Veterans Affairs Briefing Sheet
Briefing Requirement
This VA Briefing aims to provide important information for students using VA Educational Benefits to understand and acknowledge. It is vitally important for students to understand what is required while utilizing their benefits to prevent any burden or issues during enrollment. Please carefully read all of the information provided for each category below, then select the link to complete the online version of the form.
By completing the online Veterans Affairs Enrollment Form, you are stating you have read and understand all the information given to you below. The MIlitary and Veteran Services Center are not responsible for any hindrance towards your enrollment status if you fail to read the information provided.
Chapter 30, 33, 35, and 1606: Complete online application for VA Educational Benefits by going to www.va.gov under the Education section. Once application is completed, supply our office with a copy of your confirmation page or a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility showing you have been approved for benefits.
Chapter 31: Have your assigned VR&E counselor send us an Authorization approving your benefits.
Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs Tuition Waiver: Application can be found in our office. You can also obtain a copy from KDVA’s website at https://veterans.ky.gov/Benefits/Pages/Education-for-Veterans-in-Kentucky.aspx. Supporting documentation is required for approval.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC if you have any questions.
Who is eligible for the work-study program?
A student receiving VA education benefits under Title 38 USC, Chapters 33, 30, 31,
32, or 35; or Title 10 USC, Chapter 1606; and attending school at the 3/4 time or
full time rate.
What type of work does a work-study student do?
Students must be assigned to work sites that will permit them to perform VA related
How much does VA pay?
Pay is based on the higher of the Federal minimum wage of the State/Local minimum
wage. Work performed on or after the effective date of any minimum wage increase will
be paid at the higher rate even though the contract may show a lower rate at $7.25
per hour, tax free.
How do students apply for the work-study program?
Students can apply by completing VA Form 22-8691, "Application for Work-Study Allowance" and submit to the appropriate local office.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Remedial and deficiency courses are courses designed to correct deficiencies in basic mathematics, English, and reading at the elementary or secondary level. These courses can be certified as part of an approved program, but only for students for whom a verifiable need has been established. This is determined by the student's Placement Exam.
Remedial courses include, but are not limited to: RDG 20, RDG 100, ENC 90, ENG 100, MAT 61, MAT 65, MAT 85, and MAT 100.
Remedial and deficiency courses offered as independent study (online) cannot be approved and cannot be certified to VA.
(Authorized by test score)
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Report all Drop / Adds to the MIlitary and Veteran Services Center immediately to avoid any debt to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
6-Credit Hour Exclusion
VA automatically grants mitigating circumstances for up to 6 credits the first time a student reduces or terminates, and mitigating circumstances must be considered. This automatic grant is called the 6-Credit Hour Exclusion. The exclusion is a one-time grant made the first time a student drops. Up to 6 credits can be excluded if the student has been awarded benefits for the credit. The 6-Credit Hour Exclusion cannot be granted if the student completes the term and receives non-punitive grades.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Requests are processed on a first come first served basis, in a timely manner (within 30 days), after all required documents have been received by the ECTC School Certifying Official. Turn all paperwork into ECTC's main campus, only.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Chapters 30, 32, 33, 35, and 1606
Colleges and universities are increasingly offering work experience or work related internship programs. VA uses the term cooperative training (co-op) to denote school-sponsored programs that consist of school instruction and on-the-job (OJT) training. For example, a community college may offer A.A.S. Automotive Technology degree with course work at the college and OJT at a car dealership. Like all programs, co-op programs must be specifically approved by SAA prior to the student starting the class.
Rules for cooperative training:
- Cooperative training must be full-time program. The school phase and the OJT phase, together, constitute one co-op cycle. The OJT phase must be an integral part of the school's approved program. The OJT must be supervised by school instructors, the school must arrange the OJT phases with employers, and the school must grant credit for the OJT.
- A VA student must elect co-op in writing.
- The program must be approved by the state-approving agency. Written prior approval and a check sheet completed by the student are required before ECTC can certify.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Students receiving Chapter 30, 33, and 1606 must verify their enrollment monthly by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE), by calling VA at 1-888-442-4551, or by opting for text messaging verification. Please visit the Department of Veterans Affairs’ website for more information at https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/isaksonroe/verification_of_enrollment.asp.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Federal Law Requires Students To Report All Prior Credit (Military And Civilian). Failure to submit transcripts will result in certification not being processed. If you would like to request a military transcript, please go to jst.doded.mil.
One of the criteria for approval of any school for veterans' training is that it review prior credit and grant credit as appropriate to VA student's current program. Students may not repeat a course they have previously taken and received Prior Credit for.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
All students are encouraged to apply for Federal Financial Aid. Students are allowed to use both concurrently.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
The law requires that educational assistance benefits to veterans and other eligible persons be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory progress toward completion of his or her training objective. Benefits can be resumed if the student re-enrolls in the same educational institution and in the same program. In other cases, benefits cannot be resumed unless VA finds that the cause of the unsatisfactory attendance, conduct or progress has been removed and the program of education or training to be pursued by the student is suitable to his or her aptitudes, interests, and abilities.
A student who fails any class in a given semester must be reported to the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) with the student’s Last Date of Attendance. This may cause a debt to the student.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Remember, all of the information provided for you on this page is required reading prior to completing the Veterans Affairs Enrollment Form.
By selecting the link below, you agree that you have read and understand all of the information provided. You also understand that the MIlitary and Veteran Services Center are not responsible for any hindrance towards your enrollment status if you fail to read the information provided.
You are required to complete the Veterans Enrollment Form in Student Self-Service each semester after you have enrolled in classes if you want to use your VA Educational Benefits. You are also required to complete the form for any and all changes you make to your class schedule, even if the school changes your schedule (class cancelled, administrative drop, etc.). Failure to report all changes to your schedule could result in a debt to the Department of Veterans Affairs. By completing the form, you agree that you have read the above VA Briefing information.
Veterans Enrollment Form
Directions: Complete the VA Enrollment form in Student Self-Service every semester, after you enroll into classes.
- It is your responsibility to inform this MIlitary and Veteran Services Center of any changes in your enrollment to include: any drops, adds, or changes of major; changes in address, phone # etc. each semester.
- Benefits can only pay for courses that are required for the student’s CURRENT degree program.
- Veterans can repeat classes only if the previous grade was not passing, or did not meet current program’s grade requirement.
- No payment can be received for audited courses or for any remedial courses taken online.
- A student cannot round out until the ECTC Registrar has conducted an official degree audit showing the student is in their graduating semester and a copy given directly to the ECTC VA Certifying Official.
Student is required by law to submit all prior transcripts and documents that can be used to establish prior credit.
See your VA School Certifying Official in room 108 of the RPC Building if you have any questions.
Contact Information
MIlitary and Veteran Services Center:
- Tabbi Stutzenberger - Director of Military and Veteran Services
- Kenneth Jefferson - Academic Advisor, VA School Certifying Official
- Lisa Smith - Assistant
Hours of Operation:
- Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.