Writing Center
ECTC’s Writing Center is here to help you in all stages of the writing process to aid in brainstorming, composing, revising, and editing your writing assignments. They can also help with formatting and citing sources both in-text and on reference pages. The center prides itself as a great space to write, get help, and even practice your speech before class!
In-person Tutoring:
Where: ATB 156
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, + Friday 12pm. - 4pm.
Wednesday 10am. - 4:30pm.
* Be sure to bring the instructions for your assignment given by your professor and your paper (digital or paper copy). Walk-ins are welcome!
Online Tutoring:
Where: Email (or video conference upon request)
When: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
* Email your paper AND the instructions given by your professor to hstreble0001@kctcs.edu.
Please allow 1-2 business days for a response with comments and suggested revisions.
Longer papers may require multiple sessions.
ECTC Writing Center Microsoft Teams Page:
Elizabethtown - Writing Tutor | General | Microsoft Teams
Use this link to view helpful resources to aid in your writing process and to chat
with the writing tutor about your assignment. This platform will also be used for
video conferencing appointments, but please email hstreble0001@kctcs.edu to set up the appointment.
Contact Information
Hope Streble
Email: hstreble0001@kctcs.edu
Phone: (270) 706-8527
Academic Technical Building, Room 156