Student Recognition Criteria
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) is proud of the many accomplishments of its students and recognizes their academic achievements in various ways through the Dean's List, President's Honor List, annual nominations for Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, annual Honors Recognition Program, and awarding of scholarships to name a few.
Dean's List and President's Honor List
ECTC Students are named to the Dean's List and the President's Honors List only at the end of each Fall and Spring semester (not Summer). The criteria, as set by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, for each are listed below:
7.0 KCTCS Dean's List
A KCTCS full-time student shall be eligible for the Full-Time Student Dean's List and each KCTCS college may include eligible Part-Time Students on a separate Dean's List. Qualified students shall be identified by the student's home college for the Dean's List(s) for the academic term enrolled based on the following academic criteria:
7.0.1 Dean's List Criteria for a KCTCS Full-Time Student
- An enrollee must complete 12 KCTCS semester credits or more for a semester.
- Full-time students earning at least a 3.5 grade point average (GPA) and successfully completing 12 hours or more of course work numbered 100 or above (excluding MA 108) for the academic term shall be included in the Full-Time Student Dean's List.
7.0.2 Dean's List Criteria for a KCTCS Part-Time Student
- An enrollee must complete 3 to 11 semester credits for the academic term.
- Part-time students earning at least a cumulative 3.5 grade point average (GPA) and successfully completing a total of at least 15 KCTCS semester credits of course work numbered 100 or above (excluding MA 108) shall, based on the student's home college, be eligible for Part-Time Student Dean's List for the academic term.
When a college publishes a Part-Time Student Dean's List, eligibility criteria shall be:
- a cumulative 3.5 grade point average (GPA) or higher, and
- a cumulative total of at least 15 KCTCS semester credits.
For a subsequent academic term, a part-time student shall earn:
- at least a 3.5 grade point average (GPA) for the academic term,
- three (3) additional credits or more for the academic term,
- at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA), and
- a cumulative total of 18 KCTCS semester credits or more.
8.0 KCTCS President's Honor List
- A KCTCS full-time degree-seeking student shall be eligible for the Full-Time Student President's Honor List, and each KCTCS college may include eligible part-time degree seeking students on a separate Part-Time Student's President's Honor List.
- Students included in the President's Honor List(s) for an academic term shall not be eligible for inclusion in the Dean's List(s) for that same academic term.
- Qualified students shall be identified by the student's home college for the President's Honor List(s) for the academic term of enrollment based on the following academic criteria.
8.0.1 President's Honor List Criteria for a KCTCS Full-Time Student
- An enrollee must complete at least 12 KCTCS semester credits for the academic term and declare a major in pursuit of a degree within KCTCS degree lists.
- Students who have withdrawn from a course during an academic term shall not be eligible for inclusion on the Full-Time Student President's Honor List.
- Full-time degree seeking students earning a 4.0 grade point average (GPA) and successfully completing at least 12 hours of course work numbered 100 or above (excluding any courses considered developmental) for the academic term shall be included in the Full-Time Student President's Honor List.
8.0.2 President's Honor List Criteria for a KCTCS Part-Time Student
- An enrollee must complete at least 12 KCTCS semester credits in succession without having withdrawn from a course during the successive terms and declare a major in pursuit of a degree within KCTCS degree lists.
- Part-time students earning a 4.0 grade point average (GPA) and successfully completing a total of at least 18 KCTCS semester credits of course work numbered 100 or above (excluding any courses considered developmental) shall, based on the student's home college, be eligible for the Part-Time Student President's Honor List for the academic term.
When a college publishes a Part-Time Student President's Honor List, eligibility criteria shall be:
- a cumulative 4.0 grade point average (GPA), and a cumulative total of at least 18 KCTCS semester credits.
For a subsequent academic term, a part-time degree seeking student shall earn:
- a 4.0 grade point average (GPA) for the academic term,
- three (3) additional credits or more for the academic term,
- a 4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA), and
- a cumulative total of at least 21 KCTCS semester credits.
Honors Recognition Program
The Honors Recognition Program is held at the end of each spring semester. Students are recognized for various achievements to include (but not limited to):
Honor Students (academic achievement)
- (criteria is currently under review...)
4.0 Medallion Graduating Students
- These graduating students must not only meet the criteria to be recognized as an Honor Student but also have maintained a 4.0 gpa throughout their academic career.
Awards and Recognition Plaques (submitted by Program Faculty)
- Students are recognized as outstanding by their individual program/department faculty (i.e., Outstanding Accounting Student, Culinarian of the Year, etc.). The criteria for each is set by the faculty of each program/department and revealed during the presentation at the annual Honors Recognition Program.
Select this link for more information about Scholarships