Upward Bound Math & Science Summer Bridge Program
Summer, 2024
The UBMS Summer Bridge program is perfect for graduating high school seniors!
It covers the cost of two college classes at Elizabethtown Community & Technical College;
these classes are transferable to other colleges/universities in Kentucky.
- Maximum of 6 credit hours
- One class must be FYE 100 (3 credit hours)
- One class must be an introductory college level STEM course (3 credit hours)
Students must meet all the qualifications below:
- UBMS Summer Bridge Students are High School Seniors graduating in May 2024 with a
minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- UBMS Summer Bridge Students are graduating from the following high schools:
- LaRue County High School
- Nelson County High School
- North Hardin High School
- Thomas Nelson High School
- Washington County High School
- UBMS Summer Bridge Students must meet Federal Income Guidelines and be a First-generation
college student.
- First-generation students have parents who do not have bachelor’s degrees (4-yr college degrees)
- Must meet Federal Low-Income Guidelines
- Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
- UBMS Summer Bridge Students must be motivated to earn a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field.
Time is running out for Graduating Senior to Sign Up for This Program so register today by completing the UBMS Application and filling out the Summer Academy / Summer Bridge Jotform.
To Learn more about the Department of Education Grant Funded Program check out our website: Upward Bound Math & Science (UBMS) | ECTC (kctcs.edu)
Contact Upward Bound Math/Science
Elizabethtown Community & Technical College
600 College Street Road, Elizabethtown KY 42701
Science Building Rooms 117 & 118
Email: ectc.ubms@kctcs.edu
Phone: (270) 706-8578