Kentucky Medication Aide
Kentucky Medication (Rx) Aide Course
Instructions for Application Process
- Complete this form:
- Complete Kentucky Criminal Background Request Form (PDF) and mail to address on form along with $25.00 payment. A copy of results will be needed for admittance into Medication Aide course.
- Proof of a 2 step TB skin test is due by the first day of class.
- Proof of the COVID vaccine is due by the first day of class (if COVID vaccine is required
by your facility.)
- Do NOT include any payments with your application. The Nurse Aide Office will mail your class confirmation with payment information.
For questions, contact the Nurse Aide Office at 270-706-8464 or email carlam.allen@kctcs.edu.
Please note: All fees must be paid prior to the first day of classes, unless student has financial aid. Please check with the Financial Aid Office prior to enrolling to ensure the class qualifies for financial aid.
Kentucky Medication Aide Training
This course is designed to prepare a Kentucky Medicaid Nurse Aide to administer specific medications in the long-term care facility and to be eligible to take the KY Medication Aide Test. The course shall include basic principles, techniques and procedures of medication administration in accordance with established guidelines and requirements that direct the limited functions of the Kentucky Medication Aide. The course consists of lecture, skills lab, and a minimum of 40 hours supervised clinical training. Students receive 5 college credit hours for the 105 clock-hour course.
Student Qualifications – Verification is required:
- Currently on the Kentucky Nurse Aide Registry in good standing
High School Diploma or GED or Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) or comparable test and score at tenth grade level in reading and math.
A minimum of six (6) months of work experience as a nurse aide in a health care facility within the last two years. A letter from your facility is required documenting this experience.
- Criminal Background Check results, 2 step TB skin test results and proof of the COVID vaccine (if COVID vaccine is required by your facility.)
- A provider Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) must be completed and signed by either the DON or the Administrator of your long-term care facility, agreeing to oversee your 40 hours of clinical training.
Course Requirements:
Successful completion of the course requires 100% attendance in the classroom and at clinicals, a minimum score of 70% on written tests, and a satisfactory competency evaluation of skills. Clinical training requires a white uniform and shoes, criminal background check and proof of a 2-step tuberculin skin test (PPD) within the past year and proof of the COVID vaccine. If you are a positive reactor you must bring a chest X-ray report stating that you are clear and you must also complete a previously reactive PPD survey from the nurse aide office.
To enroll in the medication aide course, applicants must complete a medication aide packet that can be obtained from the nurse aide office. Registration for the medication aide course will be completed through the nurse aide office only.
Tuition and Fees:
Tuition for KMA 100 course is $945.00 (5 credit hours at $189 per credit hour) Liability Insurance fee of $11, Mandatory Student Fee of $40, and $50 for the State Exam fee. All fees are due prior to the first day of class and are non-refundable once class work begins.
The required textbook for the KMA 100 course is Administering Medications Pharmacology for Health Careers 9th edition by Donna F. Gauwitz and may be purchased at the Elizabethtown Community & Technical College bookstore.