Computer Forensics - Certificate | ECTC


Computer Forensics - Certificate

Criminal Justice

Required Courses

Courses Credit Notes
CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice OR
CRJ 204 Criminal Investigations
3 Recommended first semester
CRJ 220 Introduction to Computer Forensics for CJ 3 Prereq: CIT 105 with C or better
CRJ 230 Criminal Justice Courtroom Procedures 3  
CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 Prereq: RDG 20 or instructor consent
CIT 111 Computer Hardware and Software 4 Coreq: CIT 105 and MAT 65
Recommended first semester
CIT 160 Introduction to Networking Concepts OR
CIT 161 Introduction to Networks
4 Prereq: MAT 85; Coreq: CIT 111 or instructor consent
CIT 180 Security Fundamentals 3 Prereq: CIT 160 or 161 or instructor consent

Students enrolled in the Criminal Justice program must achieve a minimum grade of "C" in each CRJ course and maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or better (on a 4.0 scale).

KCTCS Catalog:  Computer Forensics - Certificate