should not remove the cellophane or write in the books until the class has met and you are completely sure it is the correct book. Otherwise, you may not be able to return the books for a refund. Students may return books the first week of classes.
The bookstore is located on the first floor of the Regional Post Secondary building. A limited number of used books may also be available at the bookstore. A schedule of bookstore hours was included in your overall school orientation. Please advise your professor if a required text is not available at the bookstore.
Code of Student Conduct
Students are expected to comply with the Code of Student Conduct. Complete copies of the Code of Student Conduct are available in Student Affairs and at the KCTCS website at https://kctcs.edu/current-students/academic-resources/code-of-student-conduct.aspx.
Class Attendance and Makeup Policy
Students are preparing to enter the workforce as employees, so attendance and punctuality are of utmost importance. Each professor will have an attendance policy and makeup test policy that will be outlined in the course syllabus for each class.
Smoking, Food, Drinks
Effective January 2015 ECTC became a tobacco-free campus.
There will be absolutely no food or drinks allowed in the AOT classroom and/or lab (156 ATB). This includes candy, chips, water, sodas, etc. If a student is caught with these items, they may be asked to leave the lab/classroom.
The Office Systems Technology Internship course (OST 295) is completed during the student’s last semester of study (fall or spring semester—OST 295 is not offered in the summer). Elizabethtown Community & Technical College students must meet with their advisor during advance registration in the fall or spring semester prior to the semester in which they wish to take OST 295. This is essential in order to determine enrollment eligibility and allow time for placement of the students.
Since hands-on or practical work experience makes skills more marketable, students in the diploma and degree areas must participate in the internship program. Students are required to complete 135 hours of office work. Internship sites must be approved by the internship coordinator, Judy Hart. Internship positions may be paid or unpaid, depending on the employer’s discretion. There is paperwork that the student must sign and have signed by their supervisor and returned to be filed with the coordinator.
Students entering the AOT program need to realize that many of the positions where they will be completing their Internship or other employment positions may require a criminal background check, drug testing, a current immunization record, etc. It will generally be the student’s responsibility to take care of those and there may be associated fees.
Each student enrolling in OST 295 will be required to have a state background check. Instructions regarding this will be covered in the course syllabus. In addition, each student will have an $11 fee assessed to their student account for professional liability insurance.
Certification Exams
Graduates completing the AOT degree may be interested in taking one of the national certification exams: CAP (Certified Administrative Professional) through IAAP (International Association of Administrative Professionals) and/or MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Certification. Study guides, exam fees, and testing sites are available at their websites. Please inform your advisor if you earn any of these certifications.
Looking for Employment
Students seeking employment (current as well as graduates) should contact Kali Buchanan, Director of Career Services, kbuchanan0039@kctcs.edu, or (270) 706-8587.
KCTCS Rules of the Senate (Section IV, 3.28.1) - effective Fall 2011
Office Systems Technology Technical Standards
The Office Systems Technology program prepares students to work in an office environment
of people, processes and technologies with accuracy and efficiency. In order to be
considered for admission to or be retained in the program, all applicants should possess:
- sufficient visual acuity, such as is needed to read and access information;
- sufficient auditory perception to receive and interpret verbal communication from individuals and groups;
- sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to perform business machine, office and computer tasks;
- sufficient communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact effectively with individuals and groups, and
- sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement their duties in a responsible manner.
Inclement Weather
In the event that school has to close for all or part of a day due to inclement weather, students may choose to either check the ECTC website for information or sign up for SNAP alert on your cell and/or home phone. The SNAP alert system is used for any campus emergency (including weather). If you want to sign up use the following link: https://kctcs.edu/about/safety-security/snap/index.aspx