September 8, 2023 - Minutes - ECTC Board of Directors Meeting | ECTC

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Jan. 6 and 7 are Virtual Learning Days. While classes do not begin until Jan. 13, services will be provided virtually Jan. 6 and 7, including the scheduled Express Enrollment


Board Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2021
September 10, 2021
May 14, 2021 February 12, 2021
November 13, 2020
September 11, 2020
May 8, 2020
February 14, 2020
November 9, 2018
September 21, 2018
May 11, 2018
February 16, 2018


September 8, 2023 - BOD Minutes

ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
ECTC Main Campus - RPC 200C, Board Room
Friday, May 12, 2023, 9:30 a.m. EST


Attendees Status Attended
Mr. Stan Routt Board Chair Yes
Ms. Kim Huston Board Vice Chair No
Mr. Howard Williams Board Secretary Yes
Mr. Mike Phillips Board Member Yes
Mr. Andy Games Board Member Yes
Mr. Tom Claycomb Board Member Yes
Mr. Ray Springsteen Board Member No
Ms. Diane Owsley Board Faculty Representative Yes
Ms. Judy Akers Board Staff Representative Yes
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO Ex-Offico Yes
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder Assistant Secretary to the Board Yes


Chair Stan Routt called the regular board meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. EST.


Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

  • Chair Routt welcomed everyone to the board meeting.
  • Chair Routt commended Culinary Arts on the fantastic breakfast prepared for this board meeting.

Approval of Minutes

  • MOTION: Mr. Howard Williams made the motion to approve the May 12, 2023 minutes as presented and Mr. Mike Phillips seconded the motion.
  • VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


Chief Finance and Facilities Officer Report:

Mr. Brent Holsclaw shared his report with the board:


  • Our expenditures versus our revenue is in line with the prior year.
  • Our overall expenses are at 21% of our budget and this time last year we spent 18% of our budget.
  • We received the $4/credit hour increase for this academic year, which equates to approximately $350,000. We also received a $2,000/employee pay raise which equates to $500,000.


  • Our signage project is nearing 100% completion.
  • The Student Center renovation is currently underway, and our goal is to have substantial completion by the end of this month.
  • The Glendale Training Center is a $25 million project and is currently ahead of schedule. The total square footage of this project is 42,000 sq. ft.
  • Our science building may have a possible addition in the form of a southern expansion and/or a western expansion. Currently, we have approximately $6.8 million dedicated to this project, in order to incorporate both expansions we would need an additional $1.5-2 million.
  • The Occupational Technical Building 100 renovation will house the Advanced Manufacturing programs.
  • New construction is scheduled to take place at our Leitchfield campus to house Allied Health programs and a new pavilion.
  • Roadwork will take place on our main campus near the proposed Family Scholar House location. Traffic patterns will be modified in an effort to provide safe and efficient flow of traffic once the Family Scholar House 48-unit complex has been completed.

Chief Institutional Advancement Officer Report:

Dr. Megan Stith shared her report with the board:

  • This past summer we provided externships for teachers to visit several manufacturing facilities.
  • We are continuing our partnership with the Metallica Scholars Program. Each month a student is selected to be recognized as a Metallica Scholar and receive a $500 scholarship.
  • We have purchased several virtual reality headsets to give prospective students a VR experience of various programs and career paths.
  • A grant we recently received in partnership with the Council on Postsecondary Education provides funding to host dual credit nights giving students and their parents an informative session highlighting dual credit options.
  • Our prospective student numbers are up 6% compared to this time last year.
  • Our Student Emergency Fund has supported 34 students since its inception during the COVID-19 pandemic. The total amount awarded is $16,081 and the average need is $473. Top student needs include food and household supplies, transportation, and housing. Of the 34 students who received financial assistance, 31 continued their education.
  • Our Family Scholar House office has served a total of 712 students and provided 2,803 services to our students.
  • We are currently in a fundraising campaign to construct a 48-unit housing facility for the Family Scholar House on our main campus. As of today, we have enough demand and need from our student population to fill this complex and place twice as many on a waitlist. In terms of funding, we are approximately two-thirds of the way toward meeting our goal.

Provost/Chief Academic Officer Report:

Dr. Telly Sellars shared his report with the board:

  • Dr. Sellars is completing his 5th week here at ECTC and is in the process of meeting with various regional high schools, Area Technology Centers, and recently met with our team at Ft. Knox.
  • Dr. Sellars will be participating in Leadership Hardin County this year and will use this opportunity to begin building relationships within our community.
  • We are preparing for our SACSCOC Fifth Year Report update in September 2024.
  • A Dual Credit taskforce has been created to improve the dual credit process and experience for our students and participating high schools.
  • The Council on Postsecondary Education is currently reviewing academic programs across the state.
  • KCTCS is in the process of creating artificial intelligence workgroups.

President's Report:

Dr. Juston Pate shared his report with the board:

  • Darrin Powell is now serving in his new role as Workforce Solutions Director.
  • ECTC continues to partner with BOSK in providing onboarding space and training for BOSK employees.
  • We have continued to educate legislators on the importance of keeping dual credit fees at 50% in order for us to break even on tuition revenue.
  • Additionally, we continue to emphasize the importance of gaining support for the Occupational Technical Building phase II project, this project has been listed as the #1 KCTCS capital construction project for 15 years.
  • ECTC continues to advocate for Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship funding.
  • We may see another bill proposed calling for the right to carry guns on college campuses. Dr. Pate will advocate on behalf higher education professionals and KCTCS and will not support this action.
  • Student Affairs is working diligently to improve the student advising process by developing a comprehensive advising plan. ECTC is in the process of investing into EduNav, a software designed to streamline the advising process and provide a better experience for students, faculty and staff.


The Culinary Arts Wild Game dinner has been scheduled for November 3, 2023.

Chair Routt reviewed the important dates listed on the agenda.


A motion was made by Mr. Howard Williams and seconded by Mr. Mike Phillips to adjourn the meeting; motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m. EST.


The November 10, 2023 board meeting will be held at our Springfield campus.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Emily Allen's signature Emily Allen, Recorder Howard Williams' signature Howard Williams, Secretary