Basic Fire Protection - Certificate | ECTC


Fire Science Technology

Degrees - Associate in Applied Science (AAS)



Program Contact

John Gentry

Fire Science Technology

(270) 706-8861
(270) 307-7354


Basic Fire Protection - Certificate

Required Courses

Select six of the following nine options:

Courses Credit Notes
FIR 260 Principles of Emergency Services 3  
FIR 261 Building Construction 3 Prereq: FIR 260 or instructor consent
FIR 262 Fire Behavior and Combustion 3 Prereq: FIR 260 or instructor consent
FIR 263 Fire Service Safety & Wellness 3 Prereq: FIR 260 or instructor consent
FIR 264 Fire Prevention 3 Prereq: FIR 260 or instructor consent
FIR 265 Fire Protection Systems 3 Prereq: FIR 260 or instructor consent
FIR 280 Fire Service Legal Aspects 3 Prereq: instructor consent
FIR 281 Fire Service Administration 3 Prereq: instructor consent
FIR 282 Strategy and Tactics 3 Prereq: instructor consent

NOTE: All FIR courses are available in modules. (See course description area of the KCTCS Catalog.)

KCTCS Catalog:  Basic Fire Protection - Certificate