Activities & Organizations
ECTC Clubs and Organizations
The Acoustic Guitar Club is designed for guitarists of all ability levels. It's a great place to meet and make connections with your fellow guitarists. You must provide your own acoustic guitar and have a great attitude. All acoustic instruments, not just guitars, are welcome.
Meets every Monday from 11:20 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. in JSO 119.
Dr. John Dryden (270) 706-8540 jdryden0003@kctcs.eduAll Outta Shelf Space: Young Adult Authors Book Club is to promote reading for pleasure, not just for school. The book club will also allow students to meet new people and get together with friends in a relaxed environment. Not only will reading improve student's mental health, but also perfect their writing skills.
Meets virtually on the last Thursday of every month, 6-7 pm, on Blackboard Collaborate.
(270) 706-8407
Kentucky’s BCMs exist to give every student, on every campus, a chance to hear and respond to the gospel. At ECTC, BCM sponsors a campus meeting each week. We offer students opportunities to meditate on the Scriptures, ask questions about their faith, and share their faith through engaging their peer group. We work in concert with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the Lincoln Trail Association of Baptists (LTAB). LTAB provides a budget and campus minister for BCM. BCM meetings are open to all students regardless of personal faith or religious background.
Bible studies each week: Tuesdays at 11:15 - 12:15 in JSO 133.
Jacqueline Hawkins, Faculty Advisor (270) 706-8538jhawkins0045@kctcs.edu Tanner Royalty, BCM Director
Joe Galloway, Faculty Advisor
(270) 706-8468
joseph.galloway@kctcs.edu Joe Nail, Faculty Advisor
(270) 706-8665
If you are a culinary student, join the Culinary Club! Contact the advisor below for more information.
Susie Pate (270) 706-8732 susie.leblanc@kctcs.eduIf you like to write, then this club is for you! Students write in various genres, learn new techniques, read their work at events, workshop their original works, discuss publishing, and more.
Meets once a month. Please contact Mick Kennedy for meeting times.
Mick Kennedy(270) 706-8407
Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO) will provide support, resources, and representation for non-traditional students and adult learners within the ECTC Community. To foster an environment for non-traditional students to unify and share ideas about overcoming collegiate obstacles adult learners face as well as those outside the world of academics.
Meets first Friday of every month at 1:00 pm, in Room ATB 202.
Richard Cosper (270) 706-8482 rcosper0001@kctcs.eduThis is an International honor society specifically for two-year colleges dedicated to encourage scholarship, leadership and service. Membership is by invitation to students based on grade point average achieved on college work (3.5 Cumulative GPA after 12 college hours), character and citizenship.
PTK students meet each semester at various time to accommodate student schedules for each semester. Contact Kevin Parrett for more details.
Kevin Parrett, Lead Advisor, State Alumni Advisor (270) 706-8640 kevin.parrett@kctcs.edu Navin Madras, Co-Advisor (270) 706-8461 nmadras0001@kctcs.edu Kae Cooper, Co-Advisor (270) 706-8496 kae.cooper@kctcs.edu Miky Wright, Co-Advisor Leitchfield Campus (270) 706-8550 mwright0151@kctcs.eduThe mission of the Philosophy Club is to spread the love of wisdom on campus. We do this by providing a space for informal philosophical discussions and plan campus events (film screenings/discussions, bringing regional philosophers to campus, etc.)
Meets Wednesdays at 11:20 - 12:20 in JSO 157.
John Dryden (270) 706-8540 jdryden0003@kctcs.eduSkills USA support s students enrolled in technical programs by promoting leadership, occupational standards, and enhance interest in the esteem for trade, industrial, STEM and health science education.
Meeting times are set by the student members each semester. Contact Brent Doty for more information.
Brent Doty (270) 706-8608Bdoty0002@kctcs.edu
ECTC Student Government Association provides the means by which members of the student body as a whole may express concerns regarding student life and serves as a liaison between these same students and ECTC's administration, faculty and staff. SGA supervises all affairs involving students in which the administration, faculty and staff are not directly involved, supports acceptable administrative policy, and promotes among students an active interest in college affairs.
SGA Goals are:
- Explore concerns of the student body
- Promote school morale in the student body
- Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work
- Organize and develop extracurricular activities
- Encourage and practice high standards for student achievement
- Encourage scholarships and school loyalty
- Promote service projects of the community and campus
SGA meeting times are to be determined in the Fall semester.
Students who are interested should read and complete
the SGA Application.
Kae Cooper, SGA Advisor (270) 706-8496 kae.cooper@kctcs.edu Kevin Parrett, SGA Advisor (270) 706-8640 kevin.parrett@kctcs.eduThe ECTC SVO works to support student veterans and military associated dependents with their transition to campus life. We provide socialization activities, veteran benefit support, and job seeking support.
SVO membership and meetings are open to ALL students. If you would like to join our organization, please contact Jamie Miracle.
Jamie Miracle (270) 706-8522 jmiracle0084@kctcs.eduInterested in starting a new club?
All it takes is the interest of three or more students and a faculty advisor. Please have your faculty advisor contact Dr. Corina Langford to to start the process.
Contact Information:
Dr. Corina Langford, MD; MS; PhD Chief Student Officer Elizabethtown Community and Technical College 100 A Regional Postsecondary Center 600 College Street Road | Elizabethtown, KY Phone: 270-706-8444 corina.langford@kctcs.edu