Program Details
Helping High School Students pursue their dreams of going to college and learning about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
Upward Bound Math & Science Students receive:
- Tutoring & supplemental instruction to boost Math and Science scores.
- Career, Academic, Financial Counseling
- Recreational & Cultural Group Activities & Trips
- ACT Prep
UBMS Students Earn Money to Learn
Participants receive a monthly stipend when...
- They participate in scheduled activities, school visits, UBMS Home Work & work on their academic performance standards.
Who Qualifies for ECTC’s UBMS Program
- Our UBMS Students come from five different regions and attend or would traditionally
attend the following target high schools or feeder middle schools:
- LaRue County High School
- LaRue County MIddle School
- Nelson County High School
- Old Kentucky Home Middle School
- Bloomfield Middle School
- North Hardin High School
- James T. Alton Middle School
- North Middle School
- Thomas Nelson High School
- Old Kentucky Home Middle School
- Bloomfield Middle School
- Boston School
- Washington County High School
- Washington County Middle School
- Washington County Middle School
- LaRue County High School
- Our UBMS Students are High School students in grades 9-12.
- Have an interest in STEM and be between the ages of 13 and 17
- 8th Graders can pre-apply to the program and if accepted start the summer before 9th grade.
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
- Meet Federal Income Guidelines and/or be a first-generation college student.
- First-generation students have parents who do not have bachelor’s degrees (4-yr college
- First-generation students have parents who do not have bachelor’s degrees (4-yr college
- Students motivated to remain in high school & go to college.
Contact Upward Bound Math/Science
Elizabethtown Community & Technical College
600 College Street Road, Elizabethtown KY 42701
Science Building Rooms 117 & 118
Email: ectc.ubms@kctcs.edu
Phone: (270) 706-8578