May 16, 2023 - ECTC Cabinet Meeting Minutes | ECTC

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May 16, 2023 - Cabinet Minutes

ECTC President's Cabinet Retreat

Tuesday, May 16, 2023
9:00 a.m. – RPC 200C, Board Room


Attendee Status Attended
Mike Hazzard Cabinet Member Yes
Brent Holsclaw Cabinet Member Yes
Dr. Corina Langford Cabinet Member Yes
Darrin Powell Cabinet Member Yes
Whitney Taylor Cabinet Member Yes
Dr. Megan Stith Cabinet Member Yes
Dr. Juston Pate President/CEO Yes
Emily Allen Executive Administrative Assistant Yes
Jerisia Lamons Guest No
Dr. Telly Sellars Guest Yes


Family Scholar House

  • Cabinet members were briefed on the Family Scholar House campaign and timeline.

Call Campaigns

  • Dr. Langford updated Cabinet members on call campaigns occurring in Student Affairs. Staff are contacting current students and those who have applied but not enrolled. The goal of these calls is to offer additional support to any prospective student to complete their registration and the provide support for current students.

Jefferson Shooting

  • Cabinet discussed the security and safety response of the JCTCS employees during the shooting on the JCTC campus recently.
  • One take away from this event is to ensure the cameras located at our entrances and exits are well positioned and provide clear footage.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Emily Allen (Executive Administrative Assistant)