Prospective Students & Parents
What Do We Offer
Academic Services
We offer UBMS Students personalized academic support:
- Academic Coaching/Advising
- Tutoring
- Course/Schedule Planning
- ACT Prep & Exam Fee Waivers
- Study Skill Workshops
- Saturday Academy Programs to explore STEM careers and college programs.
- Field Trips & Professional Presentations.
- Community Service Projects
- Stipends
Summer Academy Services
- 6 Weeks of Challenging Academic Coursework taught by professionals in Math, Science, English, & Foreign Language.
- College & Career Prep Courses
- Cultural & College Field Trips
- Life Skills & Craft Activities
- Community Service Projects
- Stipends
Summer Bridge Services
- TRIO EOC office is the one that helps graduating UBMS students in choosing college classes.
- UBMS Scholarship to cover cost of 2 ECTC College Classes (maximum of 6 credit hours) in Introductory Math/Science/ or FYE Classes.
- Stipends
- Access to ECTC Student Support Services
- Cultural Trip
Every Year we can only Accept 60 Participants.
Don't miss out on this fun Great Opportunity
Apply to the UBMS Program Today.
Contact Upward Bound Math/Science
Elizabethtown Community & Technical College
600 College Street Road, Elizabethtown KY 42701
Science Building Rooms 117 & 118
Email: ectc.ubms@kctcs.edu
Phone: (270) 706-8578