ECTC Scholarships
Due to the generous support of many community individuals and organizations, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College is able to offer many scholarships each academic year. Some of these scholarships are for students pursuing any degree and/or major while some are specifically identified by the donors to be awarded to students in specific college degree plans.
Complete just one ECTC scholarship application and be considered for multiple awards! Students do not need to apply for individual scholarships during the application process, as they will be automatically matched to scholarships for which they meet the criteria.
View a complete list of ECTC scholarships, criteria and essay requirements.
The 2025-2026 scholarship application is now available! Submit your application before the priority deadline, Feb. 28, 2025, to be considered for as many scholarships as possible. Applications received after the priority deadline will be considered if funding is available.
Don’t forget to complete your 2025-2026 FAFSA to be considered for all ECTC scholarships. The FAFSA application will open sometime in December; we recommend completing it before our priority deadline of February 28, 2025. See us in the Financial Aid office for FAFSA assistance!
You must have a KCTCS username to apply for scholarships. Submit your free admissions application to receive your KCTCS username and password.
Note: Scholarship criteria, availability and funding are subject to change.
Scholarships Application Assistance
- Application Assistance
For assistance, please stop by the Financial Aid Office in RPC 105. Office Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. - Contact Kacy Randall, Scholarship Coordinator, at 270-706-8698 or kacy.randall@kctcs.edu for more information.
DC to Degree Scholarship
The Dual Credit (DC) to Degree Scholarship is available to new high school graduates who completed dual credit classes at ECTC or any other KCTCS college. Apply the credits you earned in high school and get closer to a degree at ECTC! You could get up to a $1,000 scholarship for the fall semester following your high school graduation.
Work Ready kentucky scholarship
Free college tuition for education and training that leads to high wage, high demand careers? It may sound too good to be true, but it’s for real. Kentucky residents who haven’t already earned a college degree may be eligible for free tuition in five high demand careers fields: health care, advanced manufacturing, transportation/logistics, business/IT, and construction/trades. Elizabethtown Community and Technical College offers programs in all five careers fields, and the Work Ready Scholarship pays for certificates, diplomas, and degrees. To determine eligibility, students must complete a FAFSA and submit the KHEAA application. Learn more at WorkReadyKentucky.com.
Metallica Scholars Initiative
Sixty ECTC students have begun their first year as Metallica Scholars. Follow them as they “Ride the Lightning” to exciting careers in Advanced Manufacturing.
Information on Applying for External Scholarships
The Central Kentucky Community Foundation has implemented a scholarship program called Scholarship Central. Scholarship Central is an online scholarship portal for students to apply for multiple local scholarships in one location, with one application. This year they have over $100,000 available in scholarship funds available to local students. Students planning to attend ECTC next academic year can use this site to apply for scholarships.
At present, the following scholarships are available to students planning to attend ECTC:
- Owen J. Estes Scholarship
- Martha Jane Hamilton Nursing Scholarship
- John Dink Scholarship
- Kelley Miller State Farm Scholarship
- J. R. and Carrie Edwards Scholarship
- Llewellyn Memorial Scholarship
- Central Kentucky Community Foundation ECTC Scholarship
- Central Kentucky Community Foundation ECTC Returning Student Scholarship
Students interested in applying should go to:
The application deadline is March 1st!!!
The Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) is based on high school academic achievement. The KEES program provides scholarships to students who earn at least a 2.5 GPA each year they attend a certified Kentucky High School. The better they do in high school, the more they earn toward college. They may also earn awards for ACT/SAT scores and Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) test scores.
Home School and GED graduates may earn awards based on their ACT scores.
More information is available at KHEAA.
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) Scholarship programs for Kentucky residents.
- Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES)
- Early Childhood Developmental Scholarship (ECDS)
- Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship
Kentucky Scholarships
Listings of Kentucky Scholarships (PDF, 126 pages) and Two-Year Public Colleges (PDF, 30 pages) that are available in the state of Kentucky at KHEAA.
Listings of Kentucky Scholarships (PDF, 126 pages) and Two-Year Public Colleges (PDF, 30 pages) that are available in the state of Kentucky at KHEAA.
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means to pursue academic studies or credit-bearing, career-oriented internships abroad. Such international exchange is intended to better prepare U.S. students to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world.
Donovan Scholar Waiver
Donovan Scholarships are available for lifelong learners, age 65 and over, to attend college for free. If you are eligible for this waiver, please contact the Welcome Center and complete an application for admission to the College. You will also need to submit a copy of your driver’s license in order for the waiver to be applied. The waiver is for tuition only and does not cover books or digital fees.
A Donovan Scholar can take classes for credit or audit.
- Placement Tests and/or official transcripts from previous colleges attended may be required for degree seeking students depending on course prerequisites.
- There are no exams or assignments required for students who audit a class.
For further information contact the Welcome Center at: (270) 706-8800 or (877) 246-2322 extension 68800.
State mandated scholarships and tuition waiver programs for Kentucky residents:
- Adopted and foster children. The foster tuition waiver (PDF) is completed and submitted to the ECTC financial aid office. (KRS 164.2847)
- Dependents of deceased employees participating in state-administered retirement systems (KRS 164.2841)
- Dependents of disabled employees participating in state-administered retirement systems (KRS 164.2842)
- Dependents of deceased or disabled Kentucky law enforcement officers and firefighters (KRS 164.2841)
- Dependents of deceased or totally disabled Kentucky veterans (KRS 164.505, KRS 164.507, KRS 164.512, KRS 164.515)
State Tuition Assistance
- Eligibility
- Currently serving in Kentucky National Guard
- Completed Basic Combat Training (BCT) or contracted ROTC/SMP
- Passing APFT/ACFT and height/weight standards
- Not flagged
- No unexcused absences (unsats) from drill within the previous 12 months
- AGRs and Technicians remain eligible to use
- Pursuing first bachelor’s degree or less
- Have not reached lifetime cap
- Application
- Apply online for each semester - https://ky.ngb.army.mil/tuitionstudent/
- Must meet all eligibility rules at time of application
- Apply by deadline
- Fall term - apply by 1 April
- Spring term - apply by 1 October
- Summer - Not available
- Winter - Not available
- Late applications will be considered on a case-by-case contingent on funding, contact the Eucation Office if needing to apply after a deadline.
- State TA pays actual public in-state tuition cost
- 100% of in-classroom rate, up to full time student
- Benefit is paid directly to school
- Participating private schools eligible (capped at $5,184.00 per semester)
- Does NOT pay any fees or excess tuition associated with online classes
- Benefit availability subject to State funding
- Lifetime usage caps as of Fall 2024 term
- $27,300 for Community and Technical Colleges
- $54,600 for comprehensive public universities or approved private colleges
- $68,250 for research universities (UK, U of L)oCap increases 5% annuallyoChanging school type will increase or decrease lifetime cap as appropriate
- State TA usage prior to Fall 2016 term is not counted towards cap
- See your usage here - https://www.kheaa.com/apps/registration/signin
- Yes, even if you live outside the state or just moved to Kentucky, you are entitled to the in-state tuition rate at any of our public universities.
- This law began with the 2017-2018 school year.
- May use with any GI Bill®
- May use with Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) if eligible
- Tuition benefits applied in the following order
- State TA
- Federal TA
- Post 9-11 GI Bill (if eligible)
- Service members wishing to change schools should contact the Education Office
- Soldiers transferring from a Community College to a University will have their cap increased accordingly.
- Soldiers transferring from a Universities to a Community College will have their cap reduced and may find they have already exhausted it.
- Classes added late may not be covered
- Classes dropped after the add/drop date, failed, or repeated still count against the Soldier’s lifetime cap.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Contact at Fort Knox, KY:
State TA Manager: Ms. Janet Crickmer, 502-607-1039, janet.crickmer.nfg@army.mil
Education Services Officer: Ms. Jennifer Miller, 502-607-1916, jennifer.g.miller19.civ@army.mil
GI Bill Manager: SFC Matthew Boone, 502-607-1138, matthew.p.boone2.mil@army.mil