February 10, 2023 - BOD Minutes
ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
ECTC Main Campus - RPC 200C, Board Room
Friday, February 10, 2023, 9:30 a.m. EST
Attendees | Status | Attended |
Mr. Stan Routt | Board Chair | Yes |
Ms. Kim Huston | Board Vice Chair | Yes |
Mr. Howard Williams | Board Secretary | Yes |
Mr. Mike Phillips | Board Member | Yes |
Mr. Andy Games | Board Member | Yes |
Mr. Tom Claycomb | Board Member | Yes |
Ms. Diane Owsley | Board Faculty Representative | Yes |
Ms. Judy Akers | Board Staff Representative | Yes |
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO | Ex-Offico | Yes |
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder | Assistant Secretary to the Board | Yes |
Chair Stan Routt called the regular board meeting to order at 9:41 a.m. EST.
Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements
- Chair Routt welcomed everyone to the board meeting and commended Culinary Arts on the outstanding brunch prepared for the board members.
Approval of Minutes
- MOTION: Mr. Mike Phillips made the motion to approve the November 11, 2022 minutes as presented and Ms. Kim Huston seconded the motion.
- VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
New Business
Six-Year Plan:
- Dr. Juston Pate reminded Board members of the importance of our Six-Year Plan. In order for ECTC to use funds to complete projects on campus they must first be included within the Six-Year Plan and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Mr. Brent Holsclaw distributed a Six-Year Plan handout to each board member which outlined each anticipated project and the biennium the project is scheduled to fall within.
- Question: Would it be possible, if necessary, to change the plan after it has been approved if a need arises?
- Answer: If necessary, the plan is amendable if a necessity arises and the needs of the college change.
- Question: How does this plan tie in with the anticipated Occupational Technical Building renovation?
- Answer: This plan ties in very well, included within the proposed plan are the renovations for the 200 and 300 wings of the Occupational Technical Building.
- Question: Is there any more information to share at this time on the Engineering building with the University of Louisville?
- Answer: Conversations began with the University of Louisville some time ago and the new UofL President is fully on board with this plan.
- Question: Where would the two new buildings proposed be located?
- Answer: At this time a specific location has not been determined, but a new building will be constructed for the Engineering building and a new building for the Performing Arts & Events Center.
- Mr. Howard Williams made a motion to approve the Six-Year Plan as presented, Mr. Andy Games seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.
Family Scholar House:
- We recently received word that we have been approved to receive two-thirds tax credits to build a Family Scholar House campus on our grounds. This campus will be a 48-unit facility. ECTC will be responsible for raising approximately $5.5 million and will receive about $10 million from external sources.
- This project will be the first of its kind for the Family Scholar House, this will be the first location of theirs on a community college's campus.
- Dr. Pate proposed holding a Board of Directors meeting at the Family Scholar House located in Louisville.
Board of Directors Handbook:
- Prior to the Board of Directors meeting, the current Board of Directors Handbook was emailed to each board member for review and reference. Each board member was encouraged to review the handbook in its entirety.
Chief Institutional Advancement Officer Report:
Dr. Megan Stith shared her report with the board:
- The 2022 Viewbook was shared with each board member. This book includes information on programs offered, transfer opportunities, support services, 8-Week Advantage, tuition rates, etc.
- A Growth and Support handout was distributed to each board member. This handout summarizes ECTC's growth over the last ten years, 2012-2022, and includes numbers from appropriations, tuition, gifts, and grants.
Chief Student Officer Report:
Dr. Corina Langford shared her report with the board:
- Our enrollment numbers this year are up, 4,375, compared to last fiscal year, 4,061.
- We are taking a holistic approach in Student Affairs in an effort to increase enrollment and retention.
- In looking at the leakage report, our goal is to bring more students in than the number of students going out. The leakage report looks at the number of students we lose to another school within KCTCS.
- A new drop process has been implemented within Student Affairs and it includes working with the Family Scholar House. When a student elects to drop a class, the Registrar's office will determine the reason for the decision to drop a class. If applicable, Lynnette Kennedy, with the Family Scholar House, will reach out to the student to assess if she can help in any way. From there, Lynnette will notify Student Affairs to hold off on dropping the class or if Student Affairs should proceed with dropping the class as requested by the student.
- Future goals of Student Affairs include:
- Create streamlined services for our students:
- Welcome and Advising will be connecting their suites.
- Military Services & Veteran Affairs will be combining their suites.
- Create a more welcoming environment by changing many of our stand-up cubicles to more inviting sit-down stations.
- Create a more collegiate atmosphere by adhering to KCTCS college branding guides and colors.
- Create streamlined services for our students:
Chief Finance and Facilities Officer Report:
Mr. Brent Holsclaw shared his report with the board:
- Currently, we are approximately $135,000 ahead of where we were this time last year.
- With 5 months remaining in the fiscal year, we have 46% of our salary budget remaining and 44% of our discretionary budget remaining.
- The FY23-24 budget planning is in process and will be ready for board approval during the May Board of Directors meeting. Once approved by the board, the FY23-24 budget will go to the Board of Regents for final approval.
- A FY23-24 Project Management Progression Update document was distributed to board members. This document lists all current facility projects, the start date, architect, progress updates, projected completion, projected budget, the funding source, the final budget, and tasks to be completed.
Chief Community and Economic Development Officer (Workforce Solutions) Report:
Mr. Mike Hazzard shared his report with the board:
- Our Workforce Solutions unit can offset the cost of training up to 75% through our KCTCS TRAINS funding.
- Currently, we have 24 open projects utilizing TRAINS funds totaling $1,957,325. Since July 1, 2022, we have completed and closed 22 projects which utilized $995,606 from TRAINS funding.
- To date, 44 companies have been served with TRAINS funds.
- Our Commercial Drive Licensing program has increased dramatically. We will have 14 classes total from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. Our projected number of students is 143, this is up 60 students from last year.
- To date, we have had 83 students complete the program this fiscal year and 100% have obtained their CDL license.
- A new truck is set to be delivered April 2023.
- ECTC KY FAME Apprenticeship goals:
- Increase KY FAME participation to 10-15 Hardin/Meade County students.
- Build stable KT FAME sponsor network.
- Strengthen collaborative efforts with regional technical schools.
- Our Greater Knox Coding Academy recently completed a CompTIA A+ certification class and we are searching for a CompTIA Sec+ Instructor.
- Opportunities for growth within our Coding Academy include ethical hacking certification, business social media, and Microsoft Office certification.
- On January 31, ECTC had a virtual learning day due to inclement weather. We had five employees come to campus to ensure the technical program tours with representatives from BOSK would continue as scheduled.
- ECTC has partnered with the Kentucky Distillers' Association and the Kentucky Chamber to promote the Enhanced Operator certificate to local distilleries.
Chief Human Resources Officer Report:
Ms. Whitney Taylor shared her report with the board:
- The KCTCS Board of Regents approved an RFP to study system-wide compensation levels, equity, and system resource optimization. KCTCS has partnered with Huron Consulting Group for this review. This will be an inclusive process with dozens of focus group interviews, crossfunctional advisory teams, cross-functional work stream leads, and visits to all 16 colleges.
- Huron will assess space utilization assessment, academic programming optimization, financials and organization assessment, compensation and equity, and career framework to define career paths, compensation compared to market and internal equity.
- Mr. Darrin Powell has served as interim Provost for the last few years and has done a wonderful job in this role. We have begun our search for a new Provost/Chief Academic Officer. We hope to hold interviews in April and have a new Provost/CAO selected sometime in May.
President/CEO Report:
Dr. Juston Pate shared his report with the board:
- Moving forward, the Department of Revenue will no longer be able to collect our bad debt. Typically, we have about $800,000 worth of bad debt and the DOR would collect about $600,000 for us compared to a third party who would typically collect approximately $300,000. Additionally, we are no longer able to withhold transcripts of students who have not paid. These are factors we will need to keep in mind as we plan the FY24 budget.
- During the May 12, 2023 Board of Directors meeting, the board will approve the FY24 budget and will evaluate the performance of the President/CEO.
Closing Remarks:
Important upcoming dates include:
- March 6-12: Spring Break
- March 16: Profiles of Excellence
- May 8: Commencement
- May 12: Board of Directors Meeting, Board of Directors Faculty/Staff Appreciation Luncheon
A motion was made by Mr. Mike Phillips and seconded by Mr. Howard Williams to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:39 a.m. EST.
The May 12, 2023 board meeting will be held in-person at the ECTC main campus.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,