Sustainability Events
Plant for the Planet
ECTC received a grant from LGE/Plant for the Planet. 12 trees were purchased along with gator bags and planted on campus this summer.
Adding water for the tree.
Many trees in the yard.
Plant for the Planet
Upcoming Events
2024 Nuture Nature Series
Catch the Rain: A Workshop on Rain Gardens
A workshop to explain plan and demonstrate the installation of residential rain gardens.
Date/Time: Saturday, September 7, 9:00 AM
Location: Hardin County Extension Office, III Opportunity Way
Presenters: Amy Aldenderfer, Caroline Carter
Kat's Bat
Kat will provide participants with educational material about bats and blueprints to create your own bat house at home.
Date/Time: Saturday, October 19, 10:00 AM
Location: Hardin County Extension Office, III Opportunity Way
Presenter: Kat Ylagan
Presented by the Creation Care Team and Greenspace, Inc. with additional community partners. All sessions are free and unless otherwise noted (see reverse), are held in First Presbyterian's Fellowship Hall (enter through the rear entrance).
See reverse for complete details. Questions?
Please call (270) 765-7663 for more information.
1016 Pear Orchard Road
Elizabethtown, Kentucky 42701
Previous Events
Multicultural Fair
A successful multicultural fair! The sustainability committee gave away plantable pencils and pollinator seeds from Roundstone Nursery (Thank you Swope Motors!). We also had some electric cars on display courtesy of Swope Motors.