November 1, 2019 - Minutes - ECTC Board of Directors Meeting | ECTC

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Jan. 6 and 7 are Virtual Learning Days. While classes do not begin until Jan. 13, services will be provided virtually Jan. 6 and 7, including the scheduled Express Enrollment


Board Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2021
September 10, 2021
May 14, 2021 February 12, 2021
November 13, 2020
September 11, 2020
May 8, 2020
February 14, 2020
November 9, 2018
September 21, 2018
May 11, 2018
February 16, 2018


November 1, 2019 - BOD Minutes

ECTC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting


  • Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
  • ECTC Springfield Campus
  • Friday, November 1, 2019, 9:30 a.m. EST


Attendees Status Attended
Mr. Tim Gossett Board Chair Yes
Dr. Steven Sargeant Board Member Yes
Mr. Paul Witten Board Member Yes
Ms. Carla Hornback Board Faculty Representative No
Ms. Judy Akers Board Staff Representative Yes
Mr. William Cole, Jr. Board Student Representative No
Dr. Juston C. Pate, President/CEO Ex-Offico Yes
Ms. Emily Allen, Recorder Assistant Secretary to the Board Yes


Chair Gossett called the regular board meeting to order at 9:48 a.m. EST.


Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

  • Chair Gossett welcomed everyone to the ECTC Springfield campus.

Approval of Minutes

  • MOTION: Ms. Judy Akers made the motion to approve the September 13, 2019 minutes as presented and Dr. Steven Sargeant seconded the motion.
  • VOTE: The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

Old Business

15-to-Finish Scholarship:
  • Dr. Steve Sargeant offered to contact various businesses within our service region in an effort to raise funds for the 15-to-Finish Scholarship. Megan Stith will send Dr. Sargeant a list of contacts and organizations and Judy Akers will assist in updating contacts.
  • The 15-to-Finish financial need is estimated to be approximately $100k-120K per year.

New Business

Mobile Training Unit Tour:
  • Board members toured the new mobile training unit prior to the board meeting being called to order.


Provost/CAO Report:

Mr. Darrin Powell, Interim Provost/CAO, presented the Provost/CAO report:

  • Total enrollment is up 236 from this time last year. Spring enrollment is currently up 2% over this time last year.
  • Factors that have contributed to this increase include advisors encouraging students to register earlier and the Franklin Covey 4DX training currently being completed by faculty and staff.
  • ECTC is exploring new programs with various counties for the dual credit program.
  • To date, four University Center partners have signed MOA's.
  • The Career Skills Program has kicked off with a soft start; we anticipate higher enrollment numbers during spring 2020.
  • Our Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is underway. We are using active learning to teach soft skills in the classroom. Mentors are training faculty in the active learning methodology.
  • The Advisory Committee Dinner was held October 29, 2019. Advisory board meetings provide our programs with valuable insight from community and industry leaders.
  • Question: Would it be possible to gain information on the faculty/staff satisfaction rate, retention rate, and turnover rate? In November 2019 ECTC employees will have the opportunity to complete a "Best Places to Work" survey. The results of this survey will be shared with the board during the February 2020 board meeting. According to Human Resources ECTC currently has a 4% voluntary turnover rate.

Chief Student Affairs Officer Report:

Dr. Dale Buckles shared his report with the Board members:

  • Amy Ball, a 34 year employee of ECTC, retired October 31, 2019. Amy has been a valuable member of the Student Affairs unit for many years.
  • Kali Buchanan is now the Director of Career Services.
  • Beginning Monday, February 4, Corey Travis will begin as a new advisor in our advising center.
  • The Assessment Center offers a variety of testing for our service area ranging from real estate, HVAC, surgical tech, FBI, post office, fitness trainers, placement testing, industry testing, proctored exams for online colleges, cosmetology, GED, insurance, etc.
  • Currently, there are 17 active clubs on campus this semester.

Dean of Institutional Advancement Report:

Ms. Megan Stith shared her report with the Board members:

  • ECTC led the Kentucky Community and Technical College system with the highest number of students taking advantage of the Work Ready Scholarship, just over $800,000 was awarded to ECTC students.
  • The recruitment team is now fully staffed. We have a new director of recruitment, Sarah Berkshire, a traditional recruiter, Mattie Cook, and a non-traditional recruiter, Mary Donovan, on staff now.
  • Several new scholarships have been created and funded with $145,000 in gifts for ECTC students.
  • A "Thank-a-Thon" will be held November 6 and 7. This event will give students an opportunity to thank faculty and staff who have made a difference in their educational journey.
  • The Profiles of Excellence event will be held November 14 in the James S. Owen building, Morrison Gallery.

President's Report:

Dr. Juston Pate shared the President's report and the Chief Finance and Facilities report with the board:

  • Dr. Pate shared renderings with the board for the proposed occupational technical building renovation.
  • Kris Wood, Dean of Business, will be retiring in December. Joe Mattingly, currently an employee at our system office, will begin as the new Dean of Business after Ms. Wood's retirement.
  • To date, $11.8 of $15 million in budgeted revenue has come in; the state's allocation of $11.2 million is on track as well. ECTC has currently expended 31% of our estimated budget.
  • SACS has had an opportunity to review our monitoring reports which show ECTC is in good standing financially. ECTC has received confirmation of our accreditation.
  • Recently, ECTC has focused on hiring the necessary number of employees to complete the work needed to serve our region. Looking forward, we will look at employees receiving compensation to meet market value.
  • Parking lots have been repaired, resealed, and restriped.
  • ADA operations are currently being upgraded.
  • An emergency/active shooter training was held on campus for all employees on October 18.
  • A behavioral intervention team (BIT) has been formed on our main campus to assist students with challenging issues, including mental health challenges, before problems arise.
  • ECTC is planning to work at Nucor to develop a curriculum that will train and prepare students to work at Nucor. Additionally, ECTC is exploring a reciprocity agreement with southern Indiana, currently under negotiation between the Council on Postsecondary Education and Indiana. The benefit of this agreement is students interested in advanced manufacturing and living in southern Indiana will have more affordable tuition rates and will receive the proper training to work at Nucor.
  • The coding academy program is currently in the planning process. This program will educate, train, and prepare students to take the required coding licensing exams needed to work at Ft. Knox. This will be a 17-week program and costs for students are anticipated to be approximately $10,000. Space on our main campus will be renovated for this program. Students who successfully complete the exam and gain employment at Ft. Knox will start at no less than $50,000/year. Currently, there are approximately 200 coding job vacancies at Ft. Knox. Additionally, students who complete the program and pass the exam will earn 19 credit hours towards our IT degree.
  • ECTC will conduct an economic impact study this year.


A motion was made by Ms. Judy Akers and seconded by Mr. Paul Witten to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m. EST.


The February 14, 2020, board meeting will be held at the ECTC Leitchfield campus.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Signature of Emily Allen, Recorder Emily Allen, Recorder Signature of Steven Sargeant, Secretary Steven Sargeant, Secretary