Industry Partners
Learn more about how the AMAP team can partner with you to help develop a pipeline of talent to your company.
- Over the summer the AMAP Team facilitated an externship program where teachers from
2 different schools districts partnered with area industry partners. This externship
was a wonderful learning experience for the teachers. They learned how to incorporate
real life situations from the world of advanced manufacturing into their classrooms.
By doing so, they will make their lessons more authentic and accessible to their
students. This program also benefits the employers because these teachers will plant
the seed of what Advanced Manufacturing is in their students and what the possibilities
of a career in that area has for them.
- Nucor & Meade County School Externship – 6 teachers from Meade County Schools spend a week at Nucor Steel Brandenburg. During that time, the teachers learned about the different Advanced Manufacturing career pathways and the different opportunities their students might have in the future.
- Externship Videos