Student Course Syllabi Information
Course Delivery Changes
The College must remain flexible to meet challenges that may include epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, human-influenced disasters, and any and all threats to the College campus, students, employees, and surrounding communities. To ensure the safety and well-being of our constituencies, the College maintains the right to move classes temporarily or permanently to online, remote platforms; to a hybrid section that includes some face-to-face learning and some remote learning; or to a different campus, location, building, or time. Additionally, the College reserves the right to institute plans or practices in the physical classroom/lab/activity spaces and common areas to protect students and faculty. The College will attempt to make these changes as minimally disruptive as possible, but the College reserves the sole right to alter the particular type, place, or time for their classes.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statements
Applicable to 'On Campus Courses'
If you need accommodation because of a documented disability (psychological disability, medical disability, learning disability, and/or physical disability), you must register with the Office for Student Accessibility each academic term you are enrolled.
To register, please contact the office of Disability Services at (270) 706-8455. In the event of an emergency while you are on campus or attending class at an off-campus location, notify Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) Disability Services immediately if you require assistance.
Applicable to 'Online Courses'
The educational programs and activities at ECTC are available to all students. If you need accommodation because of a documented disability (psychological disability, medical disability, learning disability, and/or physical disability), you must register with the Office for Student Accessibility each academic term you are enrolled.
If you are an ECTC student, you will need to contact the Office for Student Accessibility, Room 129-A RPC, or call (270) 706-8455. All other KCTCS students will need to contact their home school's Disability Services Coordinator for assistance in requesting reasonable accommodation(s).
KCTCS Code of Student Conduct
Faculty and students at ECTC are bound by principles of truth and honesty that are fundamental for an educational community. Information about academic rights and academic offenses and the student's right to appeal is located in the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct. (Revised December 2, 2022)
Accessing/Checking your KCTCS Email
As a student of the KCTCS System, e-mail is an integral part of the distance learning process as well as your everyday process as a student of ECTC. You get grade information, class registration, and other related information on your email account. In addition, all of your KCTCS information will come through student email.
Your password must be changed via the KCTCS User Account Center. You will need to know your student id number to use the User Account Center. Attempting to change your password through your mailbox will fail.
Also if your phone has been set to sync with the previous KCTCS email system (prior to July 12, 2012), you will now need to set up your mobile device to work with 365. Select the link below for assistance.
For questions regarding the email changes, contact ECTC's IT help desk at (270) 706-8817 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m, Monday through Friday.
Make-Up Days Due to College Closure
Occasionally, the college is closed due to weather conditions or other unforeseeable circumstances and classes are cancelled. When this happens, make-up days may be necessary. If we find make-up days are necessary, this instructor will follow the policies established by the college and will notify you of the arrangements as soon as possible.
Required Satisfactory Academic Standards
In order to be eligible to receive financial aid, a returning student is required to have met certain standards of satisfactory academic progress during his or her previous attendance, whether or not financial aid was received.
- A student is required to complete sixty-seven percent (67%) of all cumulative credits attempted, as expressed by the number of hours successfully completed divided by the number of hours attempted. Successful completion would be grades of A, B, C, D, or Pass; unsuccessful grades would be E, F, W, Z or Incomplete.
- A student is required to meet a minimum cumulative grade point average. ECTC uses a 4-point scale for Grade Point Average (GPA) and requires students to have a 2.0 grade point average after each measured term.
- Students are expected to complete their degree/diploma/certificate program within a Maximum Time Frame (MTF) of 150% of the required number of credit hours to graduate. e.g., programs requiring 72 credits will have a 108 credit maximum. All attempted hours are counted, including transfer hours, whether or not financial aid was received, or whether or not the coursework was successfully completed.
Students with questions about the required Satisfactory Academic Standards above should contact the Financial Aid Office.
Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
- If a student thinks that he/she has been discriminated against, the student shall inform the Chief Student Officer or his/her designee within thirty (30) calendar days of the occurrence of the alleged incident. The Chief Student Officer or his/her designee shall conduct a preliminary investigation of the discrimination grievance.
- The student, Chief Student Officer or his/her designee, and other involved parties shall work informally to negotiate a solution within fourteen (14) calendar days. The informal student discrimination grievance procedure shall be completed within forty-four (44) calendar days of the occurrence of the alleged incident.
- If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student through the informal grievance procedure, the student may file a formal appeal according to the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct.
- If a student feels he/she has been subject to sexual misconduct, those complaints should be made to the College Title IX Coordinator or other college administrator. Such complaints shall be handled in accordance with the Sexual Misconduct Procedure.
Title IX Coordinator
Dale Buckles, Ph.D., Professor
Office of the Ombudsperson
Room 109 JSO Building
Policy on Personal Writing and Disclosures of Sexualized Violence
Syllabus Statement regarding Sexualized Violence in accordance with Title IX
For non-composition classes:
In this class, the topic of sexualized violence will emerge in readings, films, and class discussions. Making personal connections with the topics studied can be a meaningful and important project, but please be aware of the following policy regarding confidentiality and disclosures of incidents of sexualized violence.
For composition classes:
In this class you will select your own writing topics. Please keep the following in mind as you develop new topics throughout the course of the semester:
Consider all of your writing for this class as public. You are encouraged to write on topics that matter to you, and while this can elicit writing that is deeply personal, you must always be prepared to share your work with others.
For both composition and non-composition classes:
In the event that you choose to write or speak about having survived sexualized violence, including rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking and specify that this violence occurred while you were an ECTC student, federal and state education laws require that, as your instructor, I notify the Title IX Coordinator for the College. The Title IX Coordinator will contact you to let you know about accommodations and support services at ECTC and possibilities for holding accountable the person who harmed you.
If you do not want the Title IX Coordinator notified, instead of disclosing this information to your instructor, you can speak confidentially with the Title IX Coordinator: Dale Buckles, dale.buckles@kctcs.edu, 270-706-8431; or someone in the community. They can connect you with support services and discuss options for holding the perpetrator accountable.
Crisis Intervention
- Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs
- Clery Center
- An Abuse, Rape, and Domestic Violence Aid and Resource Collection (AARDVARC)
- Office of Women’s Health
Community Services
Organization | Phone Number |
Silverleaf Sexual Trauma Recovery Services | 270-234-9236 |
Springhaven, Inc. Domestic Violence Program (Hardin County) | 800-767-5838 |
Springhaven, Inc. Domestic Violence Program (Springfield/Washington Co) | 502-827-2248 |
Communicare.org | 270-765-2605 |
Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Welfare) | 800-372-2973 |
The House of Hope | 706-386-8776 |
St. Dominic Closet – Springfield, KY | 859-336-0379 |
Relapse-Prevention.org | 855-786-7669 |
*If it is determined that a perpetrator poses an imminent threat to the broader campus community or if person(s) under 18 years of age are involved, ECTC employees are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator.
ECTC Technology Statement
All courses at ECTC use Blackboard, which is a learning management system. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all ECTC students have a computer with reliable Internet access. Find more info in our ECTC Technology Statement on how to move forward with computers, internet, browsers, and our Help Desk.