May 10, 2024 - Minutes - ECTC Board of Directors Meeting | ECTC


Board Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2021
September 10, 2021
May 14, 2021 February 12, 2021
November 13, 2020
September 11, 2020
May 8, 2020
February 14, 2020
November 9, 2018
September 21, 2018
May 11, 2018
February 16, 2018


May 10, 2024 - BOD Minutes

ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
Regional Postsecondary Center, Room 200C
Friday, May 10, 2024, 9:30 a.m. EST


Attendees Status Attended
Mr. Stan Routt Board Chair Yes
Ms. Kim Huston Board Vice Chair Yes
Mr. Howard Williams Board Secretary Yes
Mr. Mike Phillips Board Member Yes
Mr. Andy Games Board Member Yes
Mr. Tom Claycomb Board Member Yes
Mr. Ray Springsteen Board Member Yes
Ms. Diane Owsley Board Faculty Representative Yes
Ms. Judy Akers Board Staff Representative Yes
Mr. Jonah Buckley Student Representative No
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO Ex-Offico Yes
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder Assistant Secretary to the Board Yes


Chair Stan Routt called the regular board meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. EST.


Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

  • Chair Routt welcomed everyone and commended ECTC on the wonderful graduation ceremony held Monday, May 6, at Severns Valley Baptist Church. Chair Routt also remarked on fantastic training center ribbon cutting on Wednesday, May 8.
  • Chair Routt commended Culinary Arts for the fantastic breakfast prepared for this board meeting.

Approval of Minutes

  • MOTION: Mr. Mike Phillips made the motion to approve the February 9, 2024 minutes as presented and Mr. Howard Williams seconded the motion.
  • VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

New Business

Election of Officers:
  • A motion was made by Mr. Andy Games and seconded by Mr. Tom Claycomb to re-elect Stan Routt as Chair, Kim Huston as Vice-Chair, Howard Williams as Secretary, and Emily Allen as Assistant Secretary. Motion carried.
Budget Approval:

Mr. Joe Mattingly shared the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 budget with all board members.

  • Operational budget revenue has been increased in FY'25 by $1.2 million.
    • $200,000 increase in appropriations
    • $1,000,000 increase in tuition revenue
      • Increase in credit forecasted by 3,704 credits
      • Caused by $3 increase in the credit price ($186/hr to $189/hr)
  • Budgeted salary adjustments near $1.1 million for cost of living and Huron adjustments.
  • $100,000 strategic increases in discretionary expenses.
  • Increased revenue projections by 6% in comparison to FY'24 budget.
  • Overall operations budget is $33 million.
    • Operational Revenue Breakdown
      • Tuition = 58%
      • State Appropriations = 38%
      • Other sources (noncredit tuition, sales and services, budget reserve, & System contracts)= 5%
    • Operational Expenses Breakdown
      • Personnel= 69%
      • Asset Management= 4%
      • Discretionary Expenses= 27%
    • All Funds Revenue= $67,398,300
      • Tuition                                        $20,583,200
      • State Allocations                         $10,066,400
      • Gov. Grants and Contracts            $18,874,000
      • Noncredit Tuition                         $480,000
      • Private Funds                              $40,800
      • Endowment Income                     $22,000
      • Sales/Services Edu. Activities        $2,107,600
      • Other Sources                             $14,304,800
      • Budget Reserve "NR"                    $909,500
    • All Funds Expenses= $67,398,300
      • Personnel Costs                          $26,271,800
      • Operating Expenses                     $15,524,700
      • Capital Outlay                             $1,679,500
      • Grants in Aid                               $18,237,500
      • Transfers                                    $4,765,300
      • Budget Reserve "NR"                    $919,500
  • A motion was made by Mr. Howard Williams to approve the proposed FY'25 budget and seconded by Mr. Andy Games. Motion carried.
President/CEO Evalution:
  • Prior to the board meeting, Chair Routt distributed an evaluation form for Dr. Pate's performance during the 2023-2024 academic year to all board members. Board members returned their completed evaluation form to Chair Routt prior to the May 10, 2024 board meeting.
  • Chair Routt summarized all responses for each category Dr. Pate was evaluated on including institutional leadership/management, educational leadership/internal relations, external relations, and College Board relations.
  • In summary, Dr. Pate met or exceeded all expectations for each category evaluated.
  • Board members identified important contributions Dr. Pate made that has enabled the college to move forward over the past year and some of the highlights include:
    • Tremendous community level leadership throughout tenure, strong management across several major fronts during one of the biggest regional economic and developmental shifts locally and regionally.
    • Leads from the front, established, and maintained consistent vision of ECTC campus, its regional impacts, and state level buy in and implications.
    • Built high level trust and respect at all levels of community and business ... local, regional, and state.
    • Continuously displayed outstanding strategic vision, planning, and communication specifically regarding budget, capital projects and fundraising, operational initiatives, student retention/success, integration of Family Scholar House capabilities, integration of the BlueOval SK site and customer relationships, and ECTC staff.
    • Continued to broaded key stakeholder buy in, interest, and involvement in championing ECTC's organizational success.
    • Continued to strengthen his relationships with students and staff; they trust him and his judgement; follow him faithfully.
    • Business and industry within the 10-county region seek him out and he has likewise taken steps to identify areas of growth by region/county to meet growing needs.
    • Accomplished some of the highest retention and graduation rates ever.
    • The continuation of his presence with state government officials on the new BlueOval campus.
    • Dr. Pate has created an environment within the community where ECTC is more connected than ever before. This includes close connections with (1) BlueOval and the business community, (2) support community through the foundation, (3) diversity programs including the Beacons of Light program, and (4) local high schools and college credit programs.
  • The board identified issues or concerns for Dr. Pate to focus on during the 2024-2025 academic year and these include:
    • Working with KCTCS to continue the advancement of the community college system. KCTCS is a great organization teaching the future workforce for our communities and collaboration within the system to share ideas on how to continue the growth within the system to provide high quality education for anyone looking to better themselves.
    • Continue proactive strategic planning, conservative budgeting practices, initiatives to properly compensate and retain staff, and enhance student success.
    • Continue open communication with all parties and open dialogue on ECTC operational and business aspects.
    • Continue focusing on concerns that arise in the same manner he has addressed past challenges.
    • Keep moving forward as he has done.
    • Ensure sound integration of operational budget and sustainability plan for the new BlueOval campus.
    • Continue enhancing ECTC value to the community and it's stakeholders.
    • BlueOval related growth-The community will experience incredible growth in the next ten years. ECTC will be an extremely important part of this growth and the community's success. Ensuring that the college is positioned with the right strategy and programs to support the community is vital.
    • Relevance -ECTC has done an incredible job of finding ways to be relevant to the community's educational needs. The coding program, trade school support, BlueOval and other efforts have helped position ECTC well for the future. Ensuring that ECTC continues to evolve with the changing educational needs of the community is an important issue.
    • Public/Community Funding - The state sees value in the community college system. Working to ensure that both the government and business community is willing to make the large investments needed to maintain a valuable public community college system is a concern.
  • A motion was made by Mr. Andy Games and seconded by Mr. Mike Phillips to approve the board summary of Dr. Pate's evaluation; motion carried.


President/CEO Report:

Dr. Juston Pate shared his report with the board:

  • Looking forward to the 2024-2025 academic year, our college will focus heavily on two main areas: student support/success and a comprehensive advising plan. Additionally, Dr. Pate noted the importance of developmental education for students needing extra assistance in completing their educational goals.
  • Dr. Pate expressed how proud he is of ECTC and of how well the college has integrated within our community.
  • Dr. Pate invited all board members to attend the campus-wide meeting scheduled for 11:00
    a.m. where he will give a budget and facilities update. Additionally, board members were invited to attend the Board of Directors Faculty and Staff Appreciation luncheon at 11:30 a.m. in the newly renovated Student Center.


A motion was made by Mr. Howard Williams and seconded by Mr. Andy Games to adjourn the meeting; motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 10:28 a.m. EST.


The September 13, 2024 board meeting will be held at the Elizabethtown campus.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Emily Allen's signature Emily Allen, Recorder Howard Williams' signature Howard Williams, Secretary