ECTC Technology Statement
Computer and Blackboard LMS
All courses at ECTC use Blackboard, which is a learning management system. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all ECTC students have a computer with reliable Internet access. To ensure the most success in your ECTC classes, a modern PC will provide the best experience. A fully capable computer is not a Chromebook or mobile device. Chromebooks are not compatible with many of the course requirements, including the Blackboard LMS. Mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, are not sufficient for completing coursework. Additionally, Mac users experience software compatibility issues, especially with Microsoft Access, so Mac users must secure access to a PC when needed.
Recommended Minimum Technology Specifications
Processor: 1.8+GHz / multi-core
Memory: 8GB
Disk: 256 GB Solid State
Camera: Integrated or standalone webcam
Peripherals: Speakers and microphone (Built-in speakers and microphone are usually standard on newer laptops. Add-on earbuds or headsets with a microphone will produce a higher quality experience when participating in live or recorded classes and working with class materials.)
Operating System: Windows 10 or MacOS
Network: Wireless (802.11g/n/ac) or Gigabit Ethernet (These speeds are assuming a dedicated internet connection with no other devices in use, or streaming, on your network. If you are unsure if your current speed, you can visit a site such as https://fast.com to run a test while connected to your network.)
Internet Speed: Download bandwidth: 5+ Mbps
Display: 1366 x 768, color
Software: Microsoft 365 plus any course required applications. All KCTCS students are eligible for a free license of Microsoft 365 applications. Find more information at https://aka.ms/mysoftware.
Use an Appropriate Browser
Once you have a computer that meets the specifications above, you will also need to ensure that your internet browser is supported by Blackboard. Run the Blackboard Browser Checker to make sure Blackboard supports your browser.
The Help Desk is available to answer your questions about Blackboard. Contact the ECTC Online Technical Help Desk.