ECTC campus offers sustainable, outdoor charging | ECTC

ECTC campus offers sustainable, outdoor charging

Solar Charging Table with a student at the table

Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) students can now plug into renewable energy to charge their devices outdoors on the Elizabethtown campus. Just in time for spring, seven solar-powered charging tables have been installed near the Learning Resource Center, the James S. Owen Building and the Science Building, where students often study and enjoy the large green spaces on the 65-acre campus. 

The workstations, which include bench seating, feature solar canopies and multiple outlet types. With a full battery, a table can charge between 75 to 150 devices per day. 

“The tables provide shade and are a great place to take advantage of our outdoor open spaces, but most importantly they provide sustainable outdoor charging for laptops and phones,” said ECTC Facilities Management Coordinator Carla Hammonds. 

Two additional tables will be added near the Academic Technical Building this summer.