KYOTE Placement Test
Kentucky Online Testing for Students
The Kentucky Online Testing (KYOTE) college readiness exam is intended for students who scored below 19 on the ACT math exam and the KYOTE college algebra exam is intended for students who scored 19, 20 or 21 on the ACT math exam.
All college-bound students should know...
- Regardless of major, at all public institutions in Kentucky, you will be required to pass some college-level course in mathematics.
- In order to gain entry into a college-level mathematics course, a student must receive a score of at least a 19 on the ACT math exam, at least a 36 on the COMPASS Algebra Domain exam, or at least a 22 on the KYOTE College Readiness math exam.
- Many students, depending on major, will be required to pass College Algebra (or additional mathematics courses beyond College Algebra).
- College Algebra requirements differ by institution (at ECTC, a 22 ACT math exam is required), but a score of at least 14 on the KYOTE College Algebra exam guarantees placement into College Algebra at any public institution in Kentucky.
For more information about this state-wide initiative please visit: www.kyote.org
KYOTE Test Materials
The goal of these materials is to support students in their transition to college level mathematics by preparing them for the KYOTE or COMPASS college placement exams.
- Transition to College Mathematics (PDF textbook, 213 pages)
- Exercise Sets
- Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems (PDF, 31 pages)
- Off-Line Practice Exams
- Practice Shell for KYOTE Placement Test Takers