November 11, 2022 - Minutes - ECTC Board of Directors Meeting | ECTC

November 11, 2022 - BOD Minutes

ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
ECTC Leitchfield Campus
Friday, November 11, 2022, 9:30 a.m. EST / 8:30 a.m. CST


Attendees Status Attended
Mr. Stan Routt Board Chair Yes
Ms. Kim Huston Board Vice Chair Yes
Mr. Howard Williams Board Secretary Yes
Mr. Mike Phillips Board Member Yes
Mr. Andy Games Board Member No
Mr. Tom Claycomb Board Member No
Mr. Isaiah Dever Board Student Representative No
Ms. Diane Owsley Board Faculty Representative Yes
Ms. Judy Akers Board Staff Representative Yes
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO Ex-Offico Yes
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder Assistant Secretary to the Board Yes


Chair Stan Routt called the regular board meeting to order at 9:43 a.m. EST.


Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

  • Chair Routt welcomed everyone to the board meeting and commended Culinary Arts on the wonderful brunch prepared for the board members. Chair Routt also thanked our veterans and those currently serving.

Approval of Minutes

  • MOTION: Mr. Mike Phillips made the motion to approve the September 9, 2022 minutes as presented and Mr. Howard Williams seconded the motion.
  • VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

New Business

BlueOvalSK Update:
  • Dr. Juston Pate updated board members on the BlueOvalSk (BOSK) battery park project located in Glendale.
  • ECTC now owns the property where the training facility will be constructed. The training facility will be independently operated by ECTC.
  • This site will be considered an ECTC Extension Site.


Provost/CAO Report:

Mr. Darrin Powell, Interim Provost/CAO, shared his report with the board:

  • Curriculum is constantly changing at the college. Our Respiratory and Sonography programs have moved to an 18-month program. Summer sessions have been added and there is some overlap between 1st and 2nd year students. This allows us to graduate more students in a shorter period of time.
  • An Animal Science track has been added to our Agriculture program.
  • CIT has added several new certificates recently, Unix/Linux Platform track.
  • Automotive/Diesel has added a hybrid electric vehicle certificate.
  • A financial track has been added to the Administrative Office Technology program.
  • We are working to bring back our Practical Nursing Program and it will be housed at the ECTC Leitchfield campus.
  • Question: Is ECTC having trouble finding instructors for vacant positions?
  • Answer: Yes. When possible, we use current faculty to teach new classes, but when hiring for a new position we are having difficulty hiring new faculty, particularly in the healthcare and some technical fields. This is not a unique problem for us, this is occurring state-wide.
  • Dual credit accounts for approximately 30.5% of our enrollment thus far during fall 2022. We anticipate this number to increase as the semester continues.
  • In the near future we will be evaluating our online courses with a 21-point rubric generated by the system office.

Chief Finance and Facilities Officer Report:

Mr. Brent Holsclaw, Chief Finance and Facilities Officer, shared his report with the board:


  • Our fall tuition is approximately $200,000 ahead of where we were this time last year, this is a 3% increase compared to this time last year.
  • Salary expenses are about the same as they were this time last year. We currently have 70% of our budget remaining.
  • We have been able to renew a couple facility contracts with a savings between $20-30K annually.
  • The 2023-24 budget work is underway. Our business dean, Joe Mattingly, is meeting with several employees this afternoon to begin the development of the draft 23-24 budget.


  • The $5.1M student center renovation is well under way and is scheduled to be completed in late spring 2023.
  • We chose to use a construction manager for the ECTC training facility at the BOSK Battery Park. The substantial completion date is scheduled for April 25, 2024. Bid packages should go out within the next month and site work will begin in early 2023.
  • Phase I of our library was completed recently and we will soon begin a Phase II project. We will be adding new modern shelving and additional furniture.
  • We hope to begin the planning for the $16.5M OTB Phase I renovation in early spring 2023.
  • All employees will be receiving an Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide. This reference guide was a request made during our recent Active Shooter Training and highlights key procedures to follow during an emergency situation as well as contact names and numbers.

Dean of Institutional Advancement Report:

Ms. Megan Stith shared her report with the board:

  • Our fall 2022 prospects goal was exceeded by 38% and we have a year-over-year increase of 80%.
  • Our fall 2022 applicants goal was missed by just 3% (87 applications).
  • We have revised our communications plan for prospective students, and new applicants with personalized content by program and missing admissions documents.
  • We have increased digital paid advertising, resulting in 428 enrollments for 6,191 credit hours, a return of $24.61 per $1 invested in ads.
  • Social media impressions are up 91% over 2021 to 958,301 as of 10/25/2022.
  • Now that we are back full-time, we have resumed our campus tours and in-person events.
    • Summer Open House series
    • Senior Days early enrollment events
    • 78 recruitment events
    • 59 in-person tours for 2,000 prospects during 2021-22
    • Girls Inc. in October 2022 reached 500+ 9th grade girls
    • 193 customizable online tours since May 2022
  • Grants in process include:
    • Gearing up for Manufacturing
    • Innovation in Healthcare
    • Upward Bound Math & Science
    • 10/1/2021-10/31/2022:
      • $3.5M awarded
      • $882,575 applied, pending review
      • $2.8M applied, not funded
  • Our ECTC Foundation Gala was held September 10, 2022 and will be an annual event.
  • The Institutional Advancement office will send an annual appeal to donors in the near future with the intent to raise funds to benefit the Student Emergency Fund.
  • We are hosting a Thanksgiving Meal Drive. The food collected will be distributed to ECTC students.

Director of Human Resources Report:

Ms. Whitney Taylor shared her report with the board:

  • Board members received a handout detailing our employee demographics.
  • Our current turnover rate is 9%.
  • We have 60 employees that are eligible to retire this year, this is 24.7% of our employees. We have 96 employees who will be eligible to retire within the next five years, this equates to 39.5% of our employees.
  • We have updated our job applicants page online and have streamlined the application process in an effort to improve our applicant pools.
  • We are working to shorten the time it takes for an employee to be fully vested. Currently, an employee must work for five years before they are vested. A possible option that is being considered is a phased vesting time period. For example, an employee may be 25% vested after one year of employment and by three years, they will be fully vested.
  • From the Best Places to Work survey results we learned employees are ready to get back to having social gatherings, so we changed the structure of Kick-Off this past year to meet these requests.
  • We are continually working to increase the average number years of service our employees stay with us.

President/CEO Report:

Dr. Juston Pate shared his report with the board:

  • A $9M addition will be added to the ECTC Leitchfield campus and will house healthcare and manufacturing programs.
  • We are looking to have a presence in Bardstown. We hope to have a part-time position dedicated to Nelson County in the near future. Our long-range plans are to have an academic and non-credit training center located in Bardstown.
  • We have a partnership with Meade Co. Schools College and Career Center and we have access to their facility to offer training in Brandenburg.
  • We are still looking at welding options at our Springfield campus, currently any welding instruction is only available in Elizabethtown and Danville.
  • In an effort to move the college from a reactive state to a proactive state, we have shifted the focus of our marketing and recruitment departments. Rather than telling prospective students what we have done, we now tell them where we are going in the future.
  • We have restructured our Workforce Solutions offerings in a way that better serves our industry. We tailor our courses based on what employees need from their employees, rather than offering a generic training program.
  • Our Commercial Driver's License (CDL) program continues to grow, we have added a third full-time instructor due to demand.
  • ECTC is important to the economic development within our area. For example, when Ford & SK Innovations chose to locate the BlueOvalSK Battery Park in Glendale, ECTC was a factor.
  • Each board member received a copy of the Family Scholar House book "Stories That Define Us, Volume 3" by Julie E. Richardson.


A motion was made by Mr. Howard Williams and seconded by Ms. Kim Huston to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 11:39 a.m. EST.


The February 10, 2023 board meeting will be held in-person at the ECTC main campus.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Emily Allen's signature Emily Allen, Recorder Howard Williams' signature Howard Williams, Secretary