Grant Application Overview
Developing a grant proposal takes time and planning, but it doesn't have to be difficult. If you have an idea and would like to seek grant funding to implement your idea or project, here is what you can do:
Institutional Pre-Approval
Before applying for a grant, it is important to demonstrate that you have the support of your division/department and institution. This is easily done by filling out an ECTC Grant Proposal Form. Once you and your division chair/supervisor have signed the ECTC Grant Proposal Form, submit it to the grants office. The grants office will forward it to the provost/chief academic officer, chief institutional advancement officer, and the president for their approval and signatures. The finalized document is then kept in the grants office with the project file.
Grant Search
Once your idea is approved, the grants office will work with you to find the right funding opportunity for your project. When a grant is identified, we will work with you to review application requirements and further develop your project to meet criteria and be competitive.
Proposal Development
The proposal begins and ends with the project design. Key considerations of project design include activities associated with the project, key persons involved, cost of the project, and measurable objectives and outcomes.
The proposal will also need to provide details about why the project is needed (what problem(s) it solves), how it furthers the institution's goals, how it furthers the funder's goals, why specific activities were chosen, how the project will be evaluated, and how/if the institution will continue it after the grant period.
Specific forms may also be required for federal and state grants, and collaborative projects may require letters of commitment from community and institutional partners. The grants office will work closely with you to compile all the required documentation and support needed for your grant, as well as assist with writing, editing and revising your proposal, as needed.
Proposal Submission
Upon completion and final review of the proposal, the grants office will forward it to the ECTC leadership for final sign-off and facilitate submission of the proposal to the funder.
What next?
Typically, federal grant awards are announced within six to nine months of the submission deadline; state, foundation or corporate grants may have a different award schedule. Often, the award time frame is included in the RFP.
If the project is funded, the grants office will help you set up the grant within the KCTCS accounting system and review documentation and other requirements of KCTCS and the funder associated with administering your grant. The Grant Program Director and Principle Investigator will be provided training by the ECTC Office of Grants and Contracts. It is critical to review grant requirements closely and manage the sponsored project and all related expenses accordingly.
If the project is not funded, the grants office and the advancement team will work with you to continue refining the proposal and seek other funding sources and/or to resubmit to the same grant program in the next cycle.
Contact Information
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College Grants and Sponsored Projects Dr. Megan Stith Chief Advancement Officer RPC Bldg / 2nd Floor, Room 200E600 College Street Road
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
(270) 706-8721