Combination Welder - Diploma | ECTC

Combination Welder - Diploma

Welding Technology

Developmental Courses as Needed

Courses Credit Notes
RDG 20/100 3-6  
ENC 90/ENG 100 2-5  
MAT 61 4  

General Education Courses

Courses Credit Notes
ENG 101 Writing I OR
TEC 200 Technical Communications
MAT 110 Applied Mathematics
MAT 116 Technical Mathematics OR
MAT 141 Liberal Arts Mathematics OR
MAT 150 College Algebra

Technical Core Requirements

Courses Credit Notes
Digital Literacy 0-3 Intro course
(WLD 100 Oxy-Fuel Systems AND
WLD 101 Oxy-Fuel Systems Lab) OR
(WLD 110 Cutting Processes AND
WLD 111 Cutting Processes Lab)
4-5 Intro course
WLD 120 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) AND
WLD 121 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Fillet Lab
5 Intro course
WLD 123 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Groove with Backing Lab OR
WLD 225 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Open Groove Lab
3 Intro course
WLD 130 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) AND
WLD 131 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Fillet Lab
5 Intro course
WLD 133 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Groove Lab 3 Intro course
Coreq: WLD 130 or instructor consent
WLD 140 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) AND
WLD 141 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Fillet Lab
5 Intro course
WLD 143 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Groove Lab 3 Coreq: WLD 140 or instructor consent
WLD 170 Blueprint Reading for Welding AND
WLD 171 Blueprint Reading for Welding Lab
WLD 220 Welding Certification AND
WLD 221 Welding Certification Lab
WLD 298 Welding Practicum OR
WLD 299 Cooperative Work Experience
1-4 Prereq: instructor consent
Technical Electives (see list below) 3  

Recommended Technical Electives

Courses Credit Notes
BEX 100 Basic Electricity for Non-Majors AND
BEX 101 Basic Electricity Lab for Non-Majors
EET 119 Basic Electricity 5  
ELT 110 Circuits I 5  
ELT 114 Circuits II 5 Prereq: ELT 110
WLD 145 Gas Metal Arc Welding Aluminum Lab 1 Prereq: WLD 140
WLD 147 Flux Cored Arc Welding Lab 1 Prereq: WLD 140
WLD 151 Basic Welding A 2  
WLD 161 Submerged Arc Welding Lab 1 Prereq: WLD 140
WLD 181 Advanced Welding Systems Lab 1 Prereq: WLD 140, 141, and 143
WLD 227 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Lab A 3 Prereq: WLD 225
WLD 229 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Lab B 3 Prereq: WLD 225
WLD 235 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Pipe Lab A 3 Prereq: WLD 133
WLD 237 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Pipe Lab B 3 Prereq: WLD 133
WLD 239 Orbital Tube Welding 1 Prereq: WLD 130 and 131
WLD 240 Materials Technology 2  
WLD 245 Gas Metal Arc Welding Pipe Lab A 3 Prereq: WLD 143
WLD 247 Gas Metal Arc Welding Pipe Lab B 3 Prereq: WLD 143
WLD 251 Welding Automation Lab 1-6 Prereq: WLD 140 and 141
WLD 253 Pipe Fitting and Template Development Lab 1  
WPP 200 Workplace Principles 3  

For a list of KCTCS general education classes in each category, go to

KCTCS Catalog:  Combination Welder - Diploma